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Losing the will to play, dunno why.


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Same here. Got to 50 on a char, hit up all of the FP's I cared to, played the Ilum and daily grind for a while and got a full set of decent PvP gear. Now I just don't have the will to log on. I got a Sentinel to 30 or so before not even caring to keep going with the story or go through some of the planets again.


I just feel like I beat the game. Nothing deep or depressing here. Just feel like I completed it. Yes I could get a full set of Battlemaster PvP gear, but I don't really like gear > skill systems in the first place. Ilum was fun at times, but for the most part it has gotten a bit old.


To be fair this is what happens to me in all themepark MMO's. I just get to a point where I feel like I have beaten the game and move on. It just happened pretty fast here. Not to say I don't like the leveling speed. I think it is just a casual game.


I will be back with expansions most likely. Still searching for a sandbox MMO, but until then enjoy SWTOR my friends.



You sir, understand it.. :) I feel totally like you, and I think that sandbox MMO I am waiting for is ArcheAge, what do you think?

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I will tell you about innovation and sandbox. Star Wars Galaxies. Had a real publisher and game company picked up that game. Then it would have been saved and people could really experience a full fledged open world Star Wars experience in an MMO. BioWare and SWG would've made the best combo ever.
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They obviously made a bioware MMO, I cannot say I am surprised with their history of recent games, dragon age, mass effect, and going back to KOTOR..


This game totally makes sense, I think too many people here are just jaded mmo'ers expecting something else...


I honestly think Tera and Gw2 will be a disappointment for you as well.. The golden virginity days of WoW are over.. Just let it go..

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They obviously made a bioware MMO, I cannot say I am surprised with their history of recent games, dragon age, mass effect, and going back to KOTOR..


This game totally makes sense, I think too many people here are just jaded mmo'ers expecting something else...


I honestly think Tera and Gw2 will be a disappointment for you as well.. The golden virginity days of WoW are over.. Just let it go..


I actually came here expecting a bioware story that allows you to change the outcome of quests (Class quest at the very least), but no... I get DA2. =/

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the travel time is lame


hey guys, lets go to "X"

walk to zone-line because you can't mount here


wait for load

walk again through another pointless mini-zone because you can't mount here either


wait for load

walk to ship controls and navigate

go to planet zone-line

wait for load FOREVER

go though another pointless empty mini-zone


still can't mount because I'm in some building

walk to taxi

etc etc etc


WANT TO BUY SOME WHOMPAS, please (teleporters)

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It's been almost a week since ive hit lvl 50.


Now my addiction to this game is changing.

Last night during maintenance was the first night since swtor was released that I watched YouTube for another game.


To me, whenever I do that, it means that I'm slowly easing myself out of my current game.


I enjoyed 1-49 lvls. It was one of the best experiences I've had. But now at 50, it's just smells differently here.

Levelling has stopped, questing has stopped, and now the 50 warzone is just horrible.

I am new to Ilum, so my judgment about it is not important.


Howerver... From in love with this game, Its now starting to taste bitter for me.

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Also Gw2 is not going to be anything special either.. it seems to me to a very linear game with no real freedom.. just more "dynamic combat".. and finally it'll start offering some of what WoW has been offering in terms of raiding etc.. It LOOKS great tho. Ill give it that!


I didn't think so when I first heard about it, but the more I read the more interested I become. However, I'm not looking for a sandbox necessarily. I'm just looking for something fun that doesn't seem like a second job.


Leveling in SWTOR was fun the 1st time. Unfortunately, that experience is over all too quickly. I watched every cut-scene and still got to 50 quickly. Leveling a second character is brutally boring as you've already seen 95% of the cut-scenes, and the few personal story ones are not enough to slog through 50 levels of repetitive combat in the same straight line I already followed. The class story lines are good, but in the time it would take me to level to 50 to see a whole one, I could read several novels which are much better.


Dailies and grinding PvP gear - I did it for a bit and realized it just isn't fun. I don't like feeling like I have to do them every day just to keep up with those that ARE doing them.


I'm cautiously optimistic about GW2 at this point.

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Mmo's used to never do this ever. 2nd gen mmo's came out and now it's all we ever do and we are bored of it. Before this, personalized quests were non existent or really really rare. You didn't progress by single serving missions that were predictable.


Just because it's all you know doesn't make you right.


In everquest, you leveled by grouping up and camping spots in the world or in dungeons and grinded mobs for long periods of time to level.


