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Why do many MMO players not appreciate the story?


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To the OP:


Outside of the class quests i cant really get into the cutscenes/VO because a " Kill 10 xyz " quest is still the same in this game as it is in any other MMO and cutscene/VO do nothing to really inspire me to do a quest i have done 100's/1000's of times before.

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Perhaps this is the change that people cant accept, more attention to story telling and voice acting with a mix of mmo/soloing/co-op/ pvp in progress, continued story lines and gameing polish for the future.


and maybe a hybrid play how you want mmo/co-op with more depth and focus on presentation of story.


So far I'm enjoying the stories,npc interaction, companion upgrades, starship upgrades/space battles,datacron hunts....and believe or not the side quests and combat are fun for me.


EDIT:Someone above me is bored to tears with jedi consulor story...I'm not.

different opinions.

This could open up a new audiance for a different breed of players rather than end game end game end game end game addicts who are unwilling to explore and savor the game.

Edited by CygnusMX
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Because all the flash of the story ends when you hit 50... then what?


What happens in toerh MMO's when you hit 50? Raids, running instances with groups? Last I checked this game has it. More will come. The game is still brnad new.


Why do people expect a new MMO to have all the content of World of Warcraft, upon release? That type of thought to totally unrealistic.

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To the OP:


Outside of the class quests i cant really get into the cutscenes/VO because a " Kill 10 xyz " quest is still the same in this game as it is in any other MMO and cutscene/VO do nothing to really inspire me to do a quest i have done 100's/1000's of times before.


I never got a quest that said kill 10 XXX. Usually that is the bonus missions which occur along with your actual mission. I have gotten mission which asked me to blow up 3 gun emplacements, but to kill the gun emplacements, you need to kill the guys around the guns, which is where the bonus missions pop up (and you do not get a cut scene with the bonus missions). Are we playing the same game here?

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I never got a quest that said kill 10 XXX. Usually that is the bonus missions which occur along with your actual mission. I have gotten mission which asked me to blow up 3 gun emplacements, but to kill the gun emplacements, you need to kill the guys around the guns, which is where the bonus missions pop up (and you do not get a cut scene with the bonus missions). Are we playing the same game here?


^this guy is obviously trolling^

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I find the game quite fun to play whether solo or in a group. Though a full group maintaining interest in each other's class stories can be difficult if even one doesn't play well with others. Which is why I play with RL friends who I know are playing the game on its merits and aren't in a hurry to uber out. We're all ex-hardcore raiders gone casual, so TOR is a perfect fit for us.


Or this perspective

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I never got a quest that said kill 10 XXX. Usually that is the bonus missions which occur along with your actual mission. I have gotten mission which asked me to blow up 3 gun emplacements, but to kill the gun emplacements, you need to kill the guys around the guns, which is where the bonus missions pop up (and you do not get a cut scene with the bonus missions). Are we playing the same game here?


Uh... That would be the question indeed, are we really playing the same game? I've gotten plenty of "go kill stuff" missions. Just yesterday my Bounty Hunter went to kill 15 "elite republic guys" in the Taris Bonus series, right after "kill the snipers" in the same area.




There's quite a few of them, take a look.

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Uh... That would be the question indeed, are we really playing the same game? I've gotten plenty of "go kill stuff" missions. Just yesterday my Bounty Hunter went to kill 15 "elite republic guys" in the Taris Bonus series, right after "kill the snipers" in the same area.




There's quite a few of them, take a look.


Well done good sir, you have defeated the troll!


But your princess is in another castle.:eek:

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Bioware being bad at romance stories? Who woulda thunk?!


The average player nowadays couldn't accept a "romance" that isn't full of ham, let alone one where you could screw up and alienate the character to the point of break-up (Baldurs Gate II)...

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That's only because WoW didn't even bother with character stories....


Actually, WoW did have character stories but they weren't as long as these. The death knights had their own personal story, which was actually pretty interesting. There was a quest series revolving around druid flight form, weapons for certain classes. Hunter was one of them, I think. Warriors had to do a quest to get their tanking form, if I remember correctly.


The focus in WoW though was more on zone stories though. Your character was your own and you chose what story to experience by going to certain zones.


It doesn't make sense that thousands of imperial agents are experiencing the same story with the same code name. But it makes perfect sense for thousands of people to help the elves in Ashenvale stop the orcs from the Barrens from cutting down the forest.

Edited by krookie
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Sure the class stories are great, and there are main story lines for each planet that are also great.


