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Are You Feeling "Burned Out" by SWTOR?


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I've had this account for what, maybe a month now, and I'm already getting that burned-out feeling too. I know the yardstick linearity (is that even a word?) makes my eye twitch, so that's definitely part of it. I like the game for the most part, but I know it'll be rough leveling alts if they have to go the exact same direction every time.
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"i've played the same game for over a month now and I can't understand why I'm getting burned out!!!!!"







Yes, you can make the argument that previous MMOs have come and not left you feeling burned out, and this is yet another reason why swtor has left you feeling burnt out. If you try and tell me that after a month or so of going hardcore in any MMO doesn't leave you standing around jumping in the main town over and over not doing much, you're probably lying.


Moderation is key in all facets of life.

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youre burnt out of the genre , period


go and fire up any RPG with a similar mechanic and ui and i promise you will feel exactly the same, it happens, go play a different genre or fire up the ole PS3 and hammer a few of them titles you got unfinished..


sorry bout it, it happened to me a few times in the past a break always seems to renew my interest when i came back

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I think the problem is that I personally feel that I've been thrown into a world that I'm being allowed to interact with, but which I'm not allowed to make a home in. It's pretty much frozen in time outside of the story interactions. This horse has long been ground to dust, but the world is just too static.


For example, in Lord of the Rings Online, you have the inhabitants of the world running around, talking, having parties, drinking, and all sorts of other things. Even the bad guys have their own purposeful actions much of the time, such as sleeping and building weapons. Here, you have NPCs standing around and overhear their conversations as they continue to stand there looking at each other. The baddies are always standing in groups of three-five with a few roamers who don't have anything in particular to do. Like someone else said, everything is too linear.


Questgiver: "Here are some bad guys who are doing something bad. Kill them." I find the bad guys, and (in general) they actually don't seem to be doing anything all that bad aside from wanting to kill me. Even when they have captives, the baddies just stand there looking at them, as if they don't know what to do next. This may seem like nitpicking, but since technology can't afford to have thousands of NPCs in a single area, the quality of involvement between them and the game world makes an huge difference in the immersion that the player experiences.


In addition, some sort of personal space that allows for customization helps to create the feeling that something has actually been accomplished. Using LOTRO as an example again, you can take cool-looking trophies from low and high-level missions, or just go back to the areas you liked and buy items to put in your space or even wear cosmetically. Turbine has made it so that you really CONNECT with the game world. They've done a lot of things wrong lately, but this is far from being one of them.


Anyway, I have a lot of other thoughts about this. It seems that Bioware didn't really care about making a dynamic world to be shared in the community as much as they did guaranteeing an awesome but limited individual experience.


You sir, are the first person I came across on a forums that uses LOTRO as an example instead of the meh, WOW....


I too came from LOTRO background and totally agree with you. Like in shire you can see hobbits cooking, farming, drinking... enemy NPCs are also going about their activities until you hit aggro range. But i vaguely remember there isnt a cosmetic option when LOTRO first launched.


Another thing that captured me from LOTRO is character abilities customization. It first started out with slotting of abilities like 5 in red line 2 in blue line (sorry i kinda forgot whats that called) that give small increase in stats, then totally revamped it when Mines of Moria came out to behave slightly similiar to WoW's talent tree yet unique in its own sense. I totally give it as I can more or less respec, mix and match abilities to really have the playstyle you want...


Perhaps we really have to give Bioware sometime to implement all these goodies and I hope they really follow's the LOTRO game design :D

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I just got done ending my sub.


Really I see no point in playing this game any longer, the game is boring there's nothing to really hold me here. Every storyline is about the same, there's really little point to playing Republic when the Sith stuff has been done just so much better. The PvP is broken, there's no real RP on any of the servers and know what? I don't 'want' story I 'want' a game.


I can't believe I'm saying this but I would have rather they just took everything that worked in SWG before the CU and used that in TOR it would have made it a better game.

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I just got done ending my sub.


Really I see no point in playing this game any longer, the game is boring there's nothing to really hold me here. Every storyline is about the same, there's really little point to playing Republic when the Sith stuff has been done just so much better. The PvP is broken, there's no real RP on any of the servers and know what? I don't 'want' story I 'want' a game.


