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The FUTURE of this game.


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Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

-You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



Summer/Fall 2012.

-You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.

Edited by sjwho
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lol. ME3 = not an MMORPG. i'll beat it in one weekend and then go back to swtor.


wait. You think SWTOR is an mmorpg/??


Its more of a single player game with co-op. Actually, it fits singleplayer a lot more than MMO.

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Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

-You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



Summer/Fall 2012.

-You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.


I hate to agree with you but I do. I did my first warzone other day and it was one of the most miserable experiences I've ever had, and I was looking for an exit after the first 5 minutes. It was like being trapped in the car as a kid with my parents on vacation all over again.


I give the game 6 months also, unless some MAJOR design overhauls are implemented - which I doubt happens. Let's hope this game wasn't the next "evolution" of the MMORPG like BioWare claims, else good chance MMORPGs are going to become an endangered species.

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I don't see everyone liking GW2 pvp


Now I think the pvp in this game is only ok but I like to pick my warzone I really only like the Adderan Warzone, Hutball I see why others like it but its weird, and Vodstar where im not a great player your team need to know what to do to even do well in it 99% of the time its not happening at least if you solo.



I wouldn't mine losing some of the solo quest players at least less people complain about having no end game


Then it just be long term mmo players complaining news flash content take time to make WoW been out for years and barley anyone plays the original raids anymore.

Edited by PoisonedTea
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Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

-You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



Summer/Fall 2012.

-You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.


Do you have stock numbers for the next six months as well? Your predictions intrigue me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

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Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

-You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



Summer/Fall 2012.

-You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.


You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are dreaming if you think this game will go F2P at all imo. See what i did there..........

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wait. You think SWTOR is an mmorpg/??


Its more of a single player game with co-op. Actually, it fits singleplayer a lot more than MMO.


It's massive...

It's multiplayer...

It's online...


It certainly fits the English language's definition of an MMO.


Is it what you wanted or expected? Maybe not. Maybe it's changing the genre.



Edited by Torenator
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It's massive...

It's multiplayer...

It's online...


It's certainly fits the English language's definition of an MMO.


Is it what you wanted or expected? Maybe not. Maybe it's changing the genre.




So by that definition. Resident Evil 5 is an mmorpg.



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It's massive...

It's multiplayer...

It's online...


It's certainly fits the English language's definition of an MMO.


Is it what you wanted or expected? Maybe not. Maybe it's changing the genre.






It's not massive. I was level 50 within a month and had already seen every planet.


It's not really multiplayer either. It is ridiculously easy to solo on this game - and grouping up is almost enitirely optional.


It's just like the other guy said. It's a single player action/adventure game with a co op mode if you choose.


This game isn't changing anything. It's just pretending to be something it isn't.

Edited by JeremyDale
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Well, I don't know if that game qualifies as massive, but I doubt it. I've never played it so you tell me...


How many different servers do they have to support the playerbase?


Having a lot of servers doesn't make the game itself massive.


That's like saying a 5 minute movie is really long because the theatre has a lot of seats.

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It's not massive. I was level 50 within a month and had already seen every planet.


It's not really multiplayer either. It is ridiculously easy to solo on this game - and grouping up is almost enitirely optional.


It's just like the other guy said. It's a single player action/adventure game with a co op mode if you choose.


This game isn't changing anything. It's just pretending to be something it isn't.




Can I have your stuff too?

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Well, I don't know if that game qualifies as massive, but I doubt it. I've never played it so you tell me...


How many different servers do they have to support the playerbase?


So MMO is server based. Really?


I know quite a few mmorpg's that only have the NA/EU option for servers, including re5.


But point is, this game is single player. You play the most with yourself. And instance with friends.


Definition of single player with co-op right there lol.

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Can I have your stuff too?


My stuff is bound, how would I give it to you even if I wanted to? lol


And I'm not quitting the game. Least not yet. Just because I'm being honest about the game doensn't mean i'm quitting. I"m going to stick around till March and see what the legacy thingy adds.


But this game isn't a MMORPG. It just isn't. It's basically like borderlands only with a wow-cloned "endgame" attached to it. This is no MMORPG.

Edited by JeremyDale
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Having a lot of servers doesn't make the game itself massive.


That's like saying a 5 minute movie is really long because the theatre has a lot of seats.


No, it's like saying the movie theater is massive because it has a lot of seats. The game, in your analogy, is the theater AND the movie.

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ME3 co-op is meh.


Give me Demon's Souls or Dark Souls style world invasions any day!


Would be awesome to break into someone's ME3 game as a playable Harbinger and try to wreck them. Complete with "this hurts you" and "I know you feel this" taunts!

Edited by marshalleck
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This game is in really bad shape.


The PvP is absolutely broken and imbalanced. It's probably the worst PvP I've ever experienced as far as balance goes.


Flashpoints? Have you tried to find a group? Without an LFG tool, Flashpoints are hard to get a group together for.


Ilum. Do I even need to mention how horrible this place is.


Bugs. Bugs. Bugs. Oh so many bugs. This is still in Beta once you get to the late game. It's so buggy.


Customer Service. Wait, what customer service? Those that answer the bug replies in game are idiots, I tell them where a bug is, what it is, and then they ask for useless info. Hell, they can't even track what character and server I sent the bug from? Seriously?


No cross-server anything. Do I have to mention what a mistake this is?


This game needs some huge fixes and it needs them now. Once I finish all the class stories, I might be done with this game, because that's the only good part. The game, as an MMO, fails badly.

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