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Why do many MMO players not appreciate the story?


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I like the story. I'm not sure if that means I am simple minded or if it means much of anything. The whole 'if it were a book' argument does not make a whole lot of sense to me. A book requires you to read the text and imagine the situation where a game immerses you in a situation and has you make decisions while participating in it. I find it entertaining to choose dialogue options which mess with the npc you are talking to. I go light and dark on the same character quite a bit, trying to find the most ironic or entertaining way to end the quests. If only going neutral were a viable option for expanding your choices on relics.


I do agree with what many people are saying about the side quests though. After the first few quests I have done, the formula becomes all too apparent. The quest giver is scared and needs a strong arm to go out to an area and get them out of a pickle. You have 3 choices:

1. yes! I will assist you humble citizen!

2. No, this is stupid/boring.

3. Show me the money and I will go.


Some of the side quests are interesting, but I am really let down that bioware didn't make more effort to expand on this formula. Especially considering the voice acted dialogue sequences that take so much time to go through. I guess it's good that they added the spacebar feature. It's a shame all the same though, because the story gives meaning to what I do and is one of the reasons why I enjoy playing.

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Unfortunately I feel like the medium (MMO-genre) does not lend itself to strong story telling. While storytelling is Bioware's strength, a pre-defined/pre-written story is the weakest part of any MMO because the genre is, ideally, a dynamic affair and doesn't mesh well with a static story.


Trying to force an overlying story onto an MMO typically results in what I call 2-game syndrome and every MMO I've played has suffered from this to a greater or lesser extent (least of all FFXI). SWTOR is fantastic but it suffers from 2-game-syndrome where you essentially have 2 games: solo leveling that tells a story and then endgame instanced content where you get phat l00tz but get shut off from the wonderfully developed Worlds and their stories (this is supposedly the 'real game' according to many).

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Unfortunately I feel like the medium (MMO-genre) does not lend itself to strong story telling. While storytelling is Bioware's strength, a pre-defined/pre-written story is the weakest part of any MMO because the genre is, ideally, a dynamic affair and doesn't mesh well with a static story.


Trying to force an overlying story onto an MMO typically results in what I call 2-game syndrome and every MMO I've played has suffered from this to a greater or lesser extent (least of all FFXI). SWTOR is fantastic but it suffers from 2-game-syndrome where you essentially have 2 games: solo leveling that tells a story and then endgame instanced content where you get phat l00tz but get shut off from the wonderfully developed Worlds and their stories (this is supposedly the 'real game' according to many).


"Solo leveling?" What about low level instances, or flashpoints as they are called here in SWTOR?


What about your companion? Are you truly "solo?" Even if you didn't have or use a companion, what about the 20 other people in your zone? How are you solo?


Edit: Have you even been saved by another player while "solo leveling?" If so, you technically didn't level "solo."

Edited by Cukshaik
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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game.


Because it's Bioware's story, maybe? When I play characters in an MMO I tend to create my own story for those characters, even though I don't actively RP and that story is mostly just 'all in my head'. In most MMOs there's room for me to do that, but this MMO is so driven by the built-in story that it's not quite working out. I think it's mostly because I like playing alts, lots of alts, and so far my alts are feeling a little too much like clones, because for the most part they're all doing the exact same things in the exact same places in the same exact order.


Yes, yes, the game is young, more content will come... but I can't help but feel that any MMO launching *today* should launch on par with whatever is currently available. A new car company can't put out a 'new' car that is the equivalent of a Ford Model T in terms of features, mileage, etc. and expect it to compete with, say, a Toyota Camry. Or even an Edsel. I'm starting to feel like that's what Bioware did here: they gave us a Model T MMO. A very pretty one, to be sure - and we can paint our characters any color we like so long as it's black! - but that's me, of course. Your mileage may vary, depending on whether you drive mostly in the city or out in the country or whether you routinely transport little blue elephant people to the local Peanut Hut.

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"Solo leveling?" What about low level instances, or flashpoints as they are called here in SWTOR?


What about your companion? Are you truly "solo?" Even if you didn't have or use a companion, what about the 20 other people in your zone? How are you solo?


Edit: Have you even been saved by another player while "solo leveling?" If so, you technically didn't level "solo."


*rolls eyes* So we're playing semantics then eh?


Fact of the matter is, most of the game (and the majority of every MMO) is designed to be played by 1 person (and their companion) and the few token group quests seen throughout this and most every modern MMO don't make up for that fact.


If I level with a mate in any MMO I'll either:

1) Breeze through every quest because they're designed with 1 person in mind

2) Repeatedly grind the few group dailies/dark hallway instances


These are the two options for levelling with a friend in a massively multiplayer online game. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy SWTOR and think its great - but the 2-game syndrome is endemic to MMO's in general and that mindset has ensured the backwards movement of a genre.

