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Everything posted by arare

  1. What grind? Very casual player here and after finding a reasonable and fairly matured guild to raid with, everything became pie, in an enjoyable way. OPS ( EV and KP) are pretty easy. EC is a bit of a challenge but we will get there. Be a in a terrible guild who have "schedules and requirements" and it becomes a grind. More so if you are trying pug it and spend 3 hours trying to clear EV HM.Not fun. To your question however, being in a good guild matters. Being full rakata I honestly don't need to do any of the raids anymore( It will be a while before we hit EC HM) but I still run with my guild because for some odd reason, I do find the raiding in SWTOR more enjoyable.If nothing helps, then perhaps it is best to lay off MMOs for a bit.
  2. You are underestimating the farmers. They sell for 300k on my server . Why would anyone pass such an easy income source?Just park a lvl 40 alt there.Log in every 4 hours and get the egg.They will farm this indefinitely.
  3. Posted my reply in the other thread but I'll just copy and paste it here. Absolutely has nothing to do with luck I am afraid. "Unless you play on an empty server or you have a macro and/or a really good ping, you will never ever get that egg After failing to pickup the egg and losing it to the same player (was just 2 of us at the spawn at Castle Panteer)6 times in a row, it felt like a lost cause.I Knew the spawn time down to second and was clicking at the spot a minute before the spawn time but with a ping of around 100ms there is simply no way that I can ever get that egg from the nest. Ultimately, on a high population server, the more these macro farmers get the eggs and more of them compete with the selling with the resulting price drop with competition, you are better off just buying it, honestly. Nothing else you can do really do about until they make it BOP."
  4. After trying to get the damn Eggs and being "ninja-ed" 3 times in a row. I gave up. It is so ridiculous on my server that now you got 3-5 players camping by the 2 nest in Alderaan. It was hopeless. I wonder if the New OPS drops something really rare.
  5. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/213/screenshot2012041401301.jpg/ Just got it from Lost Island HM from the last guy.Really surprised it actually exist, guess I got lucky. Happy Farming!
  6. The DoTs will be weaker but from my own limited testing, the damage you get from Wounding shot with those weaker DoTs applied is the same as when you have your usual Normal DoTs applied. This really helps in PvE and PvP since I can toss a Speed Shot, Sab Charge, Aimed Shotin between rotations without wasting resources constantly reapplying those 2 DoTs.
  7. They won't. They are fully committed to a Theme-park/on rails MMO .
  8. Lets not forget militaristic and tribal furries, worms with the criminal capacity of Einstein-ed Al Capone, and people swinging laser swords while dressed up like hobos
  9. They did not do this out of "Loyalty" for their fanbase.If it was, they would have rewarded paying customers who were here from launch. That is obvious enough. Don't even try to dispute that. You are just going to make yourselves silly in front of anyone with a shred of common sense. They rewarded those with a 50 because they know there really isn't much for them to do. 1 ops and FP will pretty much be cleared in 2 weeks. With most people getting their gear and sets. Ranked WZs are not in, so grind them out the hard way through Normal Warzone Commendations. Getting bored? We will reward you 30 days so that you can "relive" it all again through alts.
  10. I got Contruction KIts from Crit Slicing. They are not all that good really, don't waste your commendations on it unless you really have nothing else to spend.
  11. Go do a brief search on the PTS forum. There are far more bugs and threads with the new Operation and FP than there was on the Ranked WZ. If Bioware actually had the decency to remove the Ranked WZ feature from 1.2 at least 1-2 weeks before the release, the outcry will definitely be not be as bad as this. Sure there would be some QQ as always but if they actually told us and gave us a reason why, players would be more understanding. Sure there were not many people around to test the Ranked WZ but there were no major problems with it at all. You can be an apologist all you want but pulling away a feature a couple of hours before deployment without any sort of adequate explanation is just cutting it deep. If there was a major problem, tell us. You expect behavior like this from idiots, not industry professionals.
  12. I rather jump around and fall all over the place like a moron rather than wasting my time on a 40 minute balloon ride for the 2 Datacrons on Tatooine. Thankfully, I ( and quite a few people) got lucky when a friendly Trooper decided to help everyone up with the grap hook.
  13. 2 years of playing EvE hardens the most carebear of players.Even then, anyone who isn't new to MMOs should know that red=dead on PvP servers. If you are new, I best suggest you get use to it or reroll.I love PvP with consequences but Swtor offers none of that and honestly it is more of a PvE game anyways. There is no shame in rolling PVE , folks. You might actually enjoy the game more.
  14. Hilarious thread. All of you been trolled oh-so-beautifully.
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