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4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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My god. What ever happened to paitence?


Oh no. You can't play a game for a few hours because of a legitimate reason, your life must be oh so affected.


Not to say that I don't understand why you're unhappy, but a company is somehow the devil when you can't just accept the fact that you can't do something you wanted to which is basicly just entertainment? Something which isn't important to your health, financial wellbeing or life in any way beyond mild annoyance?


It's this attitude that has come from an ever-expanding consumer culture and the advances of technology, plus the caving in of companies - which have cause ANYONE who buys ANYTHING to want it instantly. It's honestly depressing - because people just want more faster and any problems which are encountered along the way are seen as a personal affront.


Do you have any idea how both petty and greedy that is? How quickly does the world owe you something?


Grow up. Accept the annoyance, and move on like the rest of us rational human beings.


First of all Mr Jan2012-joiner, you dont even know the half of it. Its about more than a single saturday downtime. Its about the downtimes always falling onto EU times that are realistic playing times. Its about pre-launch when non-US players were screwed in the beta testing process. I think if it was a SINGLE, important, hotfix on a Saturday then most people wouldn't care. But it was a rather pointless fix to something that could have waited till Tuesday's regular downtime.


Also its about Bioware's HORRID customer service in general. Copy and Paste 'roleplay' answers to CS Tickets. Closing tickets that are not resolved at all. The excessively moderated forums. Disabling forum posting because you dont want to hear about the problem will NOT make it go away!


So please, continue posting that people should get a life or read a book or watch tv. Because obviously this game means little to you... its not like you are posting in the forums in the early morning (or midday if you are EU).


And by the way, I'm am not even a EU player. I'm an American player.

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Right. There is no need for region lock, but the easiest way to do it is to seperate US and EU clients and force them to only connect to their own respective servers.


Again, why? There's no reason for that whatsoever. It makes absolutely no sense.

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I hope euros do unsub, I'm tired of listening to them whine about maintenance.



An American that's affected by the maintenance times but does other crap during downtime.


do you work in BW's customer service department by any chance?

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I'm going to quote this, because it should be quoted on every page everywhere.




Community & Customer Support in this game is hilariously bad.


I'm inclined to agree, unfortunatly. It makes me worry about the future of the game, it'll affect both european as well as american players in the end if it keeps up. It would be far easier I might add, to accept the downtime, if we knew what the downtime was about.


But we don't. Poor communication really.

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You fail to take into account the considerable competition that exists for both time & the entertainment available in that time. If enough people say 'yeah, not bothering playing TOR on a weekend with all this maintenance' or 'why log in now after maintenance, the place will be dead' then the actual player population & player experience is affected. That can cause a cycle if you are not careful, where people find they are just happier playing other games; people who needed just one more excuse to unsub might just do that. Gamers are a fickle bunch.


In short, annoying your customers when you want them to be playing your game, not someone else's, is considered, generally speaking, a bad move.


Except people wailing and gnashing their teeth about downtime on a forum aren't the moderate people you describe in your post at all.


The people in this thread are screaming and swearing and claiming to have cancelled over 4-5 hours of downtime.


It does not make sense and nobody takes it seriously because of the illogical nature of it.


They aren't quitting, stop trying to convince people they are.


If you are so addicted that you are inspired to write post after post full of threats, epithets, insults towards people based on the country they live in because of 4-5 hours of downtime. You aren't quitting! You can't! You can't even go without it for 4-5 hours!


I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed but it don't take a genius to figure that out.

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They put out a warning yesterday evening (US time) about it. This is something they don't want to do but felt the need to for this issue. To me people not being able to play because of disconnects is a big issue. IMO it would have been worse for them to hold this patch until Tuesday and let the people with disconnect issues fight through them all weekend than to pull the servers down for a few hours and allow everyone a disconnect free experience.


Yeah, evening US time is the middle of the night for EU players, so we didn't actually know about this maintenance until we got up this morning. This is typical of BioWare's entire handling of the maintenance, it's all geared around the US. Well bollocks to them, I'm not committing myself long term to this game anymore. The minute something equally as good comes along (which wont be long when you consider the issues this game has) I'll be gone.

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People are still whining about this?


They are trying to fix the game. Yeah, yeah, its Saturday... We all have seen the river of whine filled tears rolling out of Europe when maintenance is done during the week too so don't give me this "its the weekend" crap.


All I know is ANYONE whining about maintenance had better never utter one syllable about bugs, exploits or missing features...

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Go do something else for bit. There is a lot to life.


This line is geting old pretty fast, I mean it's a good advice but consider this...


Why would I pay BEAWare for doing somehting else every other day when I can do it for free? Better yet, Imagine how many other places I could spend that money on...


