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End Game Content


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Let me start by saying I was a huge supporter of this game and have been following it since its announcement back in fall of 08. 1 - 49 had to be some of the most entertaining leveling Ive ever had in an MMO.........then I hit 50..............


I really do not understand how EA didn't learn from Warhammer's failure to not rush an MMO. This game flat out seems rushed by atleast 6 months and now Bioware and the players suffer for it.


End game pvp is literally a complete mess in this game........Ilium is suffers from horrible FPS issues and running the same 3 warzones over and over again gets boring fast. The worst thing about this PvP system is the way you attain gear, It is all around a complete mess that needs to be reworked completely. Getting the same piece of gear in a champion's bag over and over again is ridiculous.


Having said all that bioware you have my sub for atleast the next couple months and I wish you all the best in fixing these glaring issues because I really want you to succeed. For me this was my last MMO I planned on playing for atleast a couple years but as of right now I highly doubt ill be here in a couple months.

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Are you telling me that end game is soley PVP? I do not pvp in any game but STO and it is dea there pretty much currently....



Please tell me there is end content that is not PVP....



Oh man...who the heck made this happen, if it is true, I wanna bite em......

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Are you telling me that end game is soley PVP? I do not pvp in any game but STO and it is dea there pretty much currently....



Please tell me there is end content that is not PVP....



Oh man...who the heck made this happen, if it is true, I wanna bite em......


No sorry I should have said end game pvp..........there is of course end game pve but from what Ive heard from guildies its highly buggy.

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Ilum open world pvp was not designed to be zerked, the faction unbalance makes that possible, it's a work in progress, please stop crying!?


3 pvp instances is more then other mmo's had at launch.


Flashpoint hardmodes were mostly fixed long ago and are enjoyable, especially if you skipped them during leveling like your supposed to since mission are the best source of credits.


Operations are highly enjoyable and pretty much bug free at this point.


Farming Datacrons was really enjoyable but took a while.


Unlocking and crafting 50 epics for selling is enjoyable.


Overall end game content is GREAT!

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WoW's endgame at launch was MUCH worse.


To put it in perspective, WoW didn't have battlegrounds at launch, had two raids at launch, all the content had been cleared for months before a third raid was added, the classes were pigeon-holed into certain roles without any choice from the player (if you had a heal, you were a healer, no exceptions), there were thousands of bugs (they counted), and the replay-value was crap.


TOR has hundreds of hours of more content than WoW did.

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No sorry I should have said end game pvp..........there is of course end game pve but from what Ive heard from guildies its highly buggy.


NO it's not. I been playing Ilium for days now after I hit 50 and there is still a lot of story there and the quests have went well. I hav'nt tried the PVP as I donot like PVP. Thus my reason for rolling on a PVE server. But donot assume a lot are experencing what you have there.

Edited by Valkirus
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WoW's endgame at launch was MUCH worse.

I always love these. Like WoW had anything to compare itself to seven years ago. New games now should be 100x better, not just 5x better.


I've never been big on endgame anyway, so although it sounds disappointing, it probably won't affect my game all that much.

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WoW's endgame at launch was MUCH worse.


TOR has hundreds of hours of more content than WoW did.


lol wut? Someone didn't play Vanilla. WoW took me significantly longer to level and I choose what zones to level in to boot. It took me and my guildies months to reach 60, and when we did the content lasted over a year to finally clear and we loved every second of it. This game? lol.

Edited by Touchbass
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WoW's endgame at launch was MUCH worse.


To put it in perspective, WoW didn't have battlegrounds at launch, had two raids at launch, all the content had been cleared for months before a third raid was added, the classes were pigeon-holed into certain roles without any choice from the player (if you had a heal, you were a healer, no exceptions), there were thousands of bugs (they counted), and the replay-value was crap.


TOR has hundreds of hours of more content than WoW did.


WoW was also released in 2004 when the MMO market was absolutely nothing like it is now, and the genre itself hadn't even close to developed.


SWTOR was released in late 2011, with hundreds of other MMOs to look at and learn from.

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lol wut? Someone didn't play Vanilla. WoW took me significantly longer to level and I choose what zones to level in to boot. It took me and my guildies months to reach 60, and when we did the content lasted over a year to finally clear and we loved every second of it. This game? lol.


I'm not anywhere near end game, being an alt-aholic. But the big issue I see in terms of content is, as you mentioned, a clear lack of leveling areas. The starting planets might be different, but the rest is all the same. It's not a good situation for someone like me, who tends to create many characters. EQ II, and even WoW had multiple areas per level band, and it took quite some time to experience all of it. Here, it's always the same string of planets.