I can't believe I'm saying this but I would have rather they just took everything that worked in SWG before the CU and used that in TOR it would have made it a better game.


I've played Agent/Inquis/Bh story to 50 and Warrior to 40... You sir are filthy liar. Then again, I guess every story would be the same when you space bar it.

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I have been off with the game for a while now. I talked to another player I know and here are my thoughts,


1) The game is too much on the "rails" . Everything is very driven towards a specific point. You go quest hub to quest hub and never really explore. With the odd invisbile wall mechanic its even worse. Wow allowed and reward exploration as did a few other MMORPG this is very go to point A then B.


2) The travel/load times are too long when its either the planet your on to level or fleet. There needs to be a quicker way not just to get to fleet but to get back to where you were. Or fleet should not be required to do/turn in quest.


3) As other have stated the game feels stale. The NPCs and mobs are just standing around for no real reason what so ever it makes the game feel odd.


4) While the main story is good the side quest are poor. You are normal sent out to be the hero, you kill stuff come back "Yippy you saved us" yet oddly the world doesn't change at all.


5) Final for me playing with my Wife this game is not multi player friendly. The ships, story instances some times even quest mechanics don't work well with pairs or more. Flashpoints which could be the saviors of multi player activites are off in fleet. With no looking for group. I don't want cross server just a simple in server chat or lfg tool.

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You know, I think the fact that they removed about 25% of content from BETA if not more attributes to this.

But it's okay, they'll release it as a patch or have us buy an expansion to get what should have been here in the first place.


Swear to god, they took out the best things pretty much.

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The lack of any freedom at all is killing my will to play. It's burning it out, ,yes.

Restrictions everywhere. I remember raging about those on the forum in 2010 and 2011, but we weren't listened.

So now we can only use 1 weapon type per Advanced Class, colours are restricted, Bioware brought the crappy Soulbound system to this game too, traveling is bad...

I don't know, those things just pile up, it's like you can't do anything you want, and that's not what you'd expect from Star Wars, you have a whole universe and endless possibilities, yet all I see are restrictions.

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The world doesn't feel static at all. Maybe take some time to actually look around. NPCs are doing all sorts of different things.


I was burned out after 100 or so hours. Took a few days off and now I'm probably getting close to 200 hours. I'm feeling the spark more and more. My biggest problem is deciding what to do when I log on. There are so many options


It doesn't feel too linear at all to me. Only the companions being linked to story progression kind of annoys me.

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You're out of content, and most of the repeatable stuff is time-locked.


I was shocked to discover that HM BT had a daily lockout; logging in to go through the motions of running down a checklist of daily content seems more like a chore/job than any MMO grind I can think of offhand.


And what do they think players are going to do besides log-off and question the value of their subscription when confronted by lockouts on PUG content, a heavy crutch on repeatable daily quests, etc.


That's one of those myths about casuals; casuals maybe be more numerous, but if they only log on in numbers during weekend mid-day peak hours, then the servers feel empty the rest of the time.


Joining a guild and tackling the limited end-game content is the last thing for me to do. As I understand it, it'll take maybe a month of running once per week for the entire OPs group to be geared out.


I came to this game with the intention of getting into a good, small guild that could run FPs consistently. I've come to realize just how pointless that is, as there's virtually no content that can't just be pugged, and there's literally no content that could hold someone's interest for more than a handful of runs.


Not sure why you are shocked, all H's of mmo's have been locked after you do them. Wow only changed this not so long ago.

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I had fun leveling my first Republic character, a Light oriented Jedi Sage to 50.


Then I joined the Empire, and enjoyed the full story of a Neutral sided Mercenary -originally planned to go Dark side, but Mako (the first companion availabled) influenced how the character turned out -


And I currently play a Dark sided Jedi Guardian who has just reached Corellia.


To answer the OP, I 'm not bored of SWTOR at all. Once I'm done with my Jedi Guardian, I will switch once more to the Empire and play a mean Sith Assassin, or a Light Sided Marauder.


And I have other classes/alignment combos planned already for the the next characters. And this is only for the "solo" contents. Once I'm bored story-leveling characters, I will focus on multiplayer contents.


So I don't think I will feel "burned out" by the game for a while :)

Edited by Elysith
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Been playing alot 5-7 hrs a day since beta, what is burning me out and will prob prevent me from renewing my 6 month subscription is the difficukty of some mos during questing.


