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10 Good
  1. I am a fresh level 50. Unfortunately my gear sucks and I get facerolled in every encounter. I try to damage people but I barely scratch them. I have a life so I am a little behind, but I still want to primarily PvP in this game. I have to say this is very disappointing. I cannot compete at all. I can't believe that I am already down on this game and am desperately waiting for Guild Wars 2 and a real pvp system. Also...THREE warzones...how about some variety?
  2. Huttball allows cheating. I have a grapple and use this cheesy tactic. Unfortunately the rest of my team spams their useless CC's causing the opponents resolve bar to be full. If you position yourself correctly, you can grab the player and arc him above the score line so it doesn't count. I haven't had anyone complain about it but people do seem to want to kill me. Not a good tactics since I'll be back at the spawn. If someone can stay at the spawn over two minutes without getting booted, then it's an exploit.
  3. I'm a west coast player on an east coast server - just following my guild. There are times when I have to double click on the interface icons just to get them to activate. It's at a point inwhich I am double-clicking on everything just to be sure it works. I usually don't see any feedback at all. Other MMOs will give you a sound or large words to tell you why an action can't be performed. I've got a 6 Core @ 4GHz and a GTX480 so my computer isn't slow. My latency is around 132ms but I don't understand why the game lag during PvP is so bad. It appears there is something in the code that requires the action to be double checked by the server before it can be performed - bad coding IMHO. Anyone else experiencing bad interface lag?
  4. It's funny when I run up and apply quell to these guys and their tracer missles, then they stand around waiting for their tracer missile button to reactivate. Guess they forgot about the other buttons. If they aren't within melee range it's really annoying. I get hit with missiles and they don't even have LOS.
  5. What resolution are you running? I have a GTX480 and run the game at 1600x900, bloom off, Textures at Medium, Shader and Character at High, Shadows off, Grass 100, Tree 50. Nvidia Driver 285.79 . Also...the game is installed on an SSD.
  6. The Stun/CC spam is an absolute joke. Anyone who plays against me knows I use cheesey tactics too. The real PvPers are going to leave the game when Guild Wars 2 comes out because it's a joke to disable a skilled player and chain stun them to death. Let people fight it out with their skills. This isn't a skilled PvP game....it's a gank squad game. You don't need any individual skill to dominate with a gank squad. DAoC bled their subscription base dry because of the resentment towards excessive CC-ing.
  7. There are no underpowered classes...there are only underpowered players.
  8. Sounds like nothing but Huttball for Fatman players.
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