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Massive amounts of trading on illum


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To me the trading is no different that sitting at the entrance to the republic fort obliterating or pulling into the cannon the Rambo's who get to close. That's not exactly PvP either.


So broke game mechanic is better than broke game mechanic that is better than broke game mechanic.


You can't justify any of it. The whole thing just reeks of fail.

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A bunch of thing that are exactly what I said....

End of story.


Thanks for proving my point. Everything on that list are things that are not a requirement for the Imp zerg to have to do as well. You are ok with them solely because YOU are not required to do the same.


It reminds me of the guy that headed "Keep Tahoo Blue". He refused to allow people to do things like clear underbrush because of the potential for runoff into Lake Tahoe. He stated that the #1 priority was Lake Tahoe. His decision knowingly caused houses to be lost to fires due to unchecked underbrush.


Then a funny thing happened. One day HIS house burned down in a fire fueled by underbrush (I laughed a little at the karmic justice of that). The next day he was in the paper saying that maybe the human factor did have to be taken into account, and the lake couldn't be the only factor considered.


People are like that now. Selfish to the extreme and willing to make other people accept things that they would not accept themselves.


That doesn't make you a bad person. Just no different than most.

Edited by Xandraxx
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There is no one with the stones to shut down Ilum for 2-3 months. It is broken, it is very bad designed from the very start.

I saw the killtrading on our server for the first time today. Made my daily and got the hell out of there. Yeah sure, nice for those who make huge amounts of Valor AGAIN. But it leaves a bitter aftertaste even looking at it.

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I think they should remove rewards, quests and valor from illum and either convert it into a large scale Warzone.


Open world pvp always has been and always will be horribly flawed. Get rid of objective based open world pvp and create a Warzone to handle larger balanced conflicts.

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Huge kill trading on my server today for about an hour, until a GM showed up and broke it up ...


For about 45 minutes, then everyone started doing it again.


As someone who HATES exploiters, I'm not at all upset people are doing this and I'm amazed a GM would stop them. Win or lose Ilum is zero fun. You either can't do it because central is controlled and outnumbers you 4 to 1, or you control central and no one attacks you while you ride around on a speeder for 2 hours looting boxes.


BW really expected people to give up half of the available battle master gear simply because they made the system horrible?


Until Ilum is fun it will be exploited. Until Ilum is fun it SHOULD be exploited.

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You see this poster?


This poster is part of the problem. "I don't care for pvp but as long as I get my weekly done I'm good".


If you don't care for pvp, why do you need to do the weekly? It's pvp gear. There's no reason for you to be doing it if you're not going to be doing pvp.


It's also worth noting that not only are you pvping for pvp gear when you "don't care for pvp", you're also breaking the EULA by doing so.


This is, in fact, an "exploit of in-game mechanics" which is a bannable offense.

It's also a complete and utter toolbag move by people who have no interest in, apparently, actually playing the game and just want the reward.


The problem is that the design makes it inevitable and BW has given kill trading the green light. Look, Ilum should have been taken down on the day of that infamous patch and never put back up in its current state - BW is pretty obviously keeping Ilum like this and allowing players to behave this way b/c they still don't know what to do about end game PvP.

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Thanks for proving my point. Everything on that list are things that are not a requirement for the Imp zerg to have to do as well. You are ok with them solely because YOU are not required to do the same.


It reminds me of the guy that headed "Keep Tahoo Blue". He refused to allow people to do things like clear underbrush because of the potential for runoff into Lake Tahoe. He stated that the #1 priority was Lake Tahoe. His decision knowingly caused houses to be lost to fires due to unchecked underbrush.


Then a funny thing happened. One day HIS house burned down in a fire fueled by underbrush (I laughed a little at the karmic justice of that). The next day he was in the paper saying that maybe the human factor did have to be taken into account, and the lake couldn't be the only factor considered.


People are like that now. Selfish to the extreme and willing to make other people accept things that they would not accept themselves.


That doesn't make you a bad person. Just no different than most.


I didn't even bother reading the crap that just came out of your mind.


Ilum needs fixing. Nonetheless, you can get the dailies and weekly done. Yes, it's harder on one side than the other. No, that does not legitimize cheating to get rewards that others did not cheat to get.


Keep on trying to rationalize the cheating, but no amount of bad analogies will work. Sorry about that.


And, that was really grand. I'm selfish because I don't think people should be cheating. Are you a disciple of Satan, by chance?


Thanks for proving my point. Everything on that list are things that are not a requirement for the Imp zerg to have to do as well. You are ok with them solely because YOU are not required to do the same.


Wait a second. Did you miss the part where I was Republic and on the outnumbered side? The things I listed are exactly the things I DO to get the quests done.

Edited by Raggok
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Oh, okay.


Yes, I did not read your middle paragraphs where you are trying to use some kind of ridiculous RL event to make a point which was a complete waste of time for you since you couldn't even pick up from my previous posts that I am on the side that gets zerged.


I guess the main difference between you and me, is that I won't use that as an excuse to cheat. I AM SO SELFISH.

Edited by Raggok
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How do they fix faction cooperation? You can't.


Sure you can. Just handle it the same way other companies have. Ask the players to provide evidence of the event and ban all those who participated. I've seen this done in two other games I played.

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Yes, I did not read your middle paragraphs where you are trying to use some kind of ridiculous RL event to make a point which was a complete waste of time for you since you couldn't even pick up from my previous posts that I am on the side that gets zerged.


I guess the main difference between you and me, is that I won't use that as an excuse to cheat. I AM SO SELFISH.



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Just make ilum an FFA zone or/and make ppl lose Valor/ranks by dieing (in an normal rate,so lose less then you gain) at least this makes ppl think about standing in a corner and die over and over.


Lose valor and ranks because your side is underpopulated and gets zerged? You are worse than the cheaters.

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They need to do something about population imbalance. It really sucks that their most recent "solution" puts the underpopulated (read Republic) side at such a significant disadvantage. Empire now gets to enjoy massive valor AND defense bonuses for holding most of the control points on Ilum. There must be some mechanism put in place to even things out.


I still manage to finish my daily and weekly quests in spite of the fact that Republic is outnumbered on my server, but it's very time consuming. Meanwhile, the Empire zerg runs around collecting armaments with no worry about dying, and getting massive valor bonuses. It just doesn't seem right that the side with a significant population imbalance is getting significantly more reward, when there is damn near zero risk for them. This is stupid.

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The kill trading on Ilum is inevitable because of the 100% fail "Fix" that Bioware put into place to stop the site swapping that was going in.


Why is there kill swapping? Because of faction imbalance. Some servers are so messed up that if you go out trying to do things "the way its intended" all you end up doing is farming munitions for 3-4 hours. Now before you QQ at me understand I am not defending kill trading. I am pointing out that the way its setup currently with the population imbalance in the game is simply doomed to fail. This leaves very few viable options for people that are trying to progress any other reliable way to do so.


Bioware should flat out remove Ilum from the daily/weekly PVP quests because it is a 100% fail area. Once they fix the other game issues then they can revisit Ilum and try and find a better way to do it, but till then just shut the crap down.


In its place add:


Daily: earn X number of objective points in WZ's


Daily: Defeat X number of players in WZ's


All the complaining in the world wont change whats there, and Bioware has shown that It has no clue how to manage the area. It's way to big. Has way to many lag issues when you get any number of players together and although Its noble for them to try and create an open world area all the issues there and the fail system actually ends up getting bioware nothing but bad press.


I would rather see them add in a pair of simple substitute quests that every player can work through with out having to resort to kill swapping while they resolve the issues that span the whole game then waste time trying to fix Ilum when they have class balance issues, content bugs, UI bugs, Lag, Ability lag and the many other bugs out there.


I would rather see them focus on things that improve the game such as streamlining several of the melee classes so they do not require you to go out and get a G15 and setup macro's using that because you have no other option. I mean really? Why does One class only need 5-6 hot keys to function very when and then another needs to use 8-12 to do the same thing?


I know many people think the world should stop while they fix Ilum, but that's less than 1% of the whole game, and even though I am a PVPer I would rather see them fix the other 99% and have that running smooth as silk before they even look at Ilum again.


So Shut down the Ilum PVP area.


Add 2 Daily quests that players can finish with about the same time requirement as the current PVP daily.


Focus on crap that actually matters.


Nuf said.

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They ban level 20s for looting 50 boxes on illum, but won't do anything about an obvious exploit to their flawed system. It really is depressing.


Too the best of my knowledge, they only banned people that were botting/scripting to loot the boxes. And they didn't perma ban either (the botters). So, I doubt you will see any sort of punishment for something like this.

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The biggest flaw in the PvP system is:




Players aren't going to Ilum because they care about those 5 points there. Their primary objective is acquiring the best PvP gear. That makes the gear the objective in this "objective oriented open world PvP".


Let the crafters craft the gear (so they can be useful in end game). Most of the players hate to gring in PvP for gear. Gear should not be the objective. It is a corruption of the whole idea, but created by the devs themselves.


Territory control, base defense - those are much better goals for PvP ... and not just gear.


BioWare!!! Don't respond with a new warzone. Respond to our concerns about the lack of real open world PvP. Thank you!


Kill traders should be banned, and have their shineys removed.

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What really sucks, aside from the trading itself is the republic keeps crying about pop balance, when half the time... it's non existent. At least on Fatman.


They will stay in their base and wait for people to be drawn in to get 1 shot by the gun rather than come out and actually fight.


I've seen 2x the number of republic sit in their base instead of coming out.



Kill trading means actual pvp is too hard. Best just hug on that 1 shotting gun you have.

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What really sucks, aside from the trading itself is the republic keeps crying about pop balance, when half the time... it's non existent. At least on Fatman.


They will stay in their base and wait for people to be drawn in to get 1 shot by the gun rather than come out and actually fight.


I've seen 2x the number of republic sit in their base instead of coming out.



Kill trading means actual pvp is too hard. Best just hug on that 1 shotting gun you have.


On my server, we go out and fight. Problem is it is always a 4-1 or worse. I log on today, only me on Ilum. An hour passes by, same thing. 2 hours, 2 more people are there. Imp population on Ilum? 25+ steady.


It is funny though, all the ones crying about the turrets always comes from the population heavy side. Role reverse it for a week. Limit the Imps in Ilum to 2 per instance for 1 week and see if they can get anything done.


Most repubs have given up on it because of the imbalance which makes the issue worse.


Friday night I lead an organized Ilum raid on my server. 1 full 24 man Ops group, a second ops group tat kept 8-12 people in it consistantly. We ran Ilum for a good 30 mins of domination until the word got out. In the end, we just got overwhelmed by sheer numbers because the cap seems to be 100 each side. I have never seen so much Force Lightning in all my life.


Ilum is a joke. Bioware is a joke for allowing this to continue. Nothing changes those two facts in it's current state.

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When I was playing devils advocate to Jarrath, i figured Bioware, would have stepped in or something by now, but sadly no.


Sorry Jarrath, I was just messing with you before, I figured the going back and forth would bring in someone who types in yellow, but sadly no.

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