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Time Magazine gives SWTOR 3.5 out of 4 stars!


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These reviews are article submissions created by Bioware marketing staff and are paid advertisements. They are in no way actual reviews by NPR or TIME Magazine. Don't kid yourself. Newspapers offer this same service. Why do you think they're identical reviews? duh.


So is every single one that WOW gets, or any MMO or game for that matter. So long an short. Don't trust anything. Unless you are trying to say that Bioware/EA is unique in this. If so I laugh in your face.

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.........that gets the review from Bioware and distributes it to 35,000+ news organizations. Its the same as using Vocus / PR Newswire, etc. when you're writing an online press release. Again, this is not a real review or rating, its just propaganda from bioware that nothing is wrong and the game is just SUPER-AMAZING.


You will likely see 2 to 3 of these per month as they get indexed better this way by engines. Its no mystery to anyone in the SEO world when you read these kind of reviews. For someone who does this kind of stuff for a living I can read right through the lines and smell BS a mile away. I can even see the keywords stuffed in there that they're trying to target.


No, that would be a press-release. There's a difference.

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Have you been QQ on the forums about being entitled to this and that?


He's your man!


No, actually I've been a relative voice of reason on the forums. This isn't to say that most will listen, but I do tend to not only follow some line of logic but list my reasoning as well. Oh, and by 'logic' I do not mean opinion, I mean objective reasoning

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Yet it's /tinfoil hat when people talk about Astroturfing companies like Viralbuzz.com who are hired by Blizzard to infiltrate forums and smear competitors games. :rolleyes:


Hypocritical BS; It's what's for dinner




I have no idea what your talking about but... Me personally ? No I would not ignore dishonest practices from any company...

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lol i love how games are reviewed by casual observers and people who play to level 10.


I love how folks who get banned on these forums run out and buy another box; so they cane tell the world and warn the n00bs how fail the game is....


Strike that I don't love it...I just find it sad and pathetic.



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No, actually I've been a relative voice of reason on the forums. This isn't to say that most will listen, but I do tend to not only follow some line of logic but list my reasoning as well. Oh, and by 'logic' I do not mean opinion, I mean objective reasoning


That's pretty awesome! Thanks for telling me. :)

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The same as every other MMO


If SWTOR is modeled after every other MMO and it added pretty much anything, it'll get a higher than average score. That's kind of the concept of 'above average'


Many of the 'standard' things that exist in other MMOs that SWTOR lacks have either been reported as being in the works or being reviewed for possible inclusion


If this game rates so low for you, why aren't you playing the MMO out there that DOES rate 3.5 for you?


Maybe there isn't one? I don't think that review was relative to any other MM0. Meaning there is MMO 5 rating. And I have to agree with poster you quoted.


I have nothing against people liking SWTOR and even I play it. However most of my friends that left the game already because bugs. And the content is bit lacking. And servers are on republic side too empty.


Result is lack of buzz for many players. There isn't action. So I have to agree 4.5 far too high rating way the game is now.

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Magazine reviews mean literally nothing.... Why would I ever trust TIME MAGAZINE on a video game review?


We already know... as in, it is a confirmed fact.. that video game companies try there hardest to make sure only companies who promise to give out high scores will get review copies of the game and other such shady practices...


like what is this?


'Most of all, it makes you feel like you’re part of a huge narrative that’s at once personal to your character’s journey, but also part of a wider, unfolding epic between the Republic and the Empire. Quests and story arcs appear to end, but don’t. Your character may finish a mission, only to get ambushed while strolling back to his ship hours later.'





That statement is so far off from what the majority of people who actually have played the game would say. In fact most people who are fans of good narrative and actually have TASTE were completely disappointed by the "stories" in this game.


If you honestly cannot tell that it really is the same fetch quests and kill x number of monsters quests, just like every other mmo. Glossed over with Voice acting... then there is no hope in arguing with you.


you show up to a new place... There is a new gang causing a bunch of trouble... you must kill X number of them, then disable X number of terminals.


See how you put it? Is like why we should trust any review? No matter who does is more or less objective as long is not close to your own point of view they're not to be trust.


Its just a review of some one that play the game and so far seen this plus/minus of the game.


In the end seeing a review over a game which you are interested in the best way to see it is just to play it for yourself. If at the end of 1,2,3...30 days or no matter how much time you invest in the game dont suit your needs.


Review basically are trying to present general things about a game with more or less +/- of the game. If X say is worht doesnt mean is worth for you or any body in the end you judge for yourself dont you?

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The same as every other MMO


If SWTOR is modeled after every other MMO and it added pretty much anything, it'll get a higher than average score. That's kind of the concept of 'above average'


Many of the 'standard' things that exist in other MMOs that SWTOR lacks have either been reported as being in the works or being reviewed for possible inclusion


If this game rates so low for you, why aren't you playing the MMO out there that DOES rate 3.5 for you?


SWToR copied many other MMOs but it is hardly the same. This is especially true for me as I am the explorer type. I play the same to experience new things.


When WoW launched, there were 3 completely unique environments per side to explore all the way to about level 30. I spent weeks before I had to redo any content.


When SWToR launched, there were 4 environments to level 10. I was repeating content in a few days.


Why am I playing SWToR instead of the others, I'm done with them. I've seen it and done it. I still have some story to explore but one run thru per side and most of the story is done. Don't worry, I won't be here much longer.

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No need..? You're already wrong?


Truth hurts people like you. Better just ignore me.


Scary internet wizard. Smoke it!


Looks like you're making quite a name for yourself out there on the interwebz stud. +1

Edited by Stradoo
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See how you put it? Is like why we should trust any review? No matter who does is more or less objective as long is not close to your own point of view they're not to be trust.


