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I Want Neutral Items in 1.2 No Exceptions


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How many more players would have done neutral if it was viable?


Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


You're wrong. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. You can still use relics if you're neutral. It's amazing how uninformed all these people in this thread are.

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You're wrong. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. You can still use relics if you're neutral. It's amazing how uninformed all these people in this thread are.


If an item says REQUIRES DARK III, and I am neutral... I CAN NOT USE IT.


Please, go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.

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If an item says REQUIRES DARK III, and I am neutral... I CAN NOT USE IT.


Please, go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.


and your point is what genius? Ops, Flashpoints, Crafting and PvP give better relics that require no rating. So genius how are you at a disadvantage? Huh smart guy? Oh that's right you're not.


In your topic you stated you don't want to have to play a certain way to min max your character with lightside or darkside options. You have 4 other ways to get better relics in this game.


Learn something about the game before you type your uniformed troll drivel in the future. I know it sucks being wrong child but it's part of learning about how to be a grown up.


Now if your topic was "Neutral should be an option" you would have a point.

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If an item says REQUIRES DARK III, and I am neutral... I CAN NOT USE IT.


Please, go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.


Um, he's saying there are relics that neutrals can use.


You're saying basically you are pissed because you can't use all relics. Light III can't use a Dark III relic either.


Either use the netural aligned relics or move to a different alignement. Or , follow through on your threat. I generally frown on telling people to unsub, but I gave you a page of reasons why your idea makes zero sense and you're still trolling.

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If an item says REQUIRES DARK III, and I am neutral... I CAN NOT USE IT.


Please, go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.


You are complaining because you cant use a garbage level 29 relic? How long do you plan to stay at level 29? Once you hit 49 you will stop using aligned relics.


Aligned Relics = Bought for CREDITS off a VENDOR = Garbage item

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The OP has a VERY valid point to this argument. Not everyone is a die hard PVP player, or an end-game raider. Not everyone just skips the story elements to blaze to level 50. Some enjoy the story aspects of the game. I fall into that category. I love the story. I can only play a few hours here and there because I'm a full time single dad. My son is more important to me than spending all of my time gaming.


When I do play, what I love is that I have so many interesting characters. It's like reading a book with many character views. Each one is unique. If I need a change of pace I play one of my others. In my mind they have backgrounds. I create them thinking of WHY they have those scars, and what drives them to make the choices they do. At the end of the play time I walk away loving the choices I make and the game. It's different for an MMO, and I see the appeal that RP players have had now. It took this game to finally turn the switch on for me to finally get it. It's still not for me. I can't type all day in character on chat, but when I make story choices, and create my characters, I'm definitely more along the lines of RP players at this point.


However, I've been really concerned about choosing both light and dark side choices because of the limitations on items. I don't want to feel like my player is stuck because I crafted his story in way where he/she either felt very conflicted about his alignment or was only making the choices they felt were right regardless of the force side of things. My bounty hunter was supposed to be like this, but when I found out I'd get crippled in item choices, I decided to make him super evil. I don't want to be forced into that path so I can use items and not feel underwhelmed. It goes against some of the stuff they've talked about in game design.


Again, PVP and end-game raiding are not my concerns in this game. I might dabble in some operations later, but I'd rather just play when I can, and do all the PVE content I can with this game. So it'd be nice for them to take into consideration a neutral path for those that wish to get into the RP of it all.

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You are complaining because you cant use a garbage level 29 relic? How long do you plan to stay at level 29? Once you hit 49 you will stop using aligned relics.


Aligned Relics = Bought for CREDITS off a VENDOR = Garbage item


Does it change as you level up? My highest character is 37 right now, and I still don't even have any relics for him yet since I haven't gotten any as quest rewards or drops yet. The only ones I've seen are from Treasure Hunting and the GTN.

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The OP has a VERY valid point to this argument.


No, he has a garbage argument.










The argument is basically trolling. Please , just stop.

