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Server population is dropping...


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Of course you can finish an MMO - at least some types.


To my mind, once you've seen the world, and most of the content, you're pretty much done. All that is left in most mmos is grinding your way up to one or two high end raids... not something I, or even most people, are that interested in.


Once the grind treadmill begins, then you've pretty much 'finished' the MMO to my mind.


A really social endgame would be about building up a tribe, with a base, which needed to be developed and defended - with a player driven economy, and a shifting political landscape. But we seem to be a long way from seeing that kind of game any time soon (beyond EVE).


Too bad that most people see it like this, so many new faces to the mmo... On Ultima Online your adventure started when you had 7 grandmaster skills....

Edited by Vordy
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Name a game that was "saved" by server mergers, with the remaining servers having large and stable populations, without any new server merges needed.


Ridiculous framing. Let me ask you something? Can you name any mmo game that was saved by any method? It's a foolish question and a foolish standard since we all know the one standard that you people seem to wanna get at is that other massive 10 million people game. Rift had server mergers and is still a great game.

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I have seen many people that are putting the subscription on hold for one reason or an other. I myself chose to end my subscription until they release new on some content that is not yet in game but was promised.


WoW has still not added all content that was promised before launch... :rolleyes:


Many will probably come back when BW gets the game to the point it was expected to be at when released.


It doesn't work like that. It tends to be a one way door. People claim that, but very rarely come back.

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Ridiculous framing. Let me ask you something? Can you name any mmo game that was saved by any method?


F2P saved several games from shutdown. DDO, Horizons: Empire of Istaria etc.


It's a foolish question and a foolish standard since we all know the one standard that you people seem to wanna get at is that other massive 10 million people game. Rift had server mergers and is still a great game.


RIFT is slowly dying. No doubt it's the most polished and complete fantasy MMO to come out in years, but that's still the case. Hopefully the endeavours to Russian and Chinese markets will turn out to be successes for Trion.

Edited by Rouge
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Not even 2 full weeks ago there were multiple servers sitting in the "Heavy" and quite a few less than that in the "Light". Now there are MULTIPLE sitting in the light and a couple of Heavy.


I'm starting to worry about the server I chose, now. It was heavy when I picked it and I hadn't seen it drop below standard (between 2-5am ish) since I rolled there until 2 days ago. Now it's light - standard at peak hours. Does not bode well for my social-leveling :/


Youre obviously not looking at them during prime time. 90% of european servers are always listed as heavy or very heavy during peak times. 2 of them with queues.

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Not even 2 full weeks ago there were multiple servers sitting in the "Heavy" and quite a few less than that in the "Light". Now there are MULTIPLE sitting in the light and a couple of Heavy.


I'm starting to worry about the server I chose, now. It was heavy when I picked it and I hadn't seen it drop below standard (between 2-5am ish) since I rolled there until 2 days ago. Now it's light - standard at peak hours. Does not bode well for my social-leveling :/


I've seen it posted by users and one of them did have a link but good luck finding it where they had tinkered with server caps - not there are some who seem to think they lowered it and others who think they increased it. It seems to me increasing them made sense after the queue issues and thats what the link had suggested.


This would, without a doubt, cause a difference in what the servers call light/med/heavy etc.


There is no definitive statistics showing whether overall population has increased or decreased. torstatus is the best indicator and it is in early stages and not necessarily accurate but it shows relatively steady population on most servers with some increasing and some decreasing.


Everyone is having different experiences but at this early stage of the game there are 100 reasons server population could be fluxuating.


If its "lowering" in the eyes of a level 50 it is possible you just happen to be on a server with a ton of alt-aholoics. If it is raising on a server perhaps there was multiple guilsd who coincidently decided to move to your server and roll empire or republic


it is all subjective opinion right now and we wont know for a while if server populations are truly increasing or decreasing.

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F2P saved several games from shutdown. DDO, Horizons: Empire of Istaria etc.