So with this comment sir, you just helped me to make up my mind. Im gonna go do that something else for free and invest my money to some product that I actually have access to.


Thanks for this great advice :cool:

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My god. What ever happened to paitence?


Oh no. You can't play a game for a few hours because of a legitimate reason, your life must be oh so affected.


Not to say that I don't understand why you're unhappy, but a company is somehow the devil when you can't just accept the fact that you can't do something you wanted to which is basicly just entertainment? Something which isn't important to your health, financial wellbeing or life in any way beyond mild annoyance?


It's this attitude that has come from an ever-expanding consumer culture and the advances of technology, plus the caving in of companies - which have cause ANYONE who buys ANYTHING to want it instantly. It's honestly depressing - because people just want more faster and any problems which are encountered along the way are seen as a personal affront.


Do you have any idea how both petty and greedy that is? How quickly does the world owe you something?


Grow up. Accept the annoyance, and move on like the rest of us rational human beings.



You my fellow "human" being have no place on the ... whatever...

Come on... seriously?

So, how soon do you want something you paid for? Seriously?

You spent all this time thinking and writting up something in a way that you think makes you sound sophisticated, and you just could not make any sense, could you?

Drop it mate... just drop it...

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Again, why? There's no reason for that whatsoever. It makes absolutely no sense.


Of course it does. Otherwise your patched client must have the ability to connect to the patched server as well as the ability to connect to the unpatched server. So it has to maintain it's older client version. And that is not that easy.


In RIFT there were two versions of the client and you had to select your version by selecting the region in the launcher.

Edited by GHeissi
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Oh good, the mods are deleting posts left and right.




If only I got here about 15 minutes later I would have been spared a great big headache.




At any rate, does anyone know what the maintenance was actually for?



1.1.0c Patch Notes - 1/28/2012




Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen.

Edited by duelpad
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People are still whining about this?


They are trying to fix the game. Yeah, yeah, its Saturday... We all have seen the river of whine filled tears rolling out of Europe when maintenance is done during the week too so don't give me this "its the weekend" crap.


All I know is ANYONE whining about maintenance had better never utter one syllable about bugs, exploits or missing features...


Actually, ive never complained about the bugs....



And stop being utterly blind. People are not moaning about maintenance - they are moaning about when it is carried out.


Its carried out in the middle of the night so that it doesnt affect americans, and they dont give a rats arse about europeans.


In fact, if this was such an urgent patch, it should have been rolled out immediately, which would, concidentally, have been US prime time on a firday night, and the middle of the night in the EU.


Then we would have seen some really QQing...

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First of all I'd like to point out, that it's me paying you not the other way around. Therefore my feedback can be as much as "this system sucks. Fix it". Negative feedback of this sort is all a company can expect. I don't have to tell you how to fix your game. It's your job to fix it then and come up with ideas, that actually make sense. Which you so far often fail to do.


Second of all you really need to tone down your expectations. From day one you disregard any constructive feedback whatsoever, literally [self-censored] your customers in the face. The rage, insults and rude behaviour is the effect of your doings, so deal with it. Dealing with it by deleting posts and closing threads will only hurt you, as people need to vent their rage somewhere. They'll either unsubscribe or start venting on other forums, which are read not only by your current customers, but also the potential ones. That's how black PR works.


Third of all there is no constructive feedback to give in the subject of the maintenance system. It's obviously and carefully planned to cater your american customers disregarding Europe entirely. Server statistics show, that EU servers are a couple times busier during maintenance hours than the american ones. You could at least have the balls to admit it instead of feeding us with your worthless [self-censored] about "performing maintenance in off-peak hours". There's nothing worse than lying to your customers in the dumbest possible way and expecting them to believe it. We feel like you think we're [self-censored]. We are not. Therefore stop pissing us off with your pathetic lies and admit, that you don't give a flying [self-censored] about your european customers, which are basically half of your playerbase (based on server stat graphs). We'd have a clear view then, unsubscribe and watch your pathetic game crumble to dust while playing something we can actually play whenver we want.


Fourth of all today's maintenance was a bad joke. There are no critical updates in your patchnotes, I can see no fixes like "fixed an exploit, which allowed the attacking side to leave their spawn area before the game begins" or "fixed an exploit, which allowed players to run with the speed of light carrying the ball in huttball games". All I see are quest fixes and some class balancing changes. This could have been done any other day, but you had to pick saturday, which is, for a lot of us, the main part of the week we can play the game.