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This might be true (and is nonetheless debatable when you feature in some amazingly well-written side stories... which have not been sanctioned by LucasArts, which I suppose tells us something about their tastes in storytelling...).


but even if it is true, it is a design suicide. If, as a designer, you emphasises story as the main difference between your game and the others, as the strongest pillar of your gaming experience, then the story better be amazing.


LucasArts, or not, if Bioware can't make a good Star Wars story, they might have been better off making a Mass Effect MMORPG - at least they had full control over the IP on that one.


But I suspect that LA has very little to do with how mediocre the story really is. Bioware is at the helm, and the failure is theirs. Either their writers have lost their edge, or they have been censored, but the result is that the the story is simply bad most of the time.


The fourth pillar is built with sand.

Personally I don't find the stories mediocre at all, and neither do my guildmates. But that is all merely preference and opinion. Comparing early and even open beta to release, there is a lot more there that didn't make it to launch. That one's not on BioWare. We can thank EA and their MARCOM-driven production schedules for that. I wonder how different the game would be if LA/BW were their own disti (or went to Steam for their DD) and patched in "director's cut" content. Might even see as much included in the first xpac. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Story will only take you so far in this game, when you hit 50 for instance. I don't have any desire to play another class besides my BH so the other class stories don't interest me.


Why though? Have you just decided Bounty Hunters are the best class in the game and don't see any point in playing anything else? Because playing an alt for the story and playing an alt to gear and heal/DPS/tank and get to endgame are two different things.


The other class stories are interesting, as good if not better than your BH story. So really you're just depriving yourself of all this content, and complaining that there isn't anything left to do.

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Why though? Have you just decided Bounty Hunters are the best class in the game and don't see any point in playing anything else? Because playing an alt for the story and playing an alt to gear and heal/DPS/tank and get to endgame are two different things.


The other class stories are interesting, as good if not better than your BH story. So really you're just depriving yourself of all this content, and complaining that there isn't anything left to do.


Because to see the class story of another class you have to level through all of the boring filler that you've already done before. 90% of the quests are shared between all the classes and you have to do it to keep pace with the level and difficulty of your class quest. The only alternative is to level through PvP and FPs which is not only much slower, but grindier as well.


There are good stories in this game. Sadly, they are buried under a hundred tons of bog-standard boring MMO gameplay and design. It's not even like KotOR or ME where your choices can make considerable interesting differences in the way the story plays out both emotionally and in the events you experience. Choices BARELY matter in this game; you actually have to look out for when they are impacting your experience. It's also a considerably larger time investment, probably a hundred hours or more to reach max level.

Edited by krameriffic
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RP players are such a niche group. The fact is the overwhelming majority of players do not play MMOs to roleplay. If you enjoy that's great. Just accept that most are not going to participate.


I do all my roleplaying by myself, in my head.


Yeah, my Guardian is named Xpr-alpha, and she's a human by in-game mechanics. To me, though? Something totally different - clone, prototype cyborg, hi-tech magic droid, whatever. I won't correct people if they think she's a human Jedi Knight, but I won't advertise it either unless asked about the name. And all my characters are tied together somehow beyond the Legacy system.


Increases my enjoyment, but it's not for everyone.

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I have one favourite genre and those are RPG's. I've played Bioware games before and really liked them. This one I love even more because I can play it with my husband. The stories, well if you have no patience for them, you just miss out on the best part of the game. If you don't like them, why are you even here? Just because this is the next big MMO?
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"Why do many MMO players not appreciate the story? "


Because the only story they want to hear is the one they themself are telling everyone ad nauseum about how they gots teh phat loots before everyone else and lookit me lookit me I so leet! yawn.

Edited by Blotter
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I have one favourite genre and those are RPG's. I've played Bioware games before and really liked them. This one I love even more because I can play it with my husband. The stories, well if you have no patience for them, you just miss out on the best part of the game. If you don't like them, why are you even here? Just because this is the next big MMO?


Bam, best point in this whole thread, right here.


I have nothing wrong with bandwagoners enjoying the game how they want, but for their sake I hope they like story, or they're going to have a rough time.

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You know, I do appreciate the story, quite a bit actually. However the game as it stands now tries to stand solely on the story when it should be a "feature" at best.

There's too much missing or done wrong for a game released in 2011. Crafting is a serious joke, there's no in game economy at all, leveling is way too fast and the end game is way too lacking.


Yes, all of this stuff can be solved in time and I'm positive it will be. It's just disappointing to find this game hedging all its bets right now on story. In a way I guess it has nothing else going for it at the time, still I guess that's why I would suggest many people are a bit bitter about the story thing.


