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Everything posted by staysa

  1. People are getting less tolerant of sloppy game design, I approve. Because it is snowballing?
  2. vs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBNQhdY6Fbc BH vs Sniper
  3. Ability damage plus/minus positional requirements, debuffs it does, debuffs it needs, etc = X Abilty Y's X then is compared to Ability A's X amount. All of a classes abilities X amount then compared to other classes combined X amounts. And thus, balance. What?
  4. Its ridiculously easy. Soloed 9/10 of the heroic 4s I ran into. It mainly shines after you get surgical probe.
  5. The random item should be the same tier as the commendations you get. Why you get currency for a lower tier item is beyond me, and anyone I've asked.
  6. Because it takes away your mobility and replaces it with skills you should always have access to.
  7. Besides the main continuing storyline I thought that was applicable to the entire game.
  8. They seem to take a bit of getting used to, which this community seems to shun. Their cover mechanic could use... well, scrapping completely. Other then that they are fine.
  9. Neither me nor my friends had particular trouble with the classes you listed more so then the others. Op/merc are certainly easier to use vs terrible players, I'll give you that. Their skill isn't their DPS rotation, its their utility.
  10. staysa

    No healers in a WZ

    ^^^^ Also, healers can get enough medals pretty easy, they just have to not be retarded. As a note, this game has the highest percentage of retarded players I've seen yet. Possibly related.
  11. Nobody requires much skill to get kills in PvP right now. I was killing 50s on my Mercenary at 20 pre 1.1. Classes shouldn't be nerfed because people suck at the game and/or consumables are op. If they took consumable type damage buffs out you'd see reasonable numbers across the board.
  12. I played a with BM Sorcerer, Sniper & Operative, long before and after they got BM. The sniper never lagged behind. He hit low armor targets harder then my Op, high armor targets lower (not that either of us hit tanks very hard :/). His damage projection outclassed mine leading to higher damage done. We had about the same CC. I got knocked back, he got LoS'd. The only reason I'd rather take a sorcerer over a sniper is sorcerer utility is second to none. From a pure DPS standpoint the only problem with Sniper is their silly-*** cover mechanic; it just needs to be scrapped.
  13. I stopped using Kaliyo when I got Vector, but was able to heal him through heroic 4s so... SCORPIO is pretty ****** though, I think user error may be the issue with previous posters use of her.
  14. A scoring system? The ****, are you kidding me? Boy, listening to this tool makes me glad I unsubbed.
  15. Sounds like a l2p issue, tbh.
  16. staysa

    BM is a joke

    Both games suck. This game gets compared to WoW because that is what bioware cloned. WoW was one of a kind when it came out, years ago. Now there is plenty of competition. Standards go up, not down: see Rift's launch.
  17. I was always outnumbered as Horde in Vanilla, I found no problem with this. Why is it a problem here? Because you are shoed into a PvP zone with no player caps by one of the two PvP dailies. Just get rid of the PvP area and put regular quests for people to do, like the other half of ilum. I just feel bad for my BM buddies who got half their bags from ilum :/ I'm glad I stopped playing before hitting rank60
  18. The only hard part about killing sorcerers and tanks on an equal geared operative is avoiding being thrown off ledges & it taking too long (more players arrive at the scene). I can't recall a time I've managed to kill a tank with 20khp before his team showed up. Operative 1v1 lose to well played/geared Marauders & other Operatives. Though 1v1 doesn't mean dick in 8v8 warzones...
  19. Mercenary PvP: 1) Stand on ledge spamming dps rotation 2) knock anyone that comes after you off your ledge If you happen to get into voidstar/civil war, it is basically the same except add the aforementioned K-Y
  20. Sometimes I found it quicker to find a random crap geared person and kill them to drop combat rather then wait.
  21. Probably has something to do with, I dunno, the vast differences in how this class works compared to others. IDK just a guess.
  22. Kbye. (snipers are really good)
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