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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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That's not the tenor of these kinds of threads. The problem is that lots of people have been hyperbolically generalizing from their own experience of what seems like an empty server and then claiming that the server population in general is dropping, the sky is falling, the game sucks, the Hero engine is crappy, etc., etc., etc.


The appropriate fact to counter that type of propaganda is to point out that one's own experience contradicts that general, hyperbolic claim.


Of course some servers have low populations, there has never been an MMO in which it's been any different, even a successful one; it's only when such a bland statement gets inflated to "OMG the game is failing!!!" generalizations that us fanbois leap to the defence of the game.


The truth is that none of us know the real data, all we have is our individual "feels". And your claim that the game feels dead is easily countered by my claim that the game feels alive - IOW, neither claim is really worth much, without data to back it up, and none of us have the appropriate data.


Well, except for an official statement that the game has about 1.7m active subs. That certainly jibes with my "feel" of the game, but of course it could be a lie (at the cost of prosecution if EA are ever found out) and the game could have about 100k players who are mainly clustered on 2 or 3 servers. Who knows? :)


This has nothing to do with the 'feel' of the game for you and me. There is no correlation between the two. If you are on a populated server and the game 'feels' alive and prosperous, that's wonderful for you, but I am not on a populated server and the game 'feels' like a ghost town.


Neither claim counters the other claim unless you also happen to play on The Defenestrator server (or one of the other low pop servers), which based on your feelings of the game it is obvious you do not.


Honestly even if the game had 30 million people playing it, if 29,999,800 of them were all playing on one server while everyone else was playing on other servers the game would still seem dead to them and it would STILL be a problem.

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I am curious. I play at Rogue Moon and at the very best we have 100+ people on Empire Fleet. In other times it 60-80.

How much do other servers have, especially heavy?

And no I didn't do any rerolls,since the very start somewhere around December 21th

Edited by Gelious
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Just an observation from an MMO vet.


If the only time your server hits Standard/Heavy is for 2-4hrs during "prime time" that means people are only logging in to do dailies and then logging back out. Not a good sign for a game thats barely a month old.


Took this around 2:30am EST tonight (Fri).



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Just an observation from an MMO vet.


If the only time your server hits Standard/Heavy is for 2-4hrs during "prime time" that means people are only logging in to do dailies and then logging back out. Not a good sign for a game thats barely a month old.


Took this around 2:30am EST tonight (Fri).



The Light, Standard, Heavy, Very Heavy and Full designations are ambiguous at best. 2,000 on Tuesday could be Heavy, while the same 2,000 on Wednesday could be Light and the same 2,000 on Thursday could be Standard. BW keeps changing the thresholds. So using their population designations as a metric for determining how many are actually online isn't an accurate method. They won't release those numbers, and for the benefit of players on low pop servers who are willing to reroll on a more populated server - I wish they would. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I have a very simple question, actually. Apparently, by now all points of view have appeared in this thread — all, except one. What does Bioware have to say? Why, after so many posts by unhappy users, not a single company employee have posted an official reply in here?


We don't need long speeches like "yes, we are aware that there are certain players in the certain segments of our audience who may have expressed...". Just give us a simple answer: "Yes, there will be merges, starting at February, X". Or: "We won't be implementing merges because it would confirm our investor's fears".


I won't be commenting this silence, though many other companies feel oblidged to have a special department who's sole responsibility is communicating with their users. I also won't be commenting this apparent inability to make a decision.


I just suggest that everyone, who's is unhappy with their server, send an email to Bioware, asking their questions. Or create an in-game ticket, though an email would be better. And if you get "yes, we are aware" kind of answer — just send another one. We're paying customers, are we not? I think we're entitled to at least some feedback from the company we're giving our money to.


P.S. Before I came here, I thought my server was bad. :) 60 - 80 people in the Fleet at prime time. Well, you have opened my eyes. :) At least I did most heroics. :)

Edited by Speicus
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Uther wyrnn ( or something ) was Full when i started and now is mostly light all the time :(


and the amount of Sith to Jedi Ratio is unblanced if you play sith you will most likely get Stih vs Sith Huttball all the darn time :(


i hope it gets merged with server that has more Republicans to kill...

