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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly


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Well now I've stumbled upon a second question I guess you would call it.


Either a LFD system would be popular success which means you are being selfish and just want a majority to play your way




it will fail, as the anti-LFD people would suggest, and it wouldn't be something to worry about, it would come and go in a short amount of time and everyone would go back to the current methods.


So which is it? Are you selfish or basically trolling when you KNOW it will fail?

Edited by Neiloch
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Trying to do PvE content in this game is way more complicated than what it is on PvP. I mean, anti-LFD people have some problem with the very same autoamted grouping mechanics that is used on PvP.


1. Right now, we can join a PvP warzone everywhere in the game, one loading screen per match. Farm Warzone commendations, trade some for Mercenary ones then get PvP boxes with medals and random Champion gear... All of this while being offworld questing.


2. PvE is way different... We have to get to the Fleet (1-2 loading screens depending on the Fleet Pass cooldown), spam General like crazy, flag ourselves in a tool nobody uses because... well spamming LFG in General is easier. If lucky, have another loading screen this time for the Flashpoint. Ahh... do not die inside because you'll be ported outside the Flashpoint (1 Fleet loading screen) then reenter the instance again (another loading screen).


That, just to play a Flashpoint compared to a Warzone.

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Well at least flash points are optional here.

I am almost to my 3rd 50 (running out of story lines i like). I just ignore flashpoints now and level alts. I only raid on one toon my commando and never had to run a single flashpoint.

Modable gear plus level 50 daily coms forth mods put him raid ready.


Now sadly my poor guild master is still stuck at level 45 on his first toon because he sits in fleet all day trying to get groups.


What is a shame is that i am missing out on some really good content the devs busted their buts to put ingame. But with no easy of access for that content it may as well not be there.



I sit here leveling alts all day while i watch my wife run zone after Zone in rift and wow.. Sort of depressing!

She wont even touch this game with out a lfd she says!


A lfd system is common these days its like logging in and finding a game doesnt have a mini map.

its jsut some thing that most players have come to expect from a mmo!

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I still think the "community building" statement by the devs is a red herring: I think they ran out of time and could not implement it and did not want to bother with it for a while and the "community building" is a good rationalization for missing the content.


If "community building" was a priority for BW there would be server specific forums -- ya know, to build community.


Why would you not create a LFD to "build community", and then not build sever forