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I wish PvP was about skill


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Recent Level 50, grinded up and made it. this is the only reason i am playing this game - pvp -flash points are for people who have nothing to do. PvP offers good fun in 15 min increments.


to bad it sucks, I have played huttball so many times I cringe when the guy makes his announcements. PVP in illum is so laggy it is hard to play.


Once again, it is a grind for gear, and of course they make it so you have to play for weeks/months to get it. the entire time you are at a disadvantage to the people who live in the basement with no jobs and can grind that crap quickly. SO they kill you easily --you are doing your rotation, interrupting when you can, CCing if you have to - but just cannot do damage, yet they they hit you for 3k a pop. Then of course you have skill lag so you have to play 2 seconds behind at all times. The one with the best connection wins? this in turn pisses any competitive person off and you look for solutions. yet there are none.


Then you have range classes that can hit you TWICE with lightning and kill you, and if you manage to get near them, well, they have 3 tools in their pockets to CC you etc. Classes are done pretty good in the game, yet there are some that are OP slightly right now. My opinion.



No Skill Pvp=

The real skill in pvp seems to be how to position yourself to get the most comms and the highest DPS, which in reality is easy. I laugh at people who play 15 min of huttball with only 50k damage and nothing else. what did you do for 15 min?


I think this entire game i have yet to have a truely fair 1vs1 match. 2 guys with similar gear and nothing but your knowledge of the game and your character, guess that is why i like COD so much, quick easy, and no worries about the dude with 90% resist.


basically, I am frustrated with the games PvP. I had high hopes based on the marketing and so far it is pretty disappointing. The /whine above are some of my concerns. I will of course try to get the gear I need, but when I do, - can i see some more warzones? how about some 2,3,5s like in wow? that is pretty fun. Or anything unique?

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no, play chess if you want all strategy. The game is about progression and becoming more powerful, sorry if you can't beat someone stronger than you. Ya ya skill skill, I'm so skilled blah blah; no you're not. I somewhat agree that there is too large of a discrepancy with the whole expertise thing.
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skill based PvP ? play a shooter ,car race game or maybe pong .


seems most skill in MMo's these days is timing your leveling to co-incide with the current FoTM before the nerf bat hits.

Edited by subhadar
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Then you just hit level 49, buy all level 49 purple gear and twink yourself out. Then leave each Warzone match before it ends so you're the new top players in the game!


Theres so many new mmorg players (noobs/nubs-your choice) in this game that level 40 with a full set of 40 pvp is dang near all you need. Oh, and biochem to take out that twinked 49 :D

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I'm going to be blunt. If you think no skill is involved, that's why you're failing. That's why you're not putting the output that you could be and I could go on. Is it 100% skill? Hell no. Is it 0% skill? No, that would be denying reality. Yes, some classes need some changes, but really? Take a look at some of the complaints, like cover system being useless while others like myself find it a godsend for the class. What do you think causes the difference? Its the fact that some know how to use it and others don't. Is that not a skill?
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no, play chess if you want all strategy. The game is about progression and becoming more powerful, sorry if you can't beat someone stronger than you. Ya ya skill skill, I'm so skilled blah blah; no you're not. I somewhat agree that there is too large of a discrepancy with the whole expertise thing.


good point, And i will progress with the pvp/gear. But At least you understand the discrepancy of the expertise.


I think I am going to make a pvp video of me now in my first week of 50 and then a month from now. Wonder how important gear really is?

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I'm going to be blunt. If you think no skill is involved, that's why you're failing. That's why you're not putting the output that you could be and I could go on. Is it 100% skill? Hell no. Is it 0% skill? No, that would be denying reality. Yes, some classes need some changes, but really? Take a look at some of the complaints, like cover system being useless while others like myself find it a godsend for the class. What do you think causes the difference? Its the fact that some know how to use it and others don't. Is that not a skill?


Of course there is skill, actually, those of us WITH skill def. excel in the warzones. My issue is really the lack of pvp content, need to grind gear constantly, the that the game mechanics make some classes (SORCS) op right now.


Overall, are you really happy with the PVP in the game?

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Huttball only sucks if you can't play.


Also stop QQ:ing.


Also PvP in any MMO isn't about skill ... it is about skill + gear + team work ... if you want skill, go play some FPS or Star Craft 2 or something.


Again, stop QQ:ing.

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Huttball only sucks if you can't play.


Also stop QQ:ing.


Also PvP in any MMO isn't about skill ... it is about skill + gear + team work ... if you want skill, go play some FPS or Star Craft 2 or something.


Again, stop QQ:ing.