Do you ever see someone yell "camp check?" anymore??? Of course not, so don't pretend games can't come out to change old broken boring conventions like quest grinds anymore.


You are wrong.


I miss EverQuest. Group checking was great, battling for spawn position was great, dungeon raiding was great, exploring was great, learning there was epic gear to find from chatting with mates or PUG was awesome and hard! and challenging.


I left EQ for WoW because after years of grinding mobs and grinding great raids that were strategic it did somewhat become a bore. And WoW was fresh, new, and less of a challenge to level because of the quest system. And then the end game did become very fun and challenging with need of some strategy. But that too became a bore and for me quicker then even EQ.


Now SWToR, a fun game since i havent played WoW in long time, and I enjoy it. But I am growing slightly bored of the PVE side of it because of how EASY it is. WoW became really easy and SW just started off from there. No challenge to the game, it feels like I will always feel overpowered in the world and i will never feel like i have to be camping this to level or get something awesome for a weapon or gear or quest item. I am always doign green quest or they grey out before i finish espicially if im PVPing and doing Space Combat, leveling is simple.


IDK I am going to get to 50 and just hope the game really focuses on some strategy based raids

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I didn't want to make a new thread but I couldn't find a similar one within 4 pages, which are taken by EU downtime threads, which I think are true anyway.


I have subscribed for 3 months, I got really sucked into the game, I love Star Wars and I wanted a Star Wars MMO since I heard the word "MMO".

And now that I played for a bit more than a month... I don't know... something broke inside of me, I think. I hope it's not permanent, because I don't want to leave SWTOR. I want to play it, I want to keep enjoying it.


I haven't logged in for 2 days, and today's downtime didn't help one bit. But this is NOT a downtime thread.

This is a thread about feeling burned out. The FPS problems piling up, Ilum making me angry, bugged looting in raids, I haven't done a single Space Combat mission after I grinded 375 fleet commendations for 2 weeks and was given a simple epic (124) for it.


Maybe it's not even that? Maybe it's something else? Travel time? The fact that it takes a lot of time to get from one planet to another to help out a friend in need?

Travel time is really horrible, I used to defend it but it's killing me now.

I want to level up a third character but I cannot force myself to go through the same side quests again. If only we had 2 paths to choose - like in WoW. I'd skip Corellia, Taris, Nar Shadaa 100% of the time if I could. Some things simply should be a matter of choice. Imagine being able to pick 1 of 2 planets in every bracket to level in. Like Borean Tundra and Howling Fjords, or other countless worlds and MMOs that let you pick where you want to spend next few hours in.


Maybe I just don't feel the freedom? Huge amount of restrictions - crystals, weapons, armour, alignment.


Anyway, I am sorry for wasting your time guys. I really hope you will keep on enjoying TOR. I really hope that I will also wake up tomorrow and realise that I just needed a couple of days break.


Perhaps you also feel similar? Like you are losing the will to play, but can't really tell why?



I feel the same as you right now, plus I still have Skyrim I haven't finished, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and Mass Effect 3 coming up... nice bridge to Guild Wars 2 IMO...


Me and my brother might re-subscribe when I hear they fixed warzones and Ilum performance.

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It's O.K. not to play 24 hours a day.


You're already on your 3rd toon in less than 1.5 months? Seriously take a break. Get something to eat, take a shower, get back in touch with your family. They probably miss you.


You silly kid.


I have 3 level 50's. I work full time and support my family.


Just because people are actually GOOD and fast at leveling doesnt mean we spend all our time on our computers.

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I actually came here expecting a bioware story that allows you to change the outcome of quests (Class quest at the very least), but no... I get DA2. =/


while the plot remains the same the lightside/darkside choices you make especially in key situations alters they story somewhat imo

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Sry for my bad English for begining ...


Reading all of your posts for like one hour cuz I dont have ''heart'' for loggin. We are just sick of this type of gameplay, but admit that there is nothing else that gaming companies can bring to us. There will be always quests, kill this kill that, put this talent here put there and I enjoy it. There cannot be anything that we didnt pass through. That's mmorpg world.

We must accept that this is it, barely the end of what game can bring to us.

Getting sick and burned out from this is not gonna help us much cuz *** are we gonna play then !!!???

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OK, after reading through this thread I decided to log-in and play.


I had left my sorcerer on the fleet. Log-in check my email.

Run to my ship

Fly to Alderaan

Mount up and head out

Travel for 3 minutes to get my quest

Head out on my mount since - "hey look Taxi discovered but it wont go anywhere since I havent explored this planet with this character" (3 other characters but not this one)

Mount up again and travel for 10-15 minutes

Unlock new taxi so next time I will take a 4 minute taxi ride instead of my mount

Mount back up and head to quest location. . . still. . .

