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Everything posted by loveburrito

  1. Didnt get about the codes, telling you our feelings, what's worse, old pets rain, cartel coins.... Oh, it's a joke, right? Couse if its not, I remind you who's the subscriber, who play on EU server and who must fix the bug instead of whiting that unnecessary posts here. Heard my feelings now?
  2. Send in-game request, that you are available to have this title. I've sent it in may, live-chatted with support and i've been granted that title
  3. Many guild mates have the same problems - they left dying servers and lvl-uped new characters, but they still want their origin characters. I dont think its hard to transfer a character from one server to another - bioware do the same operation with our characters when we go to PTS. And dont tell me that the greatest problem in the galaxy is legacy system - they dont need their old legacy, they have new ones. Everyone will pay you for the transfer, its ok. If you transfer origin characters - you will return back many subscribers. Sooner you do this - more players will return
  4. about Jokull (Voss). I've completed Primary Target before it's fix and didnt recieve the codex. After, i've completed it with my twink and got the codex. But the quest is not available on my main character, i've partied with mate during this quest - and still didnt got it. so i think, characters, who completed this quest before fix are no longer able to get the Jokull codex. p.s. if there's other way to get it and im wrong - post pls )
  5. hey every1. i've earned The first line of defense on PTS before 1.2 release and got it now, i've completed the chapter 1 on PTS before 1.3 release and still dont have the cutting edge title so i'm wondering if the PTS Titles (First lineo f defense and the cutting edge) are still available ?
  6. untill lvl 50... equip the best u can. this is custom gear+modifications for the commendations. so forget about stats. on lvl 50, dont know for sure, my opinion is - 350-400 crit, 350-400 surge. when you get this cap - pick mods for power. now, in PVE, i have about 460 bonus damage(with knight's buff), 38%(smugglers buff) crit, 77% surge, 94% accuracy (waiting for promised changes about accuracy in 1.2)
  7. Magnesium, i agree with all but that's all about tank shadow. as infiltration i only save some time for healers, no more
  8. seems, you understood me incorrect i know all benefits of shadow, and most of them is surviving im talking about benefits for the group. i have only one lv50 alt, its commando, and it is OMG overpowered, even including 1.2 patch - only grav round damage has 10% reduce, but full auto will proc for often... this is ridiculous
  9. for example there can be made an ability in the skill tree, that increases raid's (of group's) damage (or critical) by some % when jedi shadow deals a critical hit... similar to shadow's Force Synergy (balance) but it buffs the group. it will significally burst shadow's valuable in pve
  10. about pvp - sure, ofc. the best. have no problems with any class but in pve... it really needs a burst. just a little. and some raid buffs
  11. hey every1. i have a jedi shadow as a main character since release, and really enjoy this class. later i've leveled up a commando... and got disappointed about my shadow, couse it is not so valuable member of the ops... first of all - his dps. cant say for sure (but almost sure), but my commando (T1-T2 gear, T1 weapon) deals visualy much more damage then my shadow (T3 gear, T3 weapon). second - shadow has no benefits for the other ops members, when commando & guardian can reduce armor, sentinels can buff ops for 15% damage etc. so i have to go pve with my commando, couse its more valuable for the raid. so wanted to ask, if there are any changes for shadows in future? maybe some group buffing, or weekening the boss, or smth else. thnx
  12. hey there. wanna ask you a question... what amount of surge, crit, power and other stats do you have in PVE infiltration spec ? i tried a lot of changes with my mods, but i think i've lost the most balanced amount. your recommendations ? p.s. sorry if this question was asked before
  13. its 50 people of fleet on my server, maximum 60. Bao-Dur EU
  14. instead of creating new threads of this problem you'd better solve it
  15. doesnt matter what reasons led to this situation. the fact is - bioware has react as soon as posible on thiat problem, or much more subscribers will cancel
  16. hey every1. playing on bao-dur (EU) and i can say that it's almost dead. population droped very quick because its really hard to find a group EVEN for Wz. GTN is empty, economic is poor.. everything is sad my guild mates just loggin in, sees that its empty and no changes and loggs out. and the situation even isn't going get better, only worse. its getting not interesting to play as it should be bioware should make some actions about this... merge servers or make transfers (free or paid - doesnt matter).
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