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No, he has a garbage argument.










The argument is basically trolling. Please , just stop.


No-where in my post was I rude to anyone. No-where did I do anything to provoke hostility. I also mentioned that I've not yet seen any relics myself in game. So based on that information I feel he has a valid point. Instead of being childish and rude your reply could have been much more helpful by saying:


"Hey by the way these are already in the game. So his argument isn't really valid." That's a lot more civil than calling things garbage and saying stuff like "please, just stop."


Now that I've seen those though. I'm excited about playing my neutral character again! Thanks for sharing those links!


EDIT: Eeeeh those are for PVP though. Especially the epic one with Expertise. I think he's more concerned about PVE based Relics and items, as am I. I don't want to PVP. It's just not my thing.

Edited by Denkigrve
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I'll be happy to do so, but you won't accept any of my three arguments because this is about what you want, not why it isn't in the game. Just remember that when replying.


1) From a lore perspective, relics are basically holocrons that provide additional powers and benefits to those who fit their requirements. Your LS/DS rating indicates not just your morality (or rather, not even your morality, many DS choices are hardly immoral) but your dedication to light or dark.


People who reach certain thresholds meet the requirements to use these things. A LS Jedi can't comprehend the Dark Side enough to master a DS holocron without going more DS...and a DS Sith is barred from Jedi holocrons by the use of Gatekeepers.


2) From a canon balance perspective. People have this goofy idea from KOTOR that being grey means you can pick and choose from both light side and dark side. Except there are very , very few people in the actual canon that actually do that, because the dark side tends to corrupt you to relying on it more and more.


Luke did it. Sort of. IF you take Dark Empire as canon, which some people don't. Revan did it. Because he's Bioware's Mary Sue. I'm sure if you go digging on Wookiepedia you can find a few more, most of which came to a horribly bad end.


Being "grey" is basically refusing to take a side.


3) From a character progression point. Reaching Dark V or Light V means you have to pretty much nail 90% of the LS or DS choices. Myself, I won't do that to my char. I'm stuck at Dark III, and I really honestly don't see that changing, because that is where I see my char on the LS / DS balance. So, no DS IV or V relics for me, or lightsabers, or whatever else.


A person who dedicates themselves to Light V or Dark V has a much harder time getting there than someone who decides to stay grey. On my BH, I decided I didn't really care where the LS/DS points fell and just answered what I felt came naturally. I easily am grey. On my SW I wanted DS V and it's a struggle to get there and to maintain it as well.



Now, I can predict the counter argument response: You feel penalized because someone can equip something you can't , which means you either have to compromise your character or your story.


I'm thinking if you aren't willing to compromise your story, then the only reason you are "handicapped" in relics is really in PvP. The tiny handful of points and crap abilities only really matter against people, not against the trash mobs.


If this is that critical an issue for you that it is an unsub decision, then you're missing the entire point of the game. You have to make a choice, play like a min-maxer for character power, or follow the story. I'm sure Bioware will eventually cave and hand out neutral relics, but they make ZERO sense from lore, canon or character progression perspectives, so it's mostly just to appease the unhappy.


Meanwhile, thousands of people can't even connect to the game, thousands more have horrible FPS and lag, thousands MORE are frustrated by broken end-game and PvP content, and we STILL have no Rythym Augmentation Droids.

Yup I agree for a force user being "grey" does not make much sense cause majority of grey jedi we see in lore are still light side. Plus those force users who try and be grey end up with a case of falling to the dark side sooner or later.

Edited by lokdron
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Does it change as you level up? My highest character is 37 right now, and I still don't even have any relics for him yet since I haven't gotten any as quest rewards or drops yet. The only ones I've seen are from Treasure Hunting and the GTN.


It only changes at 49 or 50, because then you can use all the good un-aligned relics mentioned below.


