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Why play a Jedi over a Sith


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LOL Wowwwww. A small jab in the side and you turn it into me starting warfare with you uptight lore ner... I mean people who take MUCH interest in such things as this. It's called lighten up and relax, man. You are taking what I said and turned it into something it completely isn't.


I think I quite described what you said..very accurately. I stated a question about a person in question on a MMO gaming community. You come in here jersey shore fist pumping about your wife and kid..yeah that's right.


Then you throw an outright insult. "Because ppl with your mentality can't get gf's.." I believe that neither contributed nor added anything to the discussion. In fact it just showed how low you are.


I could have married the first thing out of high school, got a kid early..then I would be cool too right..then I could argue with people online. I tell you if I did have a wife with a baby already. I wouldn't waste time arguing on a gaming forum so that must show what it's worth to you.


Next please. Someone making a valid argument would be great.

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Sith seem incredibly lame to me. They all seem like insecure teens trying to impress each other with how darkity dark dark they are.


*Really* scary people don't spend six hours in front of the mirror trying to get their mascara just so.

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Because anyone who watched star wars knows that the dark side loses, end of





One way or another, being Sith always means that you end up dead.


Granted, being Jedi doesn't exactly do wonders for your life expectancy, either, but at least some of the Jedi managed to come out with all of their limbs intact.

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I think that is quite inaccurate. I am describing the different trait's in each faction. While you are just throwing around a random insult hoping it sticks..kinda sad. However I did not ask you for your wife's pic..or ..about your alleged child. You have completely melted away what I said and used it as a chance to throw an insult. Feel proud about that?


However even though this poster to a huge liar about people who play Sith because he can sum up people in a single post. It doesn't quite answer the question. You don't want to look emo you say?


I never thought a Sith flying in the air with a light saber looked emo. Plus he can have a girlfriend jumping on you while a Jedi are out right denied such simple pleasure. Their is simply no one to give a compelling reason. Therefore I supposed their is no real reason to pick Jedi over Sith.



Why are you always so confrontational?


One person's compelling reason may not be another person's compelling reason....to DO anything. You are arguing from silence and it is rather lame.


Also trying to start arguments over something entirely subjective doesn't get anyone anywhere.


I like my Jedi because he's an honest, selfless defender of the people and Republic. I like my Sith sorc because he's a selfish, arrogant sociopath.


See what I just did there?

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Your perceptions of both the Jedi and Sith are completely wrong.


Jedi are not husks devoid of any and all emotion. Even in the movies we see Yoda, the grandest of Jedi, express deep sorrow. The difference is Jedi come to terms with their emotions and then are able to set them aside and make decisions objectively.


Sith end up quite foolish because they act on every single emotion. A Sith would react on first impulse and screw everything up, a Jedi reflects on their emotions but doesn't allow them to influence the decision.


There have also been plenty of times in the Jedi Order where girlfriends, wives, and love in general was promoted. I'd personally be too afraid to get into a relationship with a Sith. What happens when the spouse or children disappoint the Sith? Is he or she gonna go into a bloodthirsty rage and murder their family? Hell everything Anakin did was for love and he snapped when Padme questioned him and almost choked her to death.


So sure the Jedi may not encourage relationships but at least they can still lead a healthy one. Plenty of Jedi have led a family without consequence. I wouldn't call any relationship with a Sith healthy.


I find it rather strange that you keep bringing up the girlfriend thing though. I have to wonder how old you are if that's the deciding factor in whether the Jedi or Sith are better.

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My Jedi believes in democracy.


That simple. I picture her wandering the outer rim and quietly working in favor of the Republic in a quiet, realistic way.


That's the RP side of her, anyway. A bit hard to reflect that in the grand scheme of the Knight story, but I've eaten some dark side points in favor of strengthening the Republic versus doing the moral thing.

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Actually, people with your role playing mentally CAN'T get girlfriends. That is a big difference by having or not having by choice :D and before the flaming of RP nerds start incoming, I am married and have been 'actively working' on a baby. Thanks. LIGHTNING BOLT!! LIGHTNING BOLT!!


I love it when nerds mock nerds for being nerds.


Protip: You are playing a Star Wars MMORPG, and posting on it's forums.


*sad shrug* Good luck making your nerdling.

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I'm playing a videogame, not trying to live by it's code. Thanks.


That still gains you nerd points. Playing a Star Wars video game earns you bonus nerd points. You're really racking them up.


It's OK to be a closet nerd. There's nothing wrong with it. Let it out.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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I get tired of slapping around vette sometimes, so I play my jedi consular occasionally to offset my feelings of guilt and disgust with myself. :p OTH, Qyzen annoys the crap out of me sometimes with his -1 reactions to what I think are decent light-side decisions. Frickin green-blooded hobgoblin. :D
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I've said this in another topic about jedi, and I'll say it again.


Jedi approach a situation calmly and rationally. They get in there, deal with the problem, and go on their way without asking for much. Are you going to tell me the majority of players can relate to that?

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I've said this in another topic about jedi, and I'll say it again.


Jedi approach a situation calmly and rationally. They get in there, deal with the problem, and go on their way without asking for much. Are you going to tell me the majority of players can relate to that?


Apparently not and if the forum is anything to go by..well...there's your proof :D


I prefer the Republic side, specifically the Jedi classes, yes, they are goody two shoes mostly although you do not have to be, but when all is said and done, the Jedi support all our Western values and quite frankly, my values, if you will, and they're more than willing to criticize the Republic when it deviates from what their beliefs are.


I'm sure people find it fun to pretend to be TEH EVAL but I find it too much of a chore rather than fun.

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Sith, show their true colors. They do not hide anything. We by nature are creatures of extreme passion. The Sith choose to accept the force for something to be used as a weapon. More then that they choose to accept their own "emotions" tied...to lust, anger, hate..


I am simply blown away someone would choose to deny their own human nature and choose Jedi. Also I recall in "Revenge of the Sith" the woman clearly went after a Sith. Because a Jedi cannot have a girlfriend. some can argue he was technically a Jedi but the moment he accepted that woman as his girl, turned into a Sith.


They believe it's in their mind selfish for one person to consume their mind. Keeping that Jedi cannot have girlfriends. Are ordered to serve and protect. Doesn't quite hit the spot as a Sith looking out for himself.


So why play a Jedi?


Sith are evil - Jedi are trying their best to do good in the world, hence I identify with them (except the lame g/f thing - not sure what my wife thinks about that ;) )

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Sith, show their true colors. They do not hide anything.

So why play a Jedi?


Palpatine hid absolutely every single aspect of himself for decades.


Anakin hid an entire secret life for years.


Dooku hid every aspect of his true reasons for being a separatist for the duration of the entire war.


Palpatine hid his entire plan for the sith from Dooku.


Vader hid his desire to rule the galaxy with Luke from Palpatine.


The Sith hide everything, all the time. The only time you see a Sith "showing their true colors" is after they've been completely busted after years (or even decades) of lying. They lie to their enemies, they lie to their allies, they lie to everyone. Not sure how you could seriously think the Sith show their true colors. Lies, deception, and betrayal is very literally the Sith way.

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