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Everything posted by Bearu

  1. A QT to the ship would be awesome, but also kind of circumvent the fleet pass altogether. Looks like I have no choice, meh. At least my jedi doesn't chain smoke like me, he'd be dead by now for sure.
  2. yeah, i don't have a security key/smart phone. Any other ways i can purchase them that you know?
  3. I was thinking maybe the CD didn't have to be so long... Thoughts?
  4. Bearu

    The Operative Nerf

    Damn and i thought this would stop all of belgoth's repubs from qqing when seeing your name in their wz. Guess not , see you soon bud .
  5. LFG tool like in WoW, they have one for pvp already why not have one for flashpoints? Also you said "if you could add one THINK" not "one THING" in your title.
  6. LOL OP managed to troll this to 8 pages. With the ammount of CC in this game it's actually mind boggling that threads like this exist. "i got outplayed so i came here to qq for nerfs" This card is so overplayed just stop... for the love of yoda. Your group probably all cc'd him at the same time instantly filing his resolve, and he is free to heal cc free for a full resolve bar duration. Which was probably long enough for reinforcements to arrive and break you face, amirite? L2 cordinate cc's if it's that big of a problem.
  7. Sorc bubbles onlymitigate about 3k dmg. The fact that you have problems with that is so laughable... Go play mah-jong bro.
  8. I play a lvl 50 inf shadow actually. Bearu - belgoth's beacon. Bottom line is if you're counter to my force speed is on CD then tough beans pal. Thats the way this game works. If i have my cd's and you don't i'm probably going to kill you. This is not a new phenomenon in the world of mmo's Stop qquing and hotkey your stun, and if your stun is on cd when i use force speed guess what? I'm probably going to use forcecloak to vanish, pop all my consumables and comeback to global you. Like everyone has been saying, there are SEVERAL counters to this ability, if you can't utilize them it's nobodies fault but your own.
  9. I have a feeling we are all just being trolled by the OP here. If you have a problem with force speed, you actually suck. Thats about all there is to say.
  10. Dear OP, stealthies are squishee. I know u mad that we have a mechanic on a 2 min cd that lets us escape an otherwise easy kill (for you), but that's the way stealth classes work. It's not like we can press a magic vanish button every time we're about to die. Like i said, Stealthies are squishee, if you have one that is a big problem for your group just make sure they know to focus him when he pops out of stealth, he might escape once but he's defenseless for two minutes if he comes out of stealth again. This is a valid mechanic, learn to deal with it is the best advice I can give you because I doubt they are going to take it away.
  11. This too, recently they have adressed this issue and are apparently working on a fix, so hopefully they will actually fix it but as it stands the responsiveness of combat in pvp is definitely not where it needs to be.
  12. I would support arena with vanity prizes only; titles, different looking gear, mounts etc. If they can't keep it balanced they might as well not bother though because the floodgates of qq will open otherwise.
  13. Bearu


    I want a tracer missile macro for my newb BH.
  14. Bearu


    As soon as they implement macros in game i guarentee you'll be able to find any/all of the good ones you need on the internet with a quick google search. Like you said, it takes just a "slight comprehension of 'scripting'" so if somebody is really feeling held back by not being able to write them it's their own fault for not learning it. I have not learned any scripting ever, and (in WoW) i can write some decent macros.
  15. Bearu


    Also, i support macros, i currently have 36 keybinds and would like to clear up some room on my screen (because the ui in this game is just so sleek and 2004). Several cooldowns always get blown together, for example in pvp as a jedi shadow i ALWAYS hit resilience before hitting force cloak. This ensures i have some time to get to safety before i get AoE'd out of stealth again. Those two abilities do not share a GCD and I would LOVE to macro them together, It's not exploiting, it's just doing something the game's rules have allowed you to do. Hell I have a Logitech g13 keypad and I would write external macros on that for such things however the ability lag in this game is so horrible sometimes that I feel my efforts would mostly be in vain.
  16. Bearu


    They knew with all the horrible ability lag that macros would make their game splode:eek:
  17. I rofld out of my seat when i watched the legend of jobotookiller today
  18. So if you can still see their health whats the problem? If it gets low, click the nameless bar then heal them up.
  19. I think they could fix this pretty simply by adding more robust nameplates. I hate to bring up WoW, but the nameplates in that game are HUGE and very easy to click on/interact with.
  20. Cast force lightning on me, see how long it takes me to find you, focus you, lock you up and kill you. OP just because you can't react fast enough to interrupt the cast and focus the proper target does not mean that a skilled gamer can't. Seriously, as soon as i see that purple crap flying it's mind snap, force stun, force speed, force breach, project, shadow strike... ad infinitum. It's a very flashy and easy to notice ability and the fact that you haven't learned how to interrupt it and counter by focusing and using CC just goes to show that you need to learn your class better. The game is very balanced right now, so to the OP all i can say is do a little bit more class research and you will realize that strictly based on the spell animations sages are actually more overpowered because their telekinetic throw is a VERY discrete graphic, which allows you to utilize offensive positioning much more, i.e. you're animation doesn't scream to the opposition "HERE I AM COME AND GET ME!" like the force lightning ability does.
  21. Yeah, just seems to be a syncing problem, i have a 30ms ping, and even after using resilience (drops all hostile effects and grants 3 seconds immunity to force and tech attacks), my force cloak will fail to respond after 3-4 seconds of spamming (usally only happens 2-3/10 times). I can use other abilities, combat abilities, but my force cloak just epic fails sometimes. Sad panda . They have done a good job so far with the game IMO so I have faith that the issue will be addressed in the near future, but we can only hope. I don't think this has ever happened to me in PVE gameplay, i suspect they are having issues syncing up everybody's data in pvp just due to the volume of commands and movement that have to be proccessed. I'm no dev so this is really all just simpleton speculation, either way i hope they are working on it .
  22. I've been having issues with using this spell period sometimes. Never in PVE, only in PVP, like if i noticed i'm about to get jumped by three guys while i'm in combat, i hit resilience and then hit my force cloak, however sometimes - probably about 30% of the time - no matter how many times i spam my force cloak button, it just doesn't do ANYTHING. It's really frustrating when your class has a on again off again mechanic that is kind of crucial to our success... and it doesn't even work a lot of the time... Like i said i have experienced this issue in PVP ONLY, so if anybody has a possibly explanation it would be greatly appreciated .
  23. I think you are reading way to deep into what i said rofl. I was just trying to make the point that infamy is the best reward from being a kickass pvper. No ammount of credits, and commendations can give you infamy, but killing lots and lots of people can.
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