There are Champion relics that you can get after a doing the daily/weekly PvP warzone quests. (The PvP champion ones I use are +72 endurance and click for huge crit/surge, or power. They are from PvP but are awesome in PvE as well)


I also looted a really good relic from a normal mob on Ilum. There is also a crafting skill that can create relics.


You can also google and figure out how to make your Matrix Shard Relic thingy which gives stat bonuses and takes up a relic slot.


It may not all be easy to get, but its all un-aligned and is vastly superior to anything LS/DS.

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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It only changes at 49 or 50, because then you can use all the good un-aligned relics mentioned below.


There are Champion relics that you can get after a doing the daily/weekly PvP warzone quests. (The PvP champion ones I use are +72 endurance and click for huge crit/sure, or power. They are from PvP but are awesome in PvE as well)


I also looted a really good relic from a normal mob on Ilum. There is also a crafting skill that can create relics.


You can also google and figure out how to make your Matrix Shard Relic thingy which gives stat bonuses and takes up a relic slot.


It may not all be easy to get, but its all un-aligned and is vastly superior to anything LS/DS.


Ah sweet. Thanks for sharing this! This is exactly what I was wondering about. Thanks for the heads up on that. I'm going to look into the ones that don't involve PVP. (I'm just not really into PVP. WoW kinda killed it for me. I have BF3, TF2, etc games for that kind of stuff.)

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Ah sweet. Thanks for sharing this! This is exactly what I was wondering about. Thanks for the heads up on that. I'm going to look into the ones that don't involve PVP. (I'm just not really into PVP. WoW kinda killed it for me. I have BF3, TF2, etc games for that kind of stuff.)


Youre welcome!


I have been thinking about gathering the relic shards to make the Relic Matrix. (I have no idea what its even called.) But for BH its like 50endurance, 20aim, 20crit - relic slot, no click ability.....or something along those lines.


The looted one from a mob on ilum was like +52 endurance and click for +200ish crit/surge. Maybe you can find similar on the galactic trade.


Regardless....good luck!!

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1. Jolee Bindo was grey.


2. I'm playing with a Juggernaut. I'm acting exactly like I would act if I were him, in his same situation. It's leading me to be perfectly neutral, unintentionally.


Most of you guys are simply stupid. I understand that light and dark side items should give a different appearance, but it's unacceptable that there are people who are disadvantaged because they can't wear certain items.

Edited by _Tarkus_
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Then I cancel my account and protest their non-sense with my money.


This was supposed to be a launch feature, and since the game was rushed, players got the short end of the stick. It isn't hard to code in some damn items. I guarantee they are going to code in a few hundred new ones with the next update, so they can take the time to code in a few more.


Feel free to unsub right away, you're unwanted here.

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people will cry about anything


And because it is a worthless thing to you then obviously this guy is crying like a baby for bringing it up.


He has a reasonable complaint. Why don't they have neutral gear yet? It really makes zero sense.

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Most of you guys are simply stupid. I understand that light and dark side items should give a different appearance, but it's unacceptable that there are people who are disadvantaged because they can't wear certain items.


We're stupid because you are incapable of googling to realize there are neutral relics you can already wear instead of whining on the forums?


No, sir. I believe you should redirect your comment at yourself. No one is disadvantaged except those who refuse to bother to find out facts before shooting their mouth off.




That is a PVP relic, granted. But there are ones you can get from dailies, ones from raids, ones even from mob drops.


Jolee Bindo was another Bioware only Mary Sue. Bioware can make up whatever mess they like , it's their story, but some of us prefer to keep things realistic. And realistically, just as in real life, VERY few people mix REALLY nice acts with REALLY atrocious ones. Unless they're crazy.

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Here's an idea, quit being Neutral. People that can't make up their minds on being good or bad deserve nothing as they have done nothing for either. Sorry you can't use those awesome dark/light relics.




Sorry, saw Full Metal Jacket this past weekend.


not true, sometimes the dark choice is the nice approach etc etc

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