Get to quest location and hey look trash mobs I have to kill to get to the door

After nearly 25 minutes my wife looks over and says, "I was wondering what you were doing since your game has been so quiet"

Kill trash mobs in 2 minutes and finally get to my quest. . .

Oh, look no one to kill in here just download a freaking proposal. . .

And now I have to travel all the way back to tell mission giver that a jedi was supposed to get married. . .

45 minutes and I fought for 4 minutes, traveled for nearly 30 minutes, and checked email. . .



Yeah, so little incentive to log back in now.

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I feel the same as the OP. I sat down and thought about it today while I was at work and I came home and hit the cancel button. I really wanted this game to be great, but in its current stage I just cannot justify paying a monthly fee to have to wait for something to do.


I hope that there will be some content to bring my back in the future because my first play through was a blast. There is just nothing to keep me here.

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Where are you going to go? Is there -really- a game out there that is 'so much more innovative' than this one? I feel as though you people are just tired of MMO's in general. It isn't an issue with the game, but the genre.




Best MMO that still exists



1) You have to be somewhat smart

2) You have to play w/in a corp

3) You'll train 6 months before your able to PVP...but once you do....the best ever

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Best MMO that still exists



1) You have to be somewhat smart

2) You have to play w/in a corp

3) You'll train 6 months before your able to PVP...but once you do....the best ever


Same here.

Even though I still have around 50 days of play (used GTC) I went back to EVE.

Farming my bellowed C5 is a lot of fun and challenging.

SWTOR on the other hand is pure boredom once you hit 50. It's absolutely terrible. It's actually the worst end game I have ever experienced. From a guild of 65 active only 8 is left... Well 7 now.

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Best MMO that still exists



1) You have to be somewhat smart

2) You have to play w/in a corp

3) You'll train 6 months before your able to PVP...but once you do....the best ever


Not true, you can get into a Dictor,or Ceptor in about a month... I think you can get into a mostly TII fitted BS at BS4 and one type of TII gun in about a month and half or less..

Edited by Razot
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To be honest, the most compelling reason for me to play is the fact that some of my friends still play. Sadly, this is how I felt shortly before I quit playing WoW.


I know exactly how you feel, luckily for us there are some promising mmo's to look forward to and not the mistake that is TOR. Playing Tor then jumping on EVE, WoW, or even POTBS, lol, is a far cry better world feel and gameplay model than TOR, its truly sad that STar WArs was brought to whole new low.

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Sry for my bad English for begining ...


Reading all of your posts for like one hour cuz I dont have ''heart'' for loggin. We are just sick of this type of gameplay, but admit that there is nothing else that gaming companies can bring to us. There will be always quests, kill this kill that, put this talent here put there and I enjoy it. There cannot be anything that we didnt pass through. That's mmorpg world.

We must accept that this is it, barely the end of what game can bring to us.

Getting sick and burned out from this is not gonna help us much cuz *** are we gonna play then !!!???


Read my post a few lines up. We don't have to just accept it as is.


Games can break conventions, and when it happens we take it for granted but its brilliant when it happens nonetheless. just remember....


We do not camp check anymore.


If you don't know what that means, look it up. Mmo's can be better than this. And they will be... Sooner or later, someone is going to figure out what we all can't quite put our fingers on but can more or less agree that quest grinds and raids, and queued pvp has been done to perfection already.


We want something better.

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It's because this game has been done 10 times before. The voice overs only do so much and other than them this is WOW, EQ2, LOTRO, AION +++


Been done to death. They are all the same, just a different skin.




This game has designed itself into a corner so much that it's at best, as good as one of those, but at worst, just like any of those. If you like what it's trying to do, you will probably get more for your money with one of the others... And if you are bored with games like those, you won't have much interest here either past leveling up once.


It's a clone.

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Ever since i hit Battlemaster, theres been even less reason for me to logg in


Like people say its ok when you level once, everything is new and every planet is new


But when you get to maxlvl theres..nothing..just a big void


Leveling a alt is like playing the exact same thing over again, with only 5% new content in form of the new class storyline, but your forced to do the same sidequests, hammering your spacebar to skip through the talking.


The planets are so extremly linear your following the exact same fotsteps you did on your previous character, you really struggle to get through the first 10 levels.


And while your leveling that second 50, you wonder, what will i do when i hit 50 with this one? there wont be more to do then on my first one.