Last but not least you will not tell me how to give you feedback and I'd strongly advise you (trying to be constructive here) not to control the community on your forums like that, because that will only cause people to create unofficial forums, where they can flame you any time they feel like they need to do it. Accept the fact, that forum is a place you can actually check how the playerbase feels. In case you can't see it alread I'm going to give you a clear message: We're pissed off.


Shame I bought 60 days in advance.





Quoted for Truth.


People are still whining about this?


They are trying to fix the game. Yeah, yeah, its Saturday... We all have seen the river of whine filled tears rolling out of Europe when maintenance is done during the week too so don't give me this "its the weekend" crap.


All I know is ANYONE whining about maintenance had better never utter one syllable about bugs, exploits or missing features...


More patches more often doesn't mean that issues get fixed faster.


There could be a patch every single day and it still wouldn't make bugs, exploits or mission features being fixed faster.

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**Update #2 - Directed by BW to post response here to consolidate the discussion**


While I tend to err on the side of caution and give BW the benefit of the doubt, I think they dropped the ball on this one.


The EU customer’s money is just as hard earned and spent with sacrifice as the US customers. I don’t think their loss on their investment should be trivialized simply because it isn’t a big deal to the reader of their posts. I completely understand and empathize with the EU customers as I work the graveyard shift and usually run into the same issues as they do.


Not only that, but, was it just me and that my patcher nor my client downloaded or updated any files. Maybe I missed it while taking a sip of coffee, I don’t know.


The warning came less than 24 hours before the announced time. Why does this seem like an emergency maintenance without any type of acknowledgement?


Again, I’m not condemning BW and I’m certainly not suggesting people drop their subscription. What I do hope is that we all use this as a learning moment and see some positive change come from BW.


BW, can we get an explanation of some kind? I think it is only fair...


*UPDATE : Just read the patch notes. May I suggest you let us in on this important fix before we have so much frustration? Open communication and transparency go along way in my humble opinion. Again, Im not upset with BW but I do see room for improvement in this instance. And I also feel for the EU customers as it seems they are victims of circumstance each time the servers are taken down.*

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For those of you that think this is no big deal flip the situation. If maintenance was during US primetime you would also be complaining and upset.


It is sad that BW will not explain the real reasons behind this asinine approach to maintenance. If you open a post asking why it just gets closed.


If I were an EU player I would vote with your money and just unsub. Honestly, nothing will ever change regarding CS or things like maintenance until EA feels it on the bottom line. They are cutting so many corners on things like CS because of the huge development budget. They are not going to change unless they are forced to change.

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Again, why? There's no reason for that whatsoever. It makes absolutely no sense.


It actually makes perfect sense. You may think only a few hundred would swap servers, which would be a rather large sudden load, but in actuality it would be thousands upon thousands. Yes, people are like that and just want to play, as shown by the plethora of whine posts in this thread.


You would have to Region Lock the server to prevent this sudden load, since it would affect the natural player base of that region degrading their game play.


Just look at any MMO where the majority of the servers go down, the others that are still up suddenly are flooded with people making alts leading to possible and eventual instability of the server. It's happened in Aion, Rift, even the "King" WoW.


Even FTP MMO's and similar genre's had this happen, resulting in them making separate clients to region lock their customer base.

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I usually dont post here in the english area of the forum, but this time I really notice a bad information management by bioware.


What I really do not understand: Why is there no entry in the blog? I thought the blog should be the first place to give us information about any news relating to the ongoing service you provide. A maintenance time at weekend IS such a news, and for all people who like to play a rather important news. But... nothing there.


If there is no such blog entry I usually look for a sticky thread in the forum. This was also not there - only a posting in the thread for the upcoming update in a few days, for which it was not opened.


And then this information came really late.


Please Bioware... do not start a kind of information management that gives player the feeling not to take us serious.


Kind regards

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I cant count the number of times i tried to log into WoW and couldnt due to maintenance.

Instead of getting all pissy i played something else or went to a buddies or something.If you quit over a 4hour maintenance you have some serious issues imo.Get a life. I know youll probably say something like "they keep screwing EU players on maintenance". I understand maintenance is annoying but unsubbing.... come on.

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The biggest fail of today's downtime was the lack of the communication to explain why the downtime was needed so urgently, i think if there been an explanation as to why it was needed from the start it may of caused less upset for alot of people.
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I cant count the number of times i tried to log into WoW and couldnt due to maintenance.

Instead of getting all pissy i played something else or went to a buddies or something.If you quit over a 4hour maintenance you have some serious issues imo.Get a life. I know youll probably say something like "they keep screwing EU players on maintenance". I understand maintenance is annoying but unsubbing.... come on.




"Get a life" he says while posting on an internet forum about a Star Wars MMO

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