RIFT is slowly dying. No doubt it's the most polished and complete fantasy MMO to come out in years, but that's still the case. Hopefully the endeavours to Russian and Chinese markets will turn out to be successes for Trion.


Rift is on a churn cycle and will continue to be until a full blown expansion comes out. its the simple fact of any new Theme park MMO they lack end game content. I myself just resubbed to it the population is light as people wrapped up ember isles and tried SWTOR. , i suspect though once people hit the endgame wall in tor . someof those will return to Rift over the next month or two.


Rift can be profitable with 150 k subscribers. They have no I.P. to pay all there maitenance and content devolpment is done in house. and they just got another 85 millin dollars to make an expansion pack for rift and another MMO. Right now Rift is the only game i will give 15 bucks a month . When this one is turned into a Real MMO i will return here. Guild lvls, Legacy, True itemization not food stamp epic sets, A rethinking of mechanics every single boss relying on an enrage timer is ridiculous. Several other minor features a MMO should have. TOR in its current state is like playing 15 bucks amonth to play a Diablo like lobby game.


TOR has potential but its not a AAA MMO right now.

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The game is new.


Fluctuations will happen and will continue for months still. Some bought the game hoping for some sort of holy grail and in their eyes, it failed.


Others were playing other MMO's and when pay time arrived, they had to choose one, or the other. I am fairly certain that many preferred to return to the other MMO because they are already geared to the gills.


Others came to the game, will leave for a few months and then return.


This fairly normal. In a year or so, we should have better numbers for how many players are in the game.

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F2P saved several games from shutdown. DDO, Horizons: Empire of Istaria etc.


F2P *probably* also saved CO and STO from shutdown...however, I can't think of any EA MMOs that are F2P. EA's SOP seems to be if it makes more money than it costs to run, it lives, if not it dies. DAoC probably has under 20k subs and still is subscription based. IMO this game will never go F2P.


Youre obviously not looking at them during prime time. 90% of european servers are always listed as heavy or very heavy during peak times. 2 of them with queues.


Too bad even heavy and very heavy servers feel dead due to extremely low server caps. I play on two different servers, both of which are normally heavy and sometimes very heavy during my time zone's prime time. Last night 8pm I was briefly on:

Hutta, 15 minutes: 18-21 people there

Alderaan, 1 hour : 37-44...did not see one LFG spam

Fleet, 10 minutes : 88-96


Sorry, this isn't what I consider to be a heavy or very heavy server pop.

Edited by ChicksDigHarleys
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My server is hitting new lows week after week; RAPIDLY. The Crucible Pits had a good deal of WoW guilds head over here like Ruin and Dara Mactire. They've been quitting in droves and the population has taken a huge nose dive as a result.


We were one of the fullest servers at launch; I really can't imagine what some other servers must be experiencing at this time due to low population.

Edited by Naivesteve
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My only input is that I don't think that's it's fair that I pay the same fee as everyone else, yet others are having a much better play experience than me due to having a healthy population.


I am angry I pay 15 a month but log in to a server that is all but dead republic side, and I know there are other servers where the pop is very healthy.


I am angry that the only response has been "Reroll". No, I will not reroll, I will cancel my sub again and bash your failure on the internet for the next decade as we all do with WAR, AoC and Aion. My time is very important to me, I do not have time to "reroll" because you overestimated your subscriber base.


What REALLY makes me angry is that I rolled on the server assigned to my guild. Since day one we have been outnumbered 3-1 by imps. We tried to play nice and help out, and here I am one of the last 4 standing from my original guild because the others are fed up with no population/PVP and have gone back to other games.


This NEEDS to be a priority. This issue alone is killing your game.


I definitely think character transfers should be opened, and VERY inexpensive. Like $10 bucks a move, with a 2 month cooling off period in between moves.