I knew i would get a QQ for this one. As if everyone who posts "QQ" has never been frustrated with anything in the game. The forums are where we can voice our concerns correct? take it or leave it.

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Of course there is skill, actually, those of us WITH skill def. excel in the warzones. My issue is really the lack of pvp content, need to grind gear constantly, the that the game mechanics make some classes (SORCS) op right now.


Overall, are you really happy with the PVP in the game?


What server did you end up on Omega?


Let me know and i'll be there to back you up anytime ole friend!


/deep-bow, Nee


p.s. I love the PVP in this game so far, although i haven't been to Ilum yet (random encounters with opposite Faction in the OPEN-WORLD while i'm Questing has been truly awesome and fun. Open-World is where its at imo. Warzones are okay but imo any PvP that's based mainly on 'acquiring shinies', aka 'gear', is a recipe for disaster. )

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I definitely feel your pain. I've played online competitive games for close to fifteen years, but always thought the very idea of playing versus in a RPG was silly for this very reason. When they started introducing leveling in shooters like CoD those started getting pretty crappy, too. Giving players who put more time into a game an inherent advantage over others reguardless of skill pretty much negates taking it seriously altogether; they should be better anyway because they have more experience (not XP) yet you give them god-like boosts on top of that? Shouldn't it be the other way around?


But I figured what the hell, the game's great so I hopped into a dozen or so PvP matches while working through the solo/co-op stuff. It was kind fun, but hectic; there was such a mix of skills/levels before the 50 bracket you never knew what you were in for. Then I put it to the side until I reached 50 because I heard they were indeed going to have a bracket just for 50s, and that would be great, right? Everyone at the same point, only skill, teamwork, and gear being the determining factor (I'm not saying I planned to be any good)? Well...


Admitting I'm new to MMOs (not to RPGs by a long shot), I had a notion that once my guy was maxed out I'd have a grasp on the game. Yet now I might as well be a level 1 trying to fight 50s. Probably half the games I play I might as well be using squirtguns because the enemies are invincible. No exaggeration, a couple times my team's been so outmatched we focus fire on one or two guys (healers) the entire time and they don't come close to dying. If it was a matter of getting better I'd be fine with that, but of course it's more of a matter of grinding for upwards of two months before I can get enough Valor to have half a chance. In the meantime I can look forward to 45 levels of no improvement.


And speaking of Valor, why the hell does getting PvP gear have to be so cryptic? You get Warzone Commendations for doing PvP and there's PvP vendors, so common sense tells me you trade the Warzone Commendations for PvP gear. Nope. Warzone Commendations to Mercenary Commendations to Battlemaster bags for Champion Commendations with a chance for Battlemaster pieces to trade in at Battlemaster vendors. Seriously? Did anyone figure this out on their own? It's like you have to spend more time online researching the game than actually playing it. Am I playing Simon's Quest here? Do I need Nintendo Power?


But anyway it still is kind of fun in it's own way I just wish some things could have turned out differently. I'll be grinding out my Valor like everyone else hoping to have a shot at helping my team someday.

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Expertise needs to be looked at, because you're either having a super advantage over someone (Like someone with 0 expertise, and you have +300-600) or it just makes you on par with other opponents, as in both of you are equal in expertise.


Really I'm only getting Expertise for 2 reasons, healing, and so that Mercenaries with 11% expertise can't hit me for 2.2k+ base damage (And if it crits 3k+) with tracer missile and then I die in a few seconds. I seriously hate dying in a matter seconds in 1v1 fights, at first the game didn't feel like that because before launch not everyone was stacked in PvP gear. Fights were fun because everything seemed balanced and one or the other didn't die in a matter of seconds which made PvP really fun.


Personally I don't think Expertise should offer the best of all worlds. More damage, damage reduction, and more healing.


And also playing as a Vigilance Guardian makes it even worse seeing that the Vigilance tree sucks and needs a lot of work because it doesn't even compare to the Focus PvP specs which is disappointing.

Edited by bamsmacked
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no, play chess if you want all strategy. The game is about progression and becoming more powerful, sorry if you can't beat someone stronger than you. Ya ya skill skill, I'm so skilled blah blah; no you're not. I somewhat agree that there is too large of a discrepancy with the whole expertise thing.


Getting stronger? You realize there are real competitive games where people actually have to practice to win right?


You realize that a grind contest proves nothing other then the fact that you have more free time then someone else right?


Gear intensive PVP is for people who don't want to actually learn a skill. They just want there to actually be a social benefit somewhere for being a loser with no life.


And "about progression"? oh COME ON. To me "progression" is practicing for hours with your friends and perfecting your rotation and build. THAT is progression.

Edited by Torleen
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