Bioware is story, you tell me as a jedi or sith that i am powerful but i am getting slaugtered by certaain mob groups, Disarmed lol. while other classes can roll through the mobs.


If the balanced is addressed ill stick around if not its another Age of Conan.

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The carrot on the stick at endgame is horrible. There isn't anything to look forward to. I get to the end of my class story and boom...suddenly I'm told to occupy myself with boring FPs, and PVP until more content patches come. Sadly, the last content patch only added another FP to run.


This game is awesome up till the last drop...but then post 50 it's all downhill. It ends up feeling like work instead of fun and diverse game mechanics to keep my occupied. This is where things like collections, housing, guild housing, siege warfare etc. come into play. I would like to point the devs at one game that offers soooo many alternatives in gameplay it's amazing. FFXI. may not be everyone fav. or executed very well with controls and such, but the sheer game mechanics and content in that game is overwhelming.


So imagine, SWTOR adding Pazaak, Sabaac, Pod Racing, collections, housing, guild housing, siege warfare, flying mounts, water zones and swimming and a few other things your mind just came up with while reading this and tell me that ISN'T the SWTOR you want to play? I know it's one I would rather play then what we currently have.

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I am going to give this game a chance and keep subbing for a few months. It feels dead and non-interactive to me, plus there's nothing enormously special about the environments. The War is disconnected (it's not even a war!) and there's nothing else going on.


I'm level 28 and so far the conflict is...me and friends vs the Empire we never see? In WoW there was a third NPC faction - dragons, demons, and a lich king. In SW:TOR...nothing.


Don't take this as a flame, a criticism. It's sort of a lackluster 'meh' toward MMO's. I expected SWTOR to be awesome, and it was merely good.


~my opinion

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I just went around killing everyone sociopathically in Skyrim for a while.


It was glorious. I was all "Ahahaha, *whack*, bahahahaha, *whack whack*; oh, lookee you trying to lookee mee there! FUS ROH DAH! *Whack*" and all the NPC's were all "Ahhhhhhhh, haaaaalp!" and "I can't believe this is happening!"


And then there was this dragon, and it started to rain, and I was shooting arrows at it (because it was alive and I was KILLING ALL THE THINGS!) and lightning flashed and I couldn't see for a split second and then it was beating on me, and I pulled out my sword and went WHACK WHACK WHACK and it died.


I imagined roasting a marshmallow over its disintegrating corpse.


And then there was this guy on the road with this noble dude on a horse, and they were all "Don't come any closer!" because they were scared, and I was all "Hey, I got this funny joke. WHy did the chicken cross the FUS ROH DAH!" and then they were all 'Argh!" and blown away, and then I fireballed them to death and they were dead and I took their things even though I didn't NEED their things.


I still took them. It's the law of being a player character.


So then I was in this town and I was repeatedly beating this immortal guy into the dirt and watching him flop around on one knee and then beating him into the dirt some more, and this lady I missed in the killing spree prior was all "Oh no!" and I was all "Hey lady, I got this joke to tell you!" but she ran away and so I chased her down an alley and was all "Why did the FUS ROH DAH!" and she went flying and screaming and hit a streetsign post and died.


And then I came here to tell all of you this wonderfully cheerful, not-psychopathic-at-all story, because I know you all care.


I know you do, deep down.


You might say 'cool story, bro' or 'why the hell do you think we care?', but I know the truth.


Speaking of which, I have

... Edited by Uruare
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Some of you people are saying you're burned out before you even hit lvl 50. You're also playing multipe toons at once. Why don't you get one toon to 50 first before rolling another toon. A lot of cool stuff happens in this game when you hit 50 or max cap like most other mmos. I would be burned out too if I had done that first. Some of you probably just don't feel like you're getting anywhere because you're playing multiple toons before you even get one to lvl 50.
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Have any of you gotten Skyrim yet? I am bouncing between that and SWTOR. I just wish there was a practicle way to have a world like SKYRIM in SWTOR. I know its apples and oranges. Single vs Multiplayer. I just hope one day there is a server and fast enough internet someday to run SWTOR with each planet having as much content as SKYRIM.


So SKYRIM is saving SWTOR for me as im not on SWTOR 12 hours a day anymore.

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