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hey every1.

playing on bao-dur (EU) and i can say that it's almost dead. population droped very quick because its really hard to find a group EVEN for Wz. GTN is empty, economic is poor.. everything is sad

my guild mates just loggin in, sees that its empty and no changes and loggs out. and the situation even isn't going get better, only worse. its getting not interesting to play as it should be


bioware should make some actions about this... merge servers or make transfers (free or paid - doesnt matter).

Edited by loveburrito
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I now when the game came out during Christmas I was playing 8-10 hours a day since I was on vacation but once I got back to work my time dropped to like 2 hrs a day... I think this is whats happened to a lot of people who have jobs...


That said, we also lost a lot of players to either rushing through all the content and being bored so they cancelled and people who are 50 now and with not a lot to do so they just log in to do Operations and then log out afterwards...


At it's peek (during Christmas break) the space stations would be like 200-250 people on them, now its like 50-70 at most... most of the planets I go to now only have 20-30 people on them, at least within my faction....


But yea, Bottom line is we need server mergers, maybe not all the servers need them but I think quite a few do...

Edited by Monoth
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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


It's done what Bioware planned and hoped to do. Ever since launch they have been adding servers to accommodate more people. They did so until a stable population on each server was made.

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Well I had my post about this closed as I used the work *peti*ion in the title, but a forum mods redirection to this server tells me what I feared and that is that the population of swtor players is too spread, communities will fail because of this....


Oh well.... Time to reactivate my wow sub and go back to playing an mmorpg's instead of a single player rpg. :(

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Well I had my post about this closed as I used the work *peti*ion in the title, but a forum mods redirection to this server tells me what I feared and that is that the population of swtor players is too spread, communities will fail because of this....


Oh well.... Time to reactivate my wow sub and go back to playing an mmorpg's instead of a single player rpg. :(


and that's true

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I have seen many people that are putting the subscription on hold for one reason or an other. I myself chose to end my subscription until they release new on some content that is not yet in game but was promised.

Many will probably come back when BW gets the game to the point it was expected to be at when released. though some may find other games in the meantime


I'm one of those who has put mine on hold. I'll look at it again if and when they allow transfers and I see what happens to my server pop after the move to the oceanic servers since I can't follow my guild and friends. I have four characters and re-rolling and repeating almost 2 months of play just isn't going to happen. Hardly what I call fun. The whole thing just killed my will to play right now. I like the game just not enough to keep going right now knowing so many people I play with will be gone very soon.


I never left my other game and big event is coming up plus a new raid so I won't be left without stuff to do in the meantime.

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I'm an Imp on a server with a very low Republic population. (We aren't exactly a packed house either WZ queues can really linger at times.) It sucks a lot of the life out of PvP and Ilum. You never see Voidstar or Civil War because of it...it's 24/7 Huttball. The recent weapon crate spawn rate change which may have balanced things on high pop or well balanced servers basically decimated us. Those goals are ridiculous grind fests now because we never see any fighting just dozens of Imps spinning in circles. We are lucky if we see a Republic player at Central once a night never mind a full OPS group capable of putting up a legit fight. I have friends on balanced servers who describe what sounds like a completely different and more enjoyable game. It would be nice to see balance restored and server pops increased. WZ queuing will help but more needs to be done.
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My server pop is still the same after it calmed down post launch week. It hasn't changed much since early January. During low population hours it is actually busier than it was in early January. Not sure if that's people from other timezones rolling on my server or what, but it's appreciated. :cool: Edited by kristoffbrujah
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I've never seen 40 people in the republic fleet (or anywhere else, for that matter) on my server, and I can still find groups. I also tend to group up for quests and heroics with some of the same people, making for a great community. I try to be proactive and respond whenever someone is LFG, even if I have already done the fp/heroic, and I don't mind dropping out of the middle of a quest to group up for something.


Sometimes you just have to be more flexible, and maybe do solo questing until someone else is LFG. Perhaps you can group for something you don't want to do in hopes that the others will want to help you when you are finished helping them.


I guess you just have to adapt to your environment until server transfers are integrated.

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