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Level 49 PVPers: I feel sorry for you :(


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You're about to enter into the Warzone/Ilum area, and what you're about to face is going to either make you re-decide PVP in this game, or go PVE and avoid PVP.





I am really concerned about this Expertise system, and the "Bag-O-Fail" system.


49's coming into battle

(you will be slaughtered like pigs, you are in my prayers)


  • zero expertise, battles become extreme
  • less survival
  • less damage output
  • less endurance
  • no gear set for level 49's to enter into the level 50 Warzones to have better chances against those with Champion/Battlemaster gear (they walk in with 18 expertise)


"Bag-O-Fail" system

(simply a bad idea for giving out gear. Luck gears a player along with mass amounts of time spent -- skill need not apply)


  • creates farm teams (sharing accounts, or paying someone to farm 24hr WZs for you)
  • offers no real reward, just if you have the time, you gear (and a lot of time)
  • skilled players are provided with no challenge
  • continue to get the same item over and over, no option to turn in for something you really need an upgrade in
  • 30WZ Commendations for 10 Mercenary (should be 30 for 15 -- at least)
  • objectives, ranking system should be implemented to say you achieved something to get the gear
  • allow those who are 49 to obtain the level 50 gear (or provide them with a lower tier set to enter warzones with right away) but simply not be allowed to wear the gear until 50


Level 49's are about to embark on a horrible PVP system soon, and those already know exactly what that is.


I have a really bad headache at the moment, so I have thrown this out without a pure statistical reference. The information provided here is just off the top of my head -- and how I see problems within the game -- BioWare really needs to look into this PVP system rapidly with passion.


Right now Warzone PVP is: The Rich get Richer, the Poor get Poorer. (I hope they change this, and soon)


Currently I am mostly Champion, I was slightly behind those who got into the game early and those who do nothing but play. Even I see struggle -- but level 49's about to enter into a fully geared level 50 Warzone are going to feel the wrath of BioWare.


To level 49 players: rejoice and enjoy the time you have at level 49, think back to how much fun and exploration you had while leveling. If I beat you in a Warzone, I hold no remorse towards you.

Edited by mikules
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To OP: Look, i've seen endgame pvp in other games too. And i can say i've seen worse. At least here if 2 non-geared lvl 50 pvpers gang up on 1 fully geared they can still hope to take him down. After Aion's pvp i can honestly say that going through that for some time until i start getting gear is fine...
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Welcome to MMOs, this is nothing new at all.


I would have stayed with WoW if I wanted this... at least their class's are a bit balanced compared to what we have now.


To the OP, I was afraid that this would happen when I started the game, I didn't want to rush to 50 though.


Looks like when I hit 50 I will need to grind for another month or two so I can start having fun again... oh wait this is a game I should be having fun every second I am playing... guess not.


I love how the devs of this game (if I can find a video of this) said As soon as you get into the game you will be doing something completely different than any other MMO!!


oh well, I got into this game for a filler until GW2 comes out.

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I have under 300k exp to go until I hit 50 and I'm really not worried. What do I lose by pvp'ing? Wz's or Ilum? If I manage to get into a pug on Ilum and get a few hits in, I still get valor. Even if my team gets wiped in a wz, I still get valor and lose nothing. I'm sure quite a lot felt the same going into a wz at lvl10.
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Bag-of-fail is a pretty new PvP system :p




Yes, at its core SWTOR emulates a system we have seen in countless other games.


But they refined it with glorious features like completely random gear acquisition (who doesn't like THAT one, so much fun to gear up this way. I wonder why it has never been done before. Wondering really hard.


FFA brackets allowing BM geared premades roflstomping level 10 players.(again, why has this never been done before? Really think about that one, why not? So much fun!)


No combat log to help you analyze combat situations. (again, great feature. Wonder why games have not shipped without a combat log since the 90's? I just don't understand. That's a feature every game should have. Sorry, lack I mean.)


Even ability CDs are no longer greyed out as in other games. That one is a personal favorite, it's whack a mole time with a healthy portion of lucky guessing now.

So much fun.

Edited by mufutiz
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I have under 300k exp to go until I hit 50 and I'm really not worried. What do I lose by pvp'ing? Wz's or Ilum? If I manage to get into a pug on Ilum and get a few hits in, I still get valor. Even if my team gets wiped in a wz, I still get valor and lose nothing. I'm sure quite a lot felt the same going into a wz at lvl10.




Expertise isn't the end all be all of pvp stats either.

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Yeah,its Warhammer online all over again...


Get to lvl 40 rr 40 or so,,then get farmed/assraped while you grind your rr up.


Though I think they have finally fixed alot of that problem.Now that they are down to 2 servers.....

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Expertise isn't the end all be all of pvp stats either.


While that is true, the gear that has expertise on it beats the gear you reach level 50 in by a wide margin in all other aspects as well.


Yes you can gear up through PVE a little before you go back to PVP and then it's really only expertise. However, I would be surprised if players interested mostly in PVP would even consider running ops for a month or two just so they could compete in PVP.

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I feel bad for the 50s. While not all of the 49s will avoid 50 pvp, there will be a large number that will just make an alt to start all over again or leave the game entirely over dealing with it. If they ever allow a level lock, it will get worse.
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Yeah,its Warhammer online all over again...


Get to lvl 40 rr 40 or so,,then get farmed/assraped while you grind your rr up.


Though I think they have finally fixed alot of that problem.Now that they are down to 2 servers.....


Anyone who played Warhammer for an extended period of time knows exactly what you're talking about. Unfortunately this game didn't emulate WoW's pvp system, they implemented the same ****** pvp that crushed Warhammer, and somehow managed to make it worse. Those that never enjoyed Warhammer are left grasping at straws to make comparisons.

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Level 49's have level 40 pvp gear to purchase be4 they hit 50. That provides enough damage healing and protection at level 50. No fresh level 50 is going to be owning, that's how it it should be, and that's what the system is telling you it is. Even if you give a fresh level 50 and everyone else the same battlemaster gear, the better players will come out on top. You need to stop ranting about this because it's not going to get enough attention for a change. People low level/gear get punished, both in pve and pvp.
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Also, those at level 49 have ability to get 5 entire champion bags as well as obtain the weekly daily bags once they hit 50 and have 1,000 Merc / 1,000 WZ comms.




I did this and was lucky enough to get 2 pieces of gear the same day i hit 50. Had 9 bags. This should be common practice for all 49s.


I also agree with what was posted earlier. A fresh 50 should NOT be able to go toe to toe with a veteran 50 PvPer. That's why making friends and creating premades are important.

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This just in: level 42/46 Commendation Weapons have Triumphant Enhancements that are +Expertise. It's possible to farm these weapons and strip those enhancements to place in every enhancement slot on your person for over 200 Expertise.


OP doesn't do their homework.

Edited by RazielHex
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Cry Moar?


First you want 50s separated, fine I liked the idea. But did you honestly think that you are going to come right in as a fresh 50 and do anything meaningful? Like the people who got there before you and put the time in before shouldnt be able to beat you?


All these whines need to stop, put the work it, get your gear, then you can faceroll and show us your "talent" as a pvp player, instead of wanting great gear out of the box or nerfs to other players gear.


Jesus Christ.

Edited by Noviru
mild rude
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