But what about all the other quests? The story is pointless and redundant. The rest of the quests reuse scenes and voiceovers ad nauseum and add little to the experience. They only serve to make planets drag on and leveling alts an unbearable chore of spacebarring.


Not to mention, its all well and good while leveling up but what happens at the end? The story ends and you are left with half assed game systems that feel like an afterthought.

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Because a lot of them come from games like WoW where they just spam the accept button on quests and don't even look to see what or why they are doing something. The same type of people who will skip through all the dialogue of Assassin's Creed games.
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Actually, WoW did have character stories but they weren't as long as these. The death knights had their own personal story, which was actually pretty interesting. There was a quest series revolving around druid flight form, weapons for certain classes. Hunter was one of them, I think. Warriors had to do a quest to get their tanking form, if I remember correctly.


The focus in WoW though was more on zone stories though. Your character was your own and you chose what story to experience by going to certain zones.


It doesn't make sense that thousands of imperial agents are experiencing the same story with the same code name. But it makes perfect sense for thousands of people to help the elves in Ashenvale stop the orcs from the Barrens from cutting down the forest.


I doesn't makes any less sense then thousands of people helping the elves that never ever actually get helped. One person saves the day and they just go back to having their problems again. Heck 10 people can be helping them do the same thing at the same time. Like the same person being saved.


Yeah they're really both 'senseless'.


I mean those stupid end bosses always seem to come back no matter how many thousands have killed them!!!

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Because a lot of them come from games like WoW where they just spam the accept button on quests and don't even look to see what or why they are doing something. The same type of people who will skip through all the dialogue of Assassin's Creed games.


You know how I play my games? Or how the vast majority play their game? Seriously? As many, including myself, posted before (you would know if you took the time to read the thread you are posting on and giving us your opinion on how the vast majority of us play the game), that the story is not the problem of this game. Hint: since you talk about Assassin's creed, the third time you run into the same dialog, do you still listen to it?

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I doesn't makes any less sense then thousands of people helping the elves that never ever actually get helped. One person saves the day and they just go back to having their problems again. Heck 10 people can be helping them do the same thing at the same time. Like the same person being saved.


Yeah they're really both 'senseless'.


I mean those stupid end bosses always seem to come back no matter how many thousands have killed them!!!


Well, there are certain parts of that game that are phased. Very often, once you're done with a certain quest chain, certain aspects of the zone change for your character to reflect your accomplishment.


Then again, this game isn't in any way better in that regard. The rakghouls on Taris are still there and the cult on DK didn't go anywhere.


Either way, in my opinion, it's better than every agent being Agent Nine and every bounty hunter being the champion of the great hunt.

Edited by krookie
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You know how I play my games? Or how the vast majority play their game? Seriously? As many, including myself, posted before (you would know if you took the time to read the thread you are posting on and giving us your opinion on how the vast majority of us play the game), that the story is not the problem of this game. Hint: since you talk about Assassin's creed, the third time you run into the same dialog, do you still listen to it?



I skip the dialog of quests I've already completed on another character as well. That's not what's being discussed.

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Well, there are certain parts of that game that are phased. Very often, once you're done with a certain quest chain, certain aspects of the zone change for your character to reflect your accomplishment.


Then again, this game isn't in any way better in that regard. The rakghouls on Taris are still there and the cult on DK didn't go anywhere.


Either way, in my opinion, it's better than every agent being Agent Nine and every bounty hunter being the champion of the great hunt.



I'm not saying that it is any better only that they're both 'senseless' in their own way. That at least for now is the nature of MMOS where thousands of people are playing the same thing at various stages of whatever 'story' is going on.


People just like different versions of the senseless of it all. For now I appreciate Tor's version for what it is. I like being the 'best' in my story even though thousands of other people are the 'best' in theirs.


I did like WOW version for a few months though the 'story' or lore of it all never grabbed me. I barely ever knew what was really going on or really cared. Once I got to endgame I quit after a month and moved onto another game. That 'story' did grab me more even though it's the same thousands of people 'helping the elves' so I at least know why my character is trying to down the last big boss in the game along with however many others are doing the same thing.

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I skip the dialog of quests I've already completed on another character as well. That's not what's being discussed.


Yeah you're right, what is being discussed is more along the lines of: Why do many people do not appreciate ice cream? The OP's question is a matter of taste, and it cannot be discussed, yet the OP and you try to find an absolute answer to the question.

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