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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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Well if it wasn't 1.1, it was the patch the week before, the servers were taken down at 4.30pm GMT (which is up to 8.30pm depending on your EU zone). Either way, it's still the third time servers have been taken down during peak hours.


You do not know what you are talking about for EU players.


Edit: Here is the link which shows servers down from 4pm GMT




TO, not at, TO 4 pm. Reading comprehension FTW.

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If it was necessary they fix my shoes that instant, I would trust them and say "Okay, I'll go use another pair of shoes till you're done with them" because I'm a reasonable adult and trust the people who make my shoes.


Allright. Then I give you the shoes back with a detailed description of the repairs I made and you can clearly see not a single one was a really necessary one. Would you then complain? Would you also complain if you found out, that I agreed to take someone elses shoes during the night and took yours when you needed them? Would you consider this fair treatment? How would you react if you found out, that it's not just that, because in fact you've paid more for the same pair of shoes and they were taken from you when you needed them and the other guy got them cheaper? What else must happen, so that you start complaining? All this is happening in SW:ToR on a regular weekly basis.


TO, not at, TO 4 pm. Reading comprehension FTW.


You're american right? Otherwise you'd know. You were asleep when the patching happened. It was prolonged till 8:30 PM (7:30 GMT).




Edited by Kalantris
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And every Australian player has to deal with this for every MMO on the market, and in our true peak time (7pm-1am), which is before I get home from work, and after I go to sleep. Yet have you heard the many Australian players on the forums complain about this at all?


The frustration sets in from seeing this big cryfest about something that is really not that big a deal. And it really isn't. They have to do maintenance at some time, and yes, in an ideal world it would suit everyone perfectly, but ultimately whenever you schedule it, it's going to interrupt someone's play time.


The issue here is the overwhelming theatrics and quite pitiably a sign that a large percentage of people here have nothing else to occupy their time/are that addicted to a video game that they're throwing temper tantrums.


The levels of immaturity on this forum sometimes is wearing.


Well the rest of the world is really not at fault if Australian gamers are not aware enough to demand the same level of service the rest of the world demands... Why would you even bring this up here?

Edited by C-Bee
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Are you serious? I don't know about Aussies, but here in EU we are paying for a service (we are not playing for free) and we are receiving a very bad treatment.

All the people you are calling pathetic, aren't raging because they just can't play, the anger is about the disrespect showed by BW. I hope you all that have lack of understanding, can finally get the point.


Disrespect for emergency maintenance? You don't even know what the servers were taken down for, but it's disrespectful because they made their service unavailable for a few hours on a weekend? No, I don't understand. I missed out on the same gametime, and I'm here in the US. What I understand is that running an MMO requires a lot of fine-tuning, especially in the beginning when there are a ton of other actual game-breaking issues that need to be addressed.


If they came out with a b.s. reason as to why they were taken down? Then I'd jump on your side. Otherwise, I'm going to assume it was a good enough reason to take the servers down for emergency maintenance. I really don't think this was so they could all sit around and have coffee and donuts.

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maybe they simply can't. Maybe there are other things effected and its against their policies to tell us what all is going on.


Exploits hardly ever make it into patch notes in most games because they don't want people to know they existed to begin with.


They've been putting info about exploit fixes in almost every major patch note.


I understand that they can't describe, step-by-step the process of an exploit in their patch notes, but how hard and how revealing is it to write: "Fixed an exploit" in the notes of these "emergency" fixes?


I mean, the thing they're claiming they fixed isn't even fixed.

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TO, not at, TO 4 pm. Reading comprehension FTW.


My apologies, I was trying to find the maintenance where they STARTED at 4pm, clearly this wasn't it.


It doesn't change the fact that today's maintenance is a total joke, as was the one that started at 4pm GMT (that I can't find right now, seems that BioWare removed their update showing that) and the one on 27th December where the game was down for 6 and a half hours on a public holiday.


Edit: I have updated the post you quoted with the correct link now.

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Disrespect for emergency maintenance? You don't even know what the servers were taken down for, but it's disrespectful because they made their service unavailable for a few hours on a weekend? No, I don't understand. I missed out on the same gametime, and I'm here in the US. What I understand is that running an MMO requires a lot of fine-tuning, especially in the beginning when there are a ton of other actual game-breaking issues that need to be addressed.


If they came out with a b.s. reason as to why they were taken down? Then I'd jump on your side. Otherwise, I'm going to assume it was a good enough reason to take the servers down for emergency maintenance. I really don't think this was so they could all sit around and have coffee and donuts.


Read the patchnotes. Find a critical update. Post it. I'll agree with you then. I read the patchnotes. There's nothing critical there. Not one thing.




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4pm GMT. That's the entire Saturday gone for EU players. It's as if BW wants EU players to run away from the game.


Well, they succeeded - sub cancelled.


Actually, that's 4 out of 24 hours, or 1/6, or 0.166666667 of a Saturday.

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Allright. Then I give you the shoes back with a detailed description of the repairs I made and you can clearly see not a single one was a really necessary one. Would you then complain? Would you also complain if you found out, that I agreed to take someone elses shoes during the night and took yours when you needed them? Would you consider this fair treatment? How would you react if you found out, that it's not just that, because in fact you've paid more for the same pair of shoes and they were taken from you when you needed them and the other guy got them cheaper? What else must happen, so that you start complaining? All this is happening in SW:ToR on a regular weekly basis.




You're american right? Otherwise you'd know. You were asleep when the patching happened. It was prolonged till 8:30 PM (7:30 GMT).





Yeah I would feel okay with it because that person paid less because he's in a different region than myself and didn't have to pay conversion rates. I also would understand that even if I didn't see the importance of it, there must have been an importance of it since they did it.