Firstly, I would not say that "lkeveling is way to fast" I began playing the first day of early access. I took a two week break (went out of town in late DEC), but other than that, ussually play at least 4 hours a day. Guess what Level I am; Level 47. I did not "rush: to end game, unlike most. Nothing wrong with the leveling speed.


What is the game missing, for one released in 2012? Mods and addons? Every aspect of every game mechanic is here in TOR.


Don't like it, dont play it, but you're still subscribed, aren't you?

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"stories, well if you have no patience for them, you just miss out on the best part of the game. If you don't like them, why are you even here? Just because this is the next big MMO?"


I think the answer to that is, quite simply, YES. Some of these people are addicted to being able to perceive themselves as having some modicum of imaginary server fame by being the most geared out, pretend super bad-ss in the hottest big game on the market....as if we're all paying attention to them and telling ourselves we want to be just like them when we grow up and become level 50. They make a mad dash for level cap and the phattest loots and then complain that there's nothing to do now that they're there...after they skipped tons of content (in this case the stories in particular) to just grind their way to level cap and the best available gear and be the 1st to 50 or the 1st with the full set of pvp gear or the 1st one with the best lightsaber or whatever. It happens in every single one of these games, especially when expansions come out and level caps get raised. They pull out the poopsock, blow thru the content, skip tons of fun stuff, then polish their ego on forums and doing things like standing around doing nothing in Orgrimmar so everyone can look at their gear/loots. It's a waste if you ask me...pa your $60 and monthly fee and not play the game the way it was intended? Then comlpain bitterly that the game wasn't intended to be played the way you played it...but "oh, they should've designed it specifically around my way of playing them"? Nonsense. All of it.

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Firstly, I would not say that "lkeveling is way to fast" I began playing the first day of early access. I took a two week break (went out of town in late DEC), but other than that, ussually play at least 4 hours a day. Guess what Level I am; Level 47. I did not "rush: to end game, unlike most. Nothing wrong with the leveling speed.


What is the game missing, for one released in 2012? Mods and addons? Every aspect of every game mechanic is here in TOR.


Don't like it, dont play it, but you're still subscribed, aren't you?


Mods, macros, customizable ui, lfg/d tool, a combat log (hello kitty online has this), a pvp reward system that makes sense, real end game content (the current ops are a joke. a group of toddlers could do them), the ability to pvp with 15-20 people on screen without fps dropping to near zilch (an issue with the game engine)


Lets see what else..support for DX10/11 (this game supports dx9)


No day/night cycle, no weather cycle. cant swim (engine in this game doesnt support it).


Not having a loading screen every time i leave an area that is 10x as long as Rift, where in Rift im loading an enormous zone with 100's of people(in the case of main cities), and in SWTOR i load a tiny area that has been sub instances so at best there are 4-5 other people in the area with me(up to 20 or so in the instance of main cities).

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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


IMO, story is what sets this game apart. Ive only played bounty hunter so far and love the story and look forward to playing every class.


Simply because a decent percentage of players are members of the click button, get reward generation of mmo players.


Play the game your way and don't worry about the others. You'll be happier, really.

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Mods, macros, customizable ui, lfg/d tool, a combat log (hello kitty online has this), a pvp reward system that makes sense, real end game content (the current ops are a joke. a group of toddlers could do them), the ability to pvp with 15-20 people on screen without fps dropping to near zilch (an issue with the game engine)


Lets see what else..support for DX10/11 (this game supports dx9)


No day/night cycle, no weather cycle. cant swim (engine in this game doesnt support it).


Not having a loading screen every time i leave an area that is 10x as long as Rift, where in Rift im loading an enormous zone with 100's of people(in the case of main cities), and in SWTOR i load a tiny area that has been sub instances so at best there are 4-5 other people in the area with me(up to 20 or so in the instance of main cities).


-So because you can't move the UI boxes around, you're going to whine about it? Is it really that big of a deal?


-Combat logs? Why do you need this? So you can feed your ego? "I did the best DPS, Im the bestestes".


-no day night cycle? Really? THat is such a big deal to you? lol


-Cant swim? OMG, you're actually complaining about that? WHo spends their time swimming in an MMO? If Rift, you could swim, but what could you do in the water? Find some lame loot which had horrible stats is all.


-load times. Is it really something to cry about? so you have to sit through a 10 second loading screen every so often. Big deal.


Why are you still subbed? THis obviously is not the game for you. Go back to Rift, where no one actually does "Rifts" anymore. Where the expansion island (I forget the name) is always empty, and there is basically nothing to do in the game except run the same instances over and over again.


TOR has tons more stuff to do.

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