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Everything posted by _Miranda_

  1. All the class stories are too mary sue for my taste.
  2. It was 10 min originally. The wait was there because it was stressful at the time for the servers to teleport players between planets. When they got better servers, they lowered it to 5 min. I preferred the SWG waits, even the 10 min ones, because players would stand around and socialize, sell crafted items, roleplay, duel, etc. I remember dueling was very popular, and there were a number of people who would hang out in starports all day waiting to duel travelers. Running through hallways doesn't allow for any of these things, it's just a pointless timesink and a way to make the game appear larger than it is.
  3. I'd kill them all if it were viable to play without them.
  4. My personal enjoyment is the only criteria I care about when judging if a game is good or bad.
  5. Have a double disclaimer. If you click yes twice, it's your own fault.
  6. Have companions only killable after their main story arc ends, (which, for many, is the moment you can use them) and don't write new plots that necessitate them being alive. Optional quests and romances become unavailable, obviously, but if you're killing a companion chances are you wouldn't be doing those quests anyway.
  7. I had this same droid idea a few days ago, and am so pleased I'm not the only one who wants this. :) I definitely think this should be an option. Even better would be if these new droids were mute.
  8. I've never had general chat on. Turning it off was the first thing I did.
  9. In LOTRO you could change your surname any time you wanted, as many times as you wanted, for free. And it didn't have to be unique to the server. Any number of people could choose the same name. It was awesome.
  10. Those quests really do break immersion after a wile, and it seems like they get more common at later levels.
  11. Nope, you're only allowed to romance the most boring and unappealing characters.
  12. It does seem that way for a lot of people.
  13. I'd milk it for money and donate all of it to the SWGEmu project.
  14. I like the Consular story, and I love the class. I *HATE* the companions. All of them are terrible. I had to stop playing that character because of them.
  15. I was disappointed by this too. LOTRO didn't have these restrictions. There's no reason for them.
  16. I don't understand how removing the needless hallways and docks makes things "easy mode." There's no challenge to walking down a hallway. All those extra screens exist only to create an illusion that this tiny, tiny game is larger than it is.
  17. It's a way to make the game world seem bigger, nothing more.
  18. "It didn't go in, it just impacted on the surface." "Luke, at that speed will you able to pull out at all?"
  19. Would you like the Sith faction and all darkside options filtered from the game too? Or are torture and violence fine with you but PG rated love needs to be locked away from public view? Such priorities some people have.
  20. It's a way to make the tiny game seem bigger. Just add lots of hallways and load zones in non-combat areas and disable mounts and people will think the game is huge.
  21. A lot of my friends play Empire. I like to play a Republic character on occasion, but doing so makes me unable to chat with them in game. It would be nice if I had the ability to add opposite-faction players to my friends list, and if that player also has me on their friends list, we would be able to send PMs to each other. Additional points: As of now, opposite faction players can not see /emotes. It would make roleplaying a lot easier if they were able to. There's no reason to limit this, since they can see our /say already.
  22. The last thing I find enjoyable is having an arrogant, misogynistic, immoral douchebag following me around. Theran absolutely ruins my character concept and ability to immerse myself in the game, yet it turns out he is the only companion that is at all useful for my build. My character would never, EVER let this guy on her ship, and if he forced his way on he would be out the airlock and the game would give me light side points for it. He has the most irritating battle phrases, and his cutscene dialogue grates on me. Why would he follow around a Jedi if he gives negative rep when I choose force options in dialogue? Moreover, why would a Jedi let him tag along? It's enough to make me put him away when I turn in quests... and it's enough to make me stop playing my consular shadow, which otherwise is a wonderful class. So please, either give us a new companion that can heal or give Qyzan (or anyone else) a healing toggle but he loses his tank abilities when it's active. Because Qyzan is awesome, too bad he is useless to my spec.
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