Also, I was awake when servers went down..Played some Witcher 2 then went to sleep...You guys could go nap..go out to eat with friends, etc. Its not very difficult.

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Exactly, spent whole my saturday waiting for you guys to patch.


I know the game is released incomplete and its bugged, at least choose one of the weekdays so that i can actually focus on work instead of waiting the servers to get online. We can see how much you "care" about your players with this.


And the best part, is to disable the forum so that players can't whine about it. Good job !!!


The reason i cancelled my subscription and don't care about the founder title which sounds even more desperate to keep players in.



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Disrespect for emergency maintenance? You don't even know what the servers were taken down for, but it's disrespectful because they made their service unavailable for a few hours on a weekend? No, I don't understand. I missed out on the same gametime, and I'm here in the US. What I understand is that running an MMO requires a lot of fine-tuning, especially in the beginning when there are a ton of other actual game-breaking issues that need to be addressed.


If they came out with a b.s. reason as to why they were taken down? Then I'd jump on your side. Otherwise, I'm going to assume it was a good enough reason to take the servers down for emergency maintenance. I really don't think this was so they could all sit around and have coffee and donuts.


well it cannot have been that serious otherwise they would not have waited until US off peak

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Life is not fair, get over it.



WOW! I just taught you something your parents should have taught you around the age of 4.




This isn't life, it's business. And business doesn't look so good right now.

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Well the rest of the world is really not at fault is Australian gamers are not aware enough to demand the same level of service the rest of the world demands... Why would you even bring this up here?


Because we are not morons, nor are we rude or conceited enough to demand things like spoiled children. If you don't like the fact that you can't play for a bit because of server downtime, why are you playing an MMO anyway. And yet then the same people turn around complaining about bugs.


Or maybe it's because Australian gamers have lives outside of this one game. :rolleyes:


To those who are demanding their money back because of "missed gaming time." Are you also going to ask to be reimbursed for the time you go to work/school/the toilet too? What a ridiculous statement to make. If the cost of the game per day is 50 cents, then you're demanding 4 cents per hour for the time you couldn't play?


Wow, talk about pathetic.

Edited by EsotericWhim
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I would never want to run an MMO.


You have bugs, people say, "Fix this RIGHT NOW or I'm quitting!!!!!!!1!!!one!"


You fix asapp and people say, "Wait until LATER, your messing up my game time. I'm quitting!!!!!!!!!1!!!one!"

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Any downtime on a Saturday is unacceptable.


So if the game broke, You'd rather wait till tuesday for a patch than them fix if now.



Exactly, spent whole my saturday waiting for you guys to patch.


I know the game is released incomplete and its bugged, at least choose one of the weekdays so that i can actually focus on work instead of waiting the servers to get online. We can see how much you "care" about your players with this.


And the best part, is to disable the forum so that players can't whine about it. Good job !!!


The reason i cancelled my subscription and don't care about the founder title which sounds even more desperate to keep players in.




Because they got the patch in the pipeline friday evening....Because the game was not released incomplete...every MMO is released buggy....They disable forums so they can work on them too....


You cancelled your sub because you are addicted to the game and like a crack addict who can't get his crack complain when its a minor problem and you have a whole other world of things you can do.

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I don't get why people can't find something else to do on a Saturday afternoon. Well, besides coming on here to complain, so I have something to do at work. Why can't people look at the bright side??? First of all, it's ONE Saturday in your WHOLE LIFE. It's disappointing, but it's not that bad. Complaining doesn't help, cancelling your account doesn't help, but enjoying life however you can does help. The game will probably be back, and hopefully better than before.


If you're not at work or school or grounded, you're wasting your life on these forums. No one cares about your complaints. That's my 2 cents.

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Read the patchnotes. Find a critical update. Post it. I'll agree with you then. I read the patchnotes. There's nothing critical there. Not one thing.





My roommate works in the industry. I can tell you this, no gaming company puts out complete and 100% detailed patch notes. Especially if it's fixing something that is not located on the player's side.

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well it cannot have been that serious otherwise they would not have waited until US off peak


most ignorant thing I've heard all day.


They give us warning so we can plan our evenings around it


They probably got the patch completely ready to be put to servers friday evening and they just needed to wait for the technicians to come in during the wee hours of the morning (or late morning over in the EU) to fix it.



they didnt fix anything though


Prove to me that there were no undocumented fixes (which happens all the time in MMOs...especially if its a little known exploit.)


and they did fix a disconnect problem a lot of people were having...obviously enough for them to bring the servers down to fix it.

Edited by Mormack
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My roommate works in the industry. I can tell you this, no gaming company puts out complete and 100% detailed patch notes. Especially if it's fixing something that is not located on the player's side.


my room mates god and he said that BW fixed nothing critical in patch

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You painfully short-sighted people are wearing me down. I've lived in the US and EU, and having been on both sides of the patching process in previous games it's never been an issue, the provider always accommodated their respective consumer-bases to the satisfaction of all parties involved.


If BioWare was willing to throw the largest gaming budget known to man at this beast, they should of, at the very least, set up a system to allow rolling patches akin to the system WoW uses. Blizzard was able to do it back in 2004, yet BioWare wasn't prepared for it in 2012.


NOBODY is upset over the actual act of patching, obviously games like this require constant patching. All the EU community wants is patches that come at a thoughtful, reasonable time, just as those across America get.


It isn't whining, it isn't moaning, it's simply expecting a minimum level of care that isn't being provided at the moment. The longer they let it go on like this, the more it erodes the gigantic pile of money the EU has been/is prepared to throw at SWTOR subs.



This should be "sticked" in the forehead of every BW employee!

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