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Force Speed should be removed from the game


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Stun is a good counter to force speed, the problem is stun has cooldowns and I'm rarely fighting just 1 person every 30 seconds, since I'm playing pvp




And sorcs already have things like the bubble, and all their different cc abilities, very strong dps, and very strong healing abilities because they're squishy. Adding force speed into the mix means that sorc/sage can make the most mistakes in a fight without ending up dead out of every other class in the game.


Oh I see, this is a sleeper "Sorcs are OP" Thread.


Well guess what, as a Shadow, when I am kited, I NEED that gap closer so I can even try to catch up to some people. Especially with all the knockbacks, stuns, snares, pull, etc.


There is nothing broken about it. If they removed my force speed, I might as well just sit there and give free kills after they are already out of range.



I have no issue with force speed, even when mine is down and they use it. Because guess what, that means I have 30 seconds of free time to beat the **** out of them before they sprint again.

Edited by Narcrus
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I see. You'd prefer the following:


"Hey look I was backstabbed - better go afk and let this scrub get a free kill because if I own his face by using more than one button he'll cry on the forums."




Actually I'd prefer the operative to have the same chance of killing the sorc as he does of any other class




BHs warrior and agents can't just zoom off with a shield that sucks up all damage while the op is rooted in place

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Oh I see, this is a sleeper "Sorcs are OP" Thread.


Well guess what, as a Shadow, when I am kited, I NEED that gap closer so I can even try to catch up to some people. Especially with all the knockbacks, stuns, snares, pull, etc.


There is nothing broken about it. If they removed my force speed, I might as well just sit there and give free kills after they are already out of range.




Then ask bioware for the same force jump ability that knights/warriors get




force speed needs to go

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Then ask bioware for the same force jump ability that knights/warriors get




force speed needs to go




I fail to see how force is SO BROKEN. It is a two second sprint.


Might as well remove all gap-closers because they all serve the same purpose, getting somewhere faster.

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I used to love seeing it when I was still playing my PT. I would let them run a little and just when they thought they were home free I would use my grapple. Oh, were you planning on going somewhere? :p Definitely miss that.


Only time I think it sucks is in Huttball. I'm somewhat confused as to why BioWare decided to impede the movement of the ball carrier, but allows abilities to circumvent it. No I'm not just picking on the sprint, I'm speaking in general.

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Actually I'd prefer the operative to have the same chance of killing the sorc as he does of any other class


You could start by actually taking the time to learn the other classes strengths and weaknesses, as well as remembering this important fact.


"There are better players than me at SWTOR."


Go ahead, repeat it to yourself 100 times. That you clearly don't understand the mechanics of a sorc is a good indication that this group of players is fairly large.


BHs warrior and agents can't just zoom off with a shield that sucks up all damage while the op is rooted in place


That's because these classes all get their own fun tools to play with, many of which (just like the sorc's bag of tricks) can be countered by anyone with half a brain and the ability to use more than one button to PVP with.

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Does the job that other talents should be doing and is way too overpowered, no other class has such an easy escape ability whenever they find themselves out of position or outnumbered




Dear God what the hell were they thinking when they made this ability


Roll tank to get a counter pull for it.

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LOL. . . . Seriously


Play a sage or Sorcerer in PvP and see if you feel like it's OP then.


Assassins having it, might be OP, but Sages can't Vanish.


I loled at this, assassins are the only ones that should have it, they're a melee class and melee needs a gap closer. Sorcs having it on top of shield, aoe knockback, stuns, slows, and mez is much more OP for a ranged class.


That does not mean that the ability itself is OP however, the notion is actually laughable. My main is a scoundrel and I love rooting them in place before they can get away, if I don't manage to root them in time, I move on to my next target. Keep in mind scoundrels are arguably the class with the least amount of tools to counter an ability like force speed, yet I honestly don't find it OP in any way shape or form.


TL;DR- QQ more and L2P

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Is this a back-handed way of exiting the closet? If so, congrats, but I have no idea who you are - my care level therefore = 0.



No it just seemed like the most important part of your post was insulting my popularity with the opposite sex




Hence what I said

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I loled at this, assassins are the only ones that should have it, they're a melee class and melee needs a gap closer. Sorcs having it on top of shield, aoe knockback, stuns, slows, and mez is much more OP for a ranged class.




don't tell them that you'll get private message hate mail

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I could've missed it possibly among all the QQ from both sides, but was a solution suggested aside from removing one of the staple abilities from KOTOR?


Personally I find it stupid that you have to save a stun on a 1 v 1 fight just so they can't run away. As a merc I have one stun on a 1min CD, and I'm fairly certain speed is less than that. The real problem is arguably the hardest hitting AC out there right now having a get out of jail free card, not the ability itself though.


Oh, and btw....don't post problems if you don't have a manageable solution (aka don't say it needs to be removed, it's not making things THAT imbalanced.)

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I could've missed it possibly among all the QQ from both sides, but was a solution suggested aside from removing one of the staple abilities from KOTOR?


Personally I find it stupid that you have to save a stun on a 1 v 1 fight just so they can't run away. As a merc I have one stun on a 1min CD, and I'm fairly certain speed is less than that. The real problem is arguably the hardest hitting AC out there right now having a get out of jail free card, not the ability itself though.


Oh, and btw....don't post problems if you don't have a manageable solution (aka don't say it needs to be removed, it's not making things THAT imbalanced.)




But removing it is a manageable solution because they have so many other tools to use that force speed just drops it into the realm of if they want to get away they will




It's like I brought up earlier, it makes the sorcerer the class that can make the largest amount of mistakes without the mistakes ending up getting them killed out of any class in the game. Others would call it a learning curve or a skill ceiling. As for how useful it is to Shadows, they do need a gap closer so like I said earlier, just give them the same force leap that knights/warriors get




Meanwhile between accusations of trolling, personal insults, and just general "u mad cuz u bad" posts it seems what you were looking for in regards to my posts was lost

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I could see jolt and force speed being assassin only, but it's too late now.


Jesus. Healing Sorcs would have literally NOTHING but a 3k damage bubble every 20 seconds and a 50% snare on a cooldown.


For ****'s sake people. It's not the baseline abilities that are a problem. It's the amount of talented CC available to hybrid lightning/madness builds.

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Jesus. Healing Sorcs would have literally NOTHING but a 3k damage bubble every 20 seconds and a 50% snare on a cooldown.


For ****'s sake people. It's not the baseline abilities that are a problem. It's the amount of talented CC available to hybrid lightning/madness builds.


News flash. If they did better class balance in beta they would have gave healing sorcs survivability options in talents for pvp.


There are a lot of things they ignored in beta. Wearing tank gear in pvp is pointless, so much stuff.

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News flash. If they did better class balance in beta they would have gave healing sorcs survivability options in talents for pvp.


There are a lot of things they ignored in beta. Wearing tank gear in pvp is pointless, so much stuff.




Yeah I'm right there with you. My biggest disappointment when the game launched was realizing that the game still played the same in regards to all the problems it had at the fundamental level, and that the changes were mostly cosmetic in regards to how everything actually looks.




A lot of people in the beta were constantly trying to get BioWare to pay attention to game balance but they must not have been listening since all the same beta problems are still in the game now.

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