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i agree, remember when the game just released and my server im playing on had status between heavy and very heavy it was good times always had around 80 players on each planet to do heroic quests with or even talk in general chat while traveling... but today its always on Light and its very hard to get people for flashpoints/heroic quests, around 20 players on each planet like so the general chat is dead :(


i agree something needs to be done.

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I have a very simple question, actually. Apparently, by now all points of view have appeared in this thread — all, except one. What does Bioware have to say? Why, after so many posts by unhappy users, not a single company employee have posted an official reply in here?


Because they are not that stupid. Your not going to try to answer to questions about inherently unfixable problems with your product. This is standard industry policy. Ask Codemasters what happens when you try and tell your customers, "things cannot be undone."

Edited by Zandog
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i agree, remember when the game just released and my server im playing on had status between heavy and very heavy it was good times always had around 80 players on each planet to do heroic quests with or even talk in general chat while traveling... but today its always on Light and its very hard to get people for flashpoints/heroic quests, around 20 players on each planet like so the general chat is dead :(


i agree something needs to be done.


You're lucky.


On my server if you see 20 people on corellia is a bless.

The media i 5-10 people per planet after leaving the low levels planets. So... from alderaan and further is a desert

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Because they are not that stupid. Your not going to try to answer to questions about inherently unfixable problems with your product. This is standard industry policy. Ask Codemasters what happens when you try and tell your customers, "things cannot be undone."


This particualr issue is definitely fixable. Server merge is the most obvious solution.

Anyway, my point is that we already have all kinds of player's opinions in here. They are all very interesting, but, save for some useful info are server population, they bear little or no use. Everything there is to say about it was already said here. It's time to make Bioware react.


Apparently, they don't feel oblidged to answer in the forums. But emails, generally, have to be answered. Even if there is a hundred or a thouthand of them.

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it all started with shoes.


swtor had always been a nice place, except that there were a few too many shoe vendors in the major cities. the more shoe vendors there were, the more shoes were produced. the more shoes were produced, the lower the quality of the shoes. the lower the quality of the shoes, the more often people had to buy new shoes. the more often people had to buy new shoes, the more shoe vendors there were. eventually, swtor passed what economists call the 'shoe event horizon' when it was no longer feasible to produce anything other than shoes. needless to say, disaster ensued. those few players with the correct genetic makeup mutated into hobbits. the rest died off.


its a common economic phenomenon, but tragic to see in operation.


lol win

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no players anywhere near you is really annoying, i go through 1 hallway planet after another and i have to kill every mob myself.over and over again.


And once you hit 50 the game falls apart.


It's no wonder so many are leaving...

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And once you hit 50 the game falls apart.


It's no wonder so many are leaving...


Agreed, cancelled today tired of camping boxes in IIum for hours and the total lack of solo content at 50. Not paying for 4 working quests and one daily PvP.


To bad the story was awesome up until it just stopped. Time to move on.:eek:

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I play on Ajunta Pall and can't recognise any complaints about population. Just the other day a guild mate of mine commented that the PvP ques were the best we have ever seen, even at level 50 and off peak. Epic battles on Ilum with more than one ops group is also common... yet we are a RP-PvP server, so RP also goes on too. Perhaps it is because of this that we are one of the most heavy servers in the US.


Maybe some of you who are having trouble should give us a go?

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Space Slug was full all night last night.


So were many other servers and there were more servers with que times than I've seen in a few days.


Anecdotal evidence would suggest that server pops are growing slowly.


The migration dept is booming I tell ya!

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This has nothing to do with the 'feel' of the game for you and me. There is no correlation between the two. If you are on a populated server and the game 'feels' alive and prosperous, that's wonderful for you, but I am not on a populated server and the game 'feels' like a ghost town.


Yes, of course, what I was arguing against was the likes of the OP which generalizes from this kind of thing to hyperbolic claims about "how the game is doing".

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