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Level 49 PVPers: I feel sorry for you :(


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Guess what? Those geared 50's went through the same damn thing. I will never understand why people such as yourself expect everything handed to you just because others have better gear than you. Do you take the same approach as in PvE?


I am not a fan of the random chance bags but I am sick of seeing whine posts like these. In every mmo out there a new max level char will struggle until they get geared. Welcome to mmo's.


In PvE version end game, you enter a tier1 instance and farm for tier1s, and when you are done move to tier2 instance to farm tier2s. Enemies always scale with your gear unlike PvP. When you do your first HM you wont feel like you jumped in a 16man NM ops.


WoW achived this with arenas. Game matches people around same rating. That was a good idea at the start but turned out a co-op grind at the end and MMO community died.


The devs want to achive something greater than what WoW offers but failing atm. I support them. And the man from mythic who is leading the team is a pure gamer and knows what the community needs even %90 of the community disagrees with me. Just he couldn't find the way to implement it.


RnG system is fun imo. It gives the excitement of looting. But it should give something worthy every time. Looting empty bags sure not fun.

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I am a fresh level 50.


Unfortunately my gear sucks and I get facerolled in every encounter.


I try to damage people but I barely scratch them.


I have a life so I am a little behind, but I still want to primarily PvP in this game.


I have to say this is very disappointing. I cannot compete at all.


I can't believe that I am already down on this game and am desperately waiting for Guild Wars 2 and a real pvp system.


Also...THREE warzones...how about some variety?

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I am a fresh level 50.


Unfortunately my gear sucks and I get facerolled in every encounter.


I try to damage people but I barely scratch them.


I have a life so I am a little behind, but I still want to primarily PvP in this game.


I have to say this is very disappointing. I cannot compete at all.


I can't believe that I am already down on this game and am desperately waiting for Guild Wars 2 and a real pvp system.


Also...THREE warzones...how about some variety?


Un-sub, wait for a few months then check out if there's any new content you like. Or wait for GW2. Whatever works for you...

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I'm level 28, I enjoy pvp especially following the introduction of the 50s bracket. What bugs me is the limitation of owning only 1 champion gear bag until level 50. Right now I have 1000 Mercenary, 1000 Warzone commendations and 1 champion bag and there is now little incentive to do warzones for the next 22 levels. Why not allow people to start working on their expertise gear WHILE leveling so that when they do hit 50 they can reap the rewards of their work and actually have some expertise gear waiting? Edited by Shivkala
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I'm level 28, I enjoy pvp especially following the introduction of the 50s bracket. What bugs me is the limitation of owning only 1 champion gear bag until level 50. Right now I have 1000 Mercenary, 1000 Warzone commendations and 1 champion bag and there is now little incentive to do warzones for the next 22 levels. Why not allow people to start working on their expertise gear WHILE leveling so that when they do hit 50 they can reap the rewards of their work and actually have some expertise gear waiting?


Gear your companions up. Do the same for LvL40.:)

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We had to work for our PVP gear, so you will have to as well.



I should have a big advantage as a level 50 who for the last month, has killed xxxxx amount of players to get my valor and commendations. Why should you (who is about to finally turn 50), have ANY type of level playing field against us who have worked our butts off to get what we got?


It's called endgame incentive. If you hit level 50, and there was no gear to obtain, and you were as powerful as you could possibly be, then what would be the point in continuing to play that character? Endgame PVP, this is how it works. Get used to it.










Your post hardly makes any sense. I agree that people should be rewarded for leveling quicker and doing better but how is it fair to say that anyone who gets to the 50 brackets after you gets screwed over by expertise when you didn't have to endure it?

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Unless I am missing something, GW2 is going to be F2P, and in any F2P game the people who have more money have the best stuff. I have never played GW, and I may be out to lunch totally, but I know that F2P basically means "Pay to Win". Which means if you want to actually compete, then you end up spending more money than a subscription based game. F2P games sukk ballz, unless you have hordes of money to toss at them, or unless you enjoy being gimped. I highly doubt the game will be solely bases on "skill and coordination" like you state. They wouldn't make any money that way......... and the whole reason these companies do any of this crap is to make money.


You should look into it. GW2 isn't about gear, you can get the best gear in a day or two, after that you can do harder content for better looking gear. You can buy better gear like you said with gold, but like I said they made it where its not hard to max out your character states in few days so you can jump into the fun of world pvp. Where your server competes vs other servers and the winner gets to play the other server that won.