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Where are you going to go? Is there -really- a game out there that is 'so much more innovative' than this one? I feel as though you people are just tired of MMO's in general. It isn't an issue with the game, but the genre.



Most of us aren't tired of MMO's so much as, being absolutely true of myself and seeming to be true for many others that're vocal, sick of the same ol'-same ol' about them.



I, for one, am sick beyond rationality of seeing powerful IP's like the works of Roddenberry's Star Trek, Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, WotC's Dugneons and Dragons and Lucas' Star Wars repeatedly used as a face for games that, without those IP's, wouldn't be able to sell a single copy on the merit of the actual game itself.


I'm sick, and I do not think I'm at all alone, of being herded down the same tired quests. I've killed 20 of all the things before. I've Fed-Ex'd more Unobtaniums and Plot Devices than the United States Postal Service.


Lots and lots of all that done, seen and gotten sick of befores. Repeatedly. Some of that isn't bad, but the bread-and-butter staples of MMO quest design's bread now comes with extra mold, and the butter went rancid five years ago.


In short, we're not sick of soup, but could we at LEAST boil a new rat for the fifth night in a row?


Stale. Everywhere I go in almost every MMO, I see gobs of wasted potential, wasted opportunity and wasted capacity to learn from anything anybody's ever done before by seeing the same things done in most of the same ways and with almost all of the same blithering old grind/time/resource sinks engineered in sibling-differentiated manner.



SWTOR's got the story potential to actually make good on a cultural icon of an IP and do with it what could, to what I very well believe could be immense profitability, be done with it. I'll wait for a while yet to see if they make good on that, though the fact that they WoW-cloned their gameplay feels insulting.


Not on a specifically personal level, but as a veteran MMO player. They're essentially asking me to pay them for a different wrapper on a game I've already played many times before.


I can only speak for myself in such matters with any authority, but I can and will say, with absolute authority, that I've already got raid characters in WoW, thanks. I'll raid in WoW. Raiding here would just be starting all over for the sake of what? -Your- stats on -YOUR- gear?


Anecdotally speaking yet further, my raid guild in WoW's taken a look around here, played it hard, sampled the water, ran the raids. General conclusion: Oh good gawd it's WoW in space. Queue up the total reinvestment of raiding here? The laugh track at such a notion in said guild's vent chat is occasionally enjoined by ten minutes' worth of random babble about how stupid and wrong Bioware is if they think all that many raiders are looking to do the same crap with the same problems as they've done for years in WoW, only with laserswords in space.


The story stuff's cool though. Almost all of us in said guild agree on that. We're a pretty likeminded lot and while there are some that hope TOR's raidgame fleshes out so they can have an alternative to WoW and Rifts, I quote one fellow wishing exactly that on our vent channel right this bloody minute.


"TOR is meh. I like star wars, sure, but screw that. I've got five years on my five raid toons here and two more I've had since release on Rift. They got nothing I haven't seen before, and they sure as Eff don't know how the hell to even make it work. You were there when we were all going 'Where the hell's the platform?' and had the million credit repair bill night.


That's fun like a paid-for kick to the junk. So screw them. They don't want my money if they don't want to sell me something I want to buy."



This was met by twenty seven other people generally going "Eeeeyup." and "Tor is balls. They're making pandas look good. I don't know how they are making pandas look better than dath vader, but they're doing it."


We're just one little ol' raid guild. Sure, we've got some pretty impressive connections and sister/affiliate guilds we raid and PVP with, but no, we're not a giant-big,valid sample of the Whole Opinion Evar.


But it's what I've got. My raid guild's got TOR on a minor interest "See if it's better in a year" watch, generally approve of the story content, generally agree with me that they really ought to focus on making that their big 'Thing' more and, of those that are still playing TOR as well, are entirely acknowledging of that they're playing it to see the neato story stuff.


But raid here? Why? Wut? What a hassle. Game's not even out of beta yet; screw that.


I don't like the fact that this post must be so definitvely negative. It is, however, the truth of my circumstance. I suspect, though can only reasonably suspect, it's not just mine, or my guilds', alone.


I'd very much like to see TOR succeed. To do what would help it succeed, to make the decisions that would allow it to drag itself out of the shadows of where too many MMO's have gone before. That, I know I can't be alone in.


This isn't how that's going to happen. The story emphasis...actually could be.


The rest? Even the best rat's lost all its flavor after its been boiled five nights in a row for soup.

Edited by Uruare
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