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I'm not anywhere near end game, being an alt-aholic. But the big issue I see in terms of content is, as you mentioned, a clear lack of leveling areas. The starting planets might be different, but the rest is all the same. It's not a good situation for someone like me, who tends to create many characters. EQ II, and even WoW had multiple areas per level band, and it took quite some time to experience all of it. Here, it's always the same string of planets.


Think that's bad? I want to make the other AC of the BH. Problem is I refuse to do the exact same story linear all the way to lvl 33. What was Bioware thinking???


Also, there are hardly any quests per zone at all compared to a traditional MMORPG so you really can't "skip" chunks like you can in other MMORPG's

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I'm not anywhere near end game, being an alt-aholic. But the big issue I see in terms of content is, as you mentioned, a clear lack of leveling areas. The starting planets might be different, but the rest is all the same. It's not a good situation for someone like me, who tends to create many characters. EQ II, and even WoW had multiple areas per level band, and it took quite some time to experience all of it. Here, it's always the same string of planets.


I think they tried to combat that with a special storyline for each class. It worked for me. I never cared about the story in WoW so the only variety to the game was different areas. In this game, I am very interested in the story. It kind of offers variety in story rather than areas. Nice change of pace.


I remember about a year or 2 ago when I quit WoW I would start a new alt and basically just try to rush through the content to hit top level. Who cared about the story when I had raids to do or something! Now it's just a different (and refreshing) focus. I had lost all hope for MMOs and vowed to never play one again. Now here I am, play SWTOR and enjoying the story instead of expecting someone to reinvent the same old tired MMO formula.

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Think that's bad? I want to make the other AC of the BH. Problem is I refuse to do the exact same story linear all the way to lvl 33. What was Bioware thinking???


Also, there are hardly any quests per zone at all compared to a traditional MMORPG so you really can't "skip" chunks like you can in other MMORPG's


In one way you're right, as in we can't really skip whole zones completely.


But I find if I do all the missions in a zone (plus some space minigame and pvp), I'm too high leveled to do the next zone, so I can skip it. That means that if I make an alt, I can spend my time on those zones I skipped and skip over the ones I fully completed on the first character.


Still sucks that you have to go through your same class quest but maybe you can make your new character have a different alignment/personality and all different answers in dialogues so it's at least shaken up a bit.

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I always love these. Like WoW had anything to compare itself to seven years ago. New games now should be 100x better, not just 5x better.


I've never been big on endgame anyway, so although it sounds disappointing, it probably won't affect my game all that much.


My point was that TOR has a far better launch than the titan known as WoW.


TOR actually has one of the best launches in MMO history, with more content than any other game besides Rift, but I'm pretty sure Trion is on crack 60% of the time. [citation needed]


So my post was relevant to the fact that TOR has better end-game content at launch than most games. It also has a much higher replay value.

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WoW's endgame at launch was MUCH worse.


To put it in perspective, WoW didn't have battlegrounds at launch, had two raids at launch, all the content had been cleared for months before a third raid was added, the classes were pigeon-holed into certain roles without any choice from the player (if you had a heal, you were a healer, no exceptions), there were thousands of bugs (they counted), and the replay-value was crap.


TOR has hundreds of hours of more content than WoW did.


i dont care if some other mmos had worst game design , i care about swtor that seems day by day less mmo that it is designed to be.


i am trying to not hit 50 lvl and face the BIG WARZONE ( illum ) because it will be my last day ingame....


so many empty planets and not any real open pvp competition ... swtor's open pvp content sucks bad


Bioware you have two options ... leave the game as it is now or fix it .

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SWTOR has the RPG portion nailed down perfectly.


Now they need to flesh out the MMO parts of the game.


Personally, I think they made the right choice. They could have added tons of endgame content, but made leveling stale and miserable.


Then nobody would be having fun until 50.


Wouldn't that be fun?

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Let me start by saying I was a huge supporter of this game and have been following it since its announcement back in fall of 08. 1 - 49 had to be some of the most entertaining leveling Ive ever had in an MMO.........then I hit 50..............


I really do not understand how EA didn't learn from Warhammer's failure to not rush an MMO. This game flat out seems rushed by atleast 6 months and now Bioware and the players suffer for it.


End game pvp is literally a complete mess in this game........Ilium is suffers from horrible FPS issues and running the same 3 warzones over and over again gets boring fast. The worst thing about this PvP system is the way you attain gear, It is all around a complete mess that needs to be reworked completely. Getting the same piece of gear in a champion's bag over and over again is ridiculous.


Having said all that bioware you have my sub for atleast the next couple months and I wish you all the best in fixing these glaring issues because I really want you to succeed. For me this was my last MMO I planned on playing for atleast a couple years but as of right now I highly doubt ill be here in a couple months.


This will probably surprise you, but there is other endgame content. Not only Ilum

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