EDIT 1: Also, in pvp instance where its 5v5, no one has any advantage not even in level. A lvl2 can jump into those right away because he gets all the skills that lvl 80 have + all their gear too. Its the same gear for everyone in those instances. Unlike SWTOR where they just scale some of your states up to a level 50, yet it was still not fair because of expertise.

Edited by doctorzz
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Your post hardly makes any sense. I agree that people should be rewarded for leveling quicker and doing better but how is it fair to say that anyone who gets to the 50 brackets after you gets screwed over by expertise when you didn't have to endure it?


Yes this, everyone that is 50 right now or was a week ago is running around in atleast champ gear. They grinned it of lower level newbies, how is this is fair is beyond me.

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I am a fresh level 50.


Unfortunately my gear sucks and I get facerolled in every encounter.


I try to damage people but I barely scratch them.


I have a life so I am a little behind, but I still want to primarily PvP in this game.


I have to say this is very disappointing. I cannot compete at all.


I can't believe that I am already down on this game and am desperately waiting for Guild Wars 2 and a real pvp system.


Also...THREE warzones...how about some variety?



So you get rolled by ungeared 50s on the other side as well. This is not a gear problem for you.

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Any level 10 could make the same argument about joining the 10-49 que. Why isn't that a problem?


OH RIGHT, because the OP is 49.


Let me sum up this post for you:


BW, I have been killing level 10s all day. I'm at the top of all my WZ lists and get MVP because I own level 10 face. Please, PLEASE don't make my fight people with the same advantage I am currently enjoying.


K tnx bye

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I'm lvl 45 valor rank 45, would you say I haven't done enough 'work' to get gear?


I would say "No, You haven't"



You haven't had to do any Ilum daily/weeklies, and you or no one else can even wear or get top tier "battlemaster" gear until valor level 60.


And you cannot expect to earn even the lower tier centorion, or champion armor from warzones against lowbies. You have to earn it against 50's. We all did for the most part. Even after they added brackets. But even then before they added brackets, most warzones were us against fully geared 50's any damn way.

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it's funny to hear ppl say we had to work for pvp gear so you should too. You kow what you didn't work for pvp gear. Those ppl who have full champ and bm already are the first batch of 50s which means you grinded wzs against ppl with same **** gear as you. You never had to fight ppl who can 3 shot you to get your gear. So stop the whole I had to work hard for my gear too crap.
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People cried that they wanted tiered pvp.

Bioware gave you tiered PvP.

The people who cried have reached level 50.

The people who reached level 50 are crying that theyre under geared.

Bioware wont give you gear.


Suck it up and get on with it, just like a lot of us had to.

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Your post hardly makes any sense. I agree that people should be rewarded for leveling quicker and doing better but how is it fair to say that anyone who gets to the 50 brackets after you gets screwed over by expertise when you didn't have to endure it?


I did endure it, Even before the brackets came into play, most warzones I had to play huttball 90% against my own fractions of fully geared, over powered sorc's and op's. Ops who you'll lowbies will never have to deal with thanks to the latest nerf on them.



And I played through 3 beta builds and had my characters wiped 3 times, and during that period, played even BUGGIER builds of the game than anything half of the ppl QQing on the forums have ever seen, on the republic side mind you. Against godlike sorc's who made Pre Nerf Operatives look like chumps.


So yes, I have earned what I have. And you all should have to endure similar trials and tribulations to achieve a level playing field against a player of mine or any other BM's caliber.


I like instant gratification as well at times, so that's why I play BF3. MMO's are all about grind to get things that, DON'T make you the best, but instead just a grind to obtain things that give you a fair shot, once you "earn the right to prove yourself", then you'll have you chance to "shine" and prove your skill. That is, IF you have any.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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it's funny to hear ppl say we had to work for pvp gear so you should too. You kow what you didn't work for pvp gear. Those ppl who have full champ and bm already are the first batch of 50s which means you grinded wzs against ppl with same **** gear as you. You never had to fight ppl who can 3 shot you to get your gear. So stop the whole I had to work hard for my gear too crap.



Trust me, there we're PLENTY geared 50's before I even hit 50, and I had to warzone against them in my 20's. No one's commendations or valor were "handed to them". Even with Ilum trading, as an Imperial it was a hassle to find things to cap, there was no republic and everything was always capped. Not to mention that the ones I did kill there earned me ZERO valor as well..... While you were attending low level warzones getting comms and valor regardless of win or loose..........