Its just a review of some one that play the game and so far seen this plus/minus of the game.


In the end seeing a review over a game which you are interested in the best way to see it is just to play it for yourself. If at the end of 1,2,3...30 days or no matter how much time you invest in the game dont suit your needs.


Review basically are trying to present general things about a game with more or less +/- of the game. If X say is worht doesnt mean is worth for you or any body in the end you judge for yourself dont you?


Uh if you told me that a game had awsome narrative and had all the things that time magazine said, and it was facts... I would jump on it in a heart beat... The problem is, that it just isn't true.. it's not that I'm just into different things..


Good narrative is very worth it for me....This game just doesn't have it.


You are right that the best way to find out if you like a game is try before you buy... But if you can't, wouldn't it be nice if they actually told you everything? Not just regurgitated the same statistics that the devs say in there hype videos?


'It features more than 320 actors voicing all the interactions between a player’s avatar and more than 4,000 characters. (That doesn’t count the array of noises delivered by droids.) The spoken dialogue and musical cues from the “Star Wars” films help give the game a cinematic feel.'


How about you mention that, The end game PVP world is broken admittedly by the developers and give it a 3 out of 4 instead of 3.5?


Or that High resolution textures still don't exist in the game.. no points off for that either? ok? Maybe that's not important in the reviewers "opinion" but should he not mention it?

Edited by KurleyKilla
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Mainstream AP review FTW!!


IMO: This means they will market to casual gamers, Star Wars fans and regular people now that the initial rush of ubar gamers is dying down.


Well yeah...TOR has done the same thing WoW did grab the mainstream consumer and this is what the uber gamers can't grasp...heck my sixty year old aunt is playing TOR and she is addicted to the storyline and I keep hearing stories like that all the time...if TOR grabs five million casual gamers or main stream consumers who gives a damn about the games E-cred with the gamer crowd?


How many hardcore gamers played WoW? Very few comparatively and that is the bar every developer is trying to reach.

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Magazine reviews mean literally nothing.... Why would I ever trust TIME MAGAZINE on a video game review?


We already know... as in, it is a confirmed fact.. that video game companies try there hardest to make sure only companies who promise to give out high scores will get review copies of the game and other such shady practices...


like what is this?


'Most of all, it makes you feel like you’re part of a huge narrative that’s at once personal to your character’s journey, but also part of a wider, unfolding epic between the Republic and the Empire. Quests and story arcs appear to end, but don’t. Your character may finish a mission, only to get ambushed while strolling back to his ship hours later.'





That statement is so far off from what the majority of people who actually have played the game would say. In fact most people who are fans of good narrative and actually have TASTE were completely disappointed by the "stories" in this game.


If you honestly cannot tell that it really is the same fetch quests and kill x number of monsters quests, just like every other mmo. Glossed over with Voice acting... then there is no hope in arguing with you.


you show up to a new place... There is a new gang causing a bunch of trouble... you must kill X number of them, then disable X number of terminals.


I am truly sorry you lack the ability to make sound financial and entertainment decisions for yourself.


You should of held onto your dollar longer rather than just jumping in without doing proper research and following the masses like a loss lemming.


I was with the game since Sept Beta, and I knew what I was getting, and was quite happy with my decision.


Quit telling others they are stupid for liking the color red, for example. Just because it doesn't cream your Twinkie doesn't mean others have to be of like mind.


We are satisfied with our purchase, too bad you made a mistake.


Maybe next time you will show some restraint and exercise better judgement.

Edited by Fraxture
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I am truly sorry you lack the ability to make sound financial and entertainment decisions for yourself.


You should of held onto your dollar longer rather than just jumping in without doing proper research and following the masses like a loss lemming.


I was with the game since Sept Beta, and I knew what I was getting, and was quite happy with my decision.


Quit telling others they are stupid for like the color red, for example.


We are satisfied with our purchase, too bad you made a mistake.


Maybe next time you will show some restraint and exercise better judgement.


Great... now he's going to contaminate another domain with his jibber jabber. Oh, wait... I'm supposed to be ignoring him. :eek:


EDIT: Not you Frax the super smart google guy that you originally quoted. Sorry. :)

Edited by Stradoo
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blind sheep much?


and that is one example that I didn't even know about that took me 1 second to google... I can dig up a lot.


So the article you linked is about how Metacritic found out about corrupt practices by a review site, then dropped them, then talks about how Metacritic vets their review sites. So... http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/star-wars-the-old-republic


Oh look. An 8.5/10. 51 positive reviews, two mixed reviews, zero negative. Not to mention that the site you linked to for that article also gave TOR an 85/100.

Edited by Orvish
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I am truly sorry you lack the ability to make sound financial and entertainment decisions for yourself.


You should of held onto your dollar longer rather than just jumping in without doing proper research and following the masses like a loss lemming.


I was with the game since Sept Beta, and I knew what I was getting, and was quite happy with my decesion.


Quit telling others they are stupid for like the color red, for example.


We are satisfied with our purchase, too bad you made a mistake.


Maybe next time you will show some restraint and exercise better judgement.


Uh me disagreeing with what the reviewer stated as the strong points of the game doesnt mean I made a mistake...


I didn't buy the game based on any reviews that I read... I bought it because it wanted a space themed mmorpg...


What i was saying is not at all comparable to "calling people stupid for liking the color red"


It's more comparable to me calling somone stupid for having a puke green car covered in rust and then giving it a review saying "This thing has the fanciest paint job in its class, the green mixed with touches of orange really gives the car character.. 4.5/5"


I'm arguing that review is completely bogus...not that the game is complete crap.. or I wouldn't be playing.

Edited by KurleyKilla
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