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I went full dark side(SS to prove it) and I liked it


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Haters going hate. Don't be so jealous.


Beiber fail post is a fail. It's obvious this guy is trolling. If not congrats on playing the game, we are jealous. Hey I clicked only the dark option in my game too let me share some of that spotlight!

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Clickers are bad players. Anyone who clicks will never be as efficient as someone who keybinds. Honestly, all I have to do against a clicker is jump over their head and strafe, the turn with keys is terribly slow, and someone is unable to lay down area spells and remain mobile while using instants.


Even though I do keybind there really isn't a need.


All my attacks have a cast time and my character auto follows when people jump around me anyway.


I find it comical when they do run around and i'm still casting at them.

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Clicking is so inferior to keybinding its not even up for debate.


Want proof? Bring up the keyboard on your screen. First, type out "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" Then, try to click that out using the on screen keyboard.


There is one thing that is flawed in this, what you describing doesn't take into effect the 1.5 second cool down. If there was a 1.5 second cool down every time I typed a letter on the keyboard, then yes I can type just as fast on the on screen keyboard as I would with the keyboard.

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Hmm, try telling that to my WoW raiding guild where we completed all the raids since vanilla through all of BC with a main tank that clicks, which was me (I quit WoW after BC, game got old and wasn't interested in it any more). And we always stayed on top of the raids, we were always ready to start right into the newest released raid, plus we never read any strategies, watched videos, or used DBM, we wanted to learn the raids on our own and come up with our own plans.



What a joke. If you were to put that tank in the current WoW, with all the movement intensive encounters...they be bringing down the raid. Healers would either have to make up for the tank's incompetence or simply replace and find a better tank.

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As far as keybinding goes, a mixture of both would be the most effective approach. Using 1-5 or 6 keeps your hands on wasd and using middle mouse to control your view angle while clicking on some of your less used skills. It works well for melee dps at least.
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PvE is easy to click in because there isn't constant movement and the need to always be ready to use any spell/ability like there is in PvP.


Try to get 2200+ arena rating as a clicker, then come show me videos of you doing it, then I will be inclined to believe that clicking isn't inferior to keybinding.


If you want to say that a clicker is a Bad PvP player, then I will not argue with you about that, only because I do not do PvP at all, so I cannot speak about that since I have zero experience in it.


But I can absolutely state that it doesn't matter if someone is a clicker or a keybinder when it comes to PvE, it only matters they know how to play their character and they do it well. Being a clicker in PvE doesn't automatically make someone a bad player, if I can raid at the main tank the top tier WoW raids when they were new, never reading or watching strategies, that is proof that someone can be a clicker and be an excellent PvE player.

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Ok, you're bad because you click. No beating around the bush, if you are a clicker, you are bad.


My guilds never watched videos because we always cleared stuff before videos were out and made our own videos for people to watch.


How can a bad player successfully tank the hardest raids of WoW, when WoWs raids are considered among the most complicated raids created in an MMO?

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You know what I find bad about dark side? Beside going to dark4, 1/3 of answers are heavy jerking off, 1/3 of answers are "kill it", and 1/3 of answers has to do with evil choice.


So, basically 2/3 of choices are just plain... crap. Jerking off on weaker one. :rolleyes:

Edited by Mugo
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Are you drunk? either way. Topic is either way. I went full dark side without a single light side point and stop being jealous.
You know, it matters not which direction you choose. Even if you ever select a light side choice somewhere, once you hit 10k in either direction, the opposite direction resets to zero.


So, it's not an accomplishment or anything.


Edit: Also, your user name violates TOS due to, well, the rules.

Edited by Nangasaur
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