We all worked HARD for our gear one way or another. Don't pull a card that you don't know jack about.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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I have 2 characters. My first I got to 50 shortly after release. After I got it full BM I decided to roll republic. PvP in Wz's as a fresh level 50 is by far alot harder compared to when i hit 50 the first time, hands down. I don't fully understand when some people say that they have worked (hard) for it and new people that hits 50 for the first time should just deal with it. Personally I don't care about it because I can allways go back and play my BM geared character if I get too many losses in a row but I can certainly see why a new level 50 player could find PvP a bit frustrating because you will get pwned hard and theres not very much you can do about it other than to just learn by your beatings and pray that you get lucky with the bags you get.


Mixed with the new way Ilum "works" getting bags just became a bit harder compared to the easy point trading before that basically gave you the weekly+daily bags without any effort


Anyways was just my 2c.

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People cried that they wanted tiered pvp.

Bioware gave you tiered PvP.

The people who cried have reached level 50.

The people who reached level 50 are crying that theyre under geared.

Bioware wont give you gear.


Suck it up and get on with it, just like a lot of us had to.


Most of the crying comes from Pvers who treat pvp as a minigame and don't want to pvp but want to be good at pvp.


We can only hope bw ignores them. Pvp is not for everyone and trying to make it so would absolutely destroy it.


Pvp players say "yeah I like to pvp so I will pvp and get gear too."


Pve players say "why should I have to pvp, I just want to pvp, sort of"

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Trust me, there we're PLENTY geared 50's before I even hit 50, and I had to warzone against them in my 20's. No one's commendations or valor were "handed to them". Even with Ilum trading, as an Imperial it was a hassle to find things to cap, there was no republic and everything was always capped. Not to mention that the ones I did kill there earned me ZERO valor as well..... While you were attending low level warzones getting comms and valor regardless of win or loose..........


We all worked HARD for our gear one way or another. Don't pull a card that you don't know jack about.


I'm 50 and I did all the same **** you did. don't tell me doing illum pve quest for pvp bags was hard work. When I was leveling up I did a lot of wzs vs higher levels. I just took my time a bit. It was pretty clear the first week guys with no gear can still kill ppl 30 levels higher but as soon as the 50s got the pvp gear it wasn't even close. Try roll a new alt and play wz with no pvp gear and then talk to me about pulling a card you know jack about.


Seriously why are you so scared of fighting ppl who might have a chance of beating you? Do you enjoy beating up 10 yr olds irl? Tone down pvp gear or give new 50s a new set that's 20% worse than champ gear would do this game a lot of good.

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Well, as a brand spanking new 50 that just hit 50 last night, I que'd up and played 5 warzones as a 50 and i can say it wasnt the horror-fest that some of these posts painted it to be.


Sure i did less damage that I was seeing before, between 500-1000 less in some cases, but i still had fun. What about how fast you got pwnd you ask? well I do not go looking for 1v1 fights during team orientated warzones so I didnt see much of a difference since I stayed with my team and focused on objectives rather than kills and dmg.


Sure I was on some losing teams, and we lost badly, but I was getting that in the 10-49 bracket as well, so no change there.


I guess I just have the additude of, hey its a game, I play it for fun, there are going to be people with better gear or more skill than me, I will never get better by complaining about it, if I want to get better then i need to be where they are, fighting with them, watching them, learning new strategies and adapting to compete with them untill i get the gear. I can only get better by fighting with a disadvantage.

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Most of the crying comes from Pvers who treat pvp as a minigame and don't want to pvp but want to be good at pvp.


We can only hope bw ignores them. Pvp is not for everyone and trying to make it so would absolutely destroy it.


Pvp players say "yeah I like to pvp so I will pvp and get gear too."


Pve players say "why should I have to pvp, I just want to pvp, sort of"


you know what real pvpers say? let them have the same gear as me I would pwn them anyway with my pvp skills. if you are better pvper then you don't need to hide behind your gear.

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Didn't they say that GW2 won't have any endgame PvP or Raiding? I guess if you truly want an enjoyable leveling experience and nothing else, that's the way to go. lol


Actually GW2 is ALL about endgame PvP. They are using the DAOC 3 server battles that last 2 weeks involving thousands of players. Instanced PvP everyone gets templated gear.. it's ALL THE SAME STATS.


Skill not gear determines who wins.


GW2 is finally breaking the PvP model that the current MMo's seem to be doing with the 2 faction system that doesn't work.

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you know what real pvpers say? let them have the same gear as me I would pwn them anyway with my pvp skills. if you are better pvper then you don't need to hide behind your gear.


I thought real PVPers said "I lagged!"

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