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Why do many MMO players not appreciate the story?


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I haven't really found that, actually. I never saw any Alliance while leveling up my Druid. I see Sith all the time. And as an aside, every single time they seem to attack me, ragardless of what they're doing at the time.


Maybe I'm the exception?

You likely are, considering that the stories pretty much converge at the top levels. There's not much difference between the Horde and Alliance stories in much of 80 to 85, with them sharing hubs and quests that not only puts you in the same hub, but in direct competition for quest objectives.


Southshore / Tarren Mill was also an epic bloodbath in the old days because of their proximity to one another.

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As an immature college student I find that insulting.


Nothing is wrong with an FPS as opposed to and RPG, it's a different genre that attratcs different players. I personally much rather PvP in FPS's rather than MMOs. Everyone is on a level playing field, only skill counts.


I'm not bashing FPS games. MW3 is a bad FPS game.


TF2 is not.

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I don't think the term "many" is an accurate depiction of people not appreciating the story. Some people are just going to hate on it regardless. It's a big selling point for the game so of course people are going to be critical.


The only people who even have an argument are those who say KOTOR did it better. Which I completely disagree with. KOTOR had the same redundancy. It had the exact same type of game choices. You are given a couple choices and the outcomes aren't that different.


There is only so much they can program.

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I haven't really found that, actually. I never saw any Alliance while leveling up my Druid. I see Sith all the time. And as an aside, every single time they seem to attack me, ragardless of what they're doing at the time.


Maybe I'm the exception?

You really arent, its fun and ridiculous at the same time when you are for some reason rolling with your columi/rakata geared main on some 25-40lvl area and they really attack you IMMEDIATELY and then they try to run like a little girl once they see their attacks have no effect on you. seriously it takes maybe 10secs to check the opposing players hp and level...


and lets not forget my personal favorite when playing an alt, gettin attacked by same lvl range sith->proceeding to beat his butt like no tomorrow and then going on your way. now pretty much 90% of the time if i stay on the same zone i will get ganked by the same guy+few other siths that now tag along with him trying to find me and /spit and /dance'd for few mins.



oh and to the topic of story, like the second poster said its bioware story.

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It's not that MMO players don't appreciate the story. It is because the ONLY thing the story has over other MMOs is the voice-acting. Now they stated this game to be based on story, which seemed like a good idea to me, but turned out i was flat wrong and I will explain you why.


Stories keep you moving until you reach level 50 and trust me the level 1-50 experience I had was fantastic, good job Bioware on a very nice storyline (which was way too fast imo). Then comes end-game. OUCH! This is where it sucks to be Bioware atm.


Bugs ... bugs... bugs... Ilum.... bugs... bugs... bugs... Operations so easy my dog can complete them in a timely manner. There is no sense of progression at end game whatsoever and let's not even talk about the great feeling of accomplishment that ... i never got by downing a boss here.


So yeah, the storyline can only hold you for so long, if there is nothing to chew on in the long term, people are going to quit and that is what you are seeing now.

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I don't hate the stories in SWTOR, I just think they are overrated and I don't really think they add that much to an MMO, they seem more aligned to a single player story.

And I also think the voice acting is way too much, and i'm not sure if that is what causes them to be especially tedious when you have done them before, but they seem to be more tedious than your standard kill X of Y.

Edited by Earthchild
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I somewhat enjoy the story.. but frankly, it's a minor thing to me in an MMO. I like it in single player games, though.


For an MMO, the more important things to me are community, PVP/RVR, lots of advancement to be had, challenging PVE, and lots of exploration. SWTOR fails in community, RVR, and exploration.

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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


IMO, story is what sets this game apart. Ive only played bounty hunter so far and love the story and look forward to playing every class.


Why so many peopel care what other people say on a forum and make posts about people complaining about post about people complaining ...


also why do people make up topics that arent tere ?


iv seen lots of i quit post but the i dont like story , i havent seen to much ...


but well , i gues... troll need attention , just wish they stopped feeding it


as now ihad too again too ><

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Well, then I guess it doesn't really affect anything does it.


You expect an important NPC to just ignore you after that? In a single player game, it would be game over and you'd have to reload a save. Not much different here with having to restart the conversation.


Judging by your posting history, I should have expected this and just put you on ignore. Nothing they do with this game will ever make you happy. I look forward to the day your sub runs out, unless you keep paying to trash the game on the forums.

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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


IMO, story is what sets this game apart. Ive only played bounty hunter so far and love the story and look forward to playing every class.


The story is great, too bad pretty much everything else is sub-par...

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Oh jesus, here we go again. Another person who hasn't finished a single character to 50 who feels the need to proclaim how this is the greatest game ever on the forums.


There is a reason people start dropping like flies at level cap.


There is a reason rolling alts is akin to stabbing yourself in the eye with a rusty screwdriver.


There is a reason MMO players in general don't give a crap about story (hint: it involves actually PLAYING the game).


This isn't a single-player RPG. Bioware shouldn't have developed it like one and expected it to last. It won't.

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Oh jesus, here we go again. Another person who hasn't finished a single character to 50 who feels the need to proclaim how this is the greatest game ever on the forums.


There is a reason people start dropping like flies at level cap.


There is a reason rolling alts is akin to stabbing yourself in the eye with a rusty screwdriver.


There is a reason MMO players in general don't give a crap about story (hint: it involves actually PLAYING the game).


This isn't a single-player RPG. Bioware shouldn't have developed it like one and expected it to last. It won't.


I've plaYED MMO'S for about 10 years now. I think I know an MMO when I play one, and TOR IS an MMO.


"MMO players Don't give a crap about story". Thats a pretty broad statement. It just makes you look like an idiot for saying it.


I have to ask....why are you still subbed to this game you hate? That is pretty stupid.

Edited by chakkar
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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


IMO, story is what sets this game apart. Ive only played bounty hunter so far and love the story and look forward to playing every class.


Well - if it is a good story - no issues. The BH one is not too bad, Jedi Sentinel started out poor and went downhill fast.


Dragon Age has a MUCH better story - so Bioware CAN do it if they try.


Plus the story is only a few % of the game if you start an alt of the same faction.


I like the game so far but suspect the above reasons are part of the issue.

Edited by TonyACT
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Here's why I don't give a flip about the story.


It's as good as any other MMO's story. That is to say really, intolerably bad. The class story plots are simple and uninteresting. Plot twists can be seen from miles away. Characters are bland with bad back stories.


All of that would be ok if VO conversations didn't take so damn long. Especially in Black Talon and Esseles. You're in conversations longer than you're killing mobs in those FPs. Ridiculous. Side quests shouldn't have been voiced over. It simply takes too long to pick up and complete quests.

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Not anymore. Dragon Age 2 was crap. The stories in SWTOR are average at best. If you want a good story, read A Song of Ice and Fire.


So I gather you're not going to be getting ME3 then, yeah? You already know "bioware cant make a good story" so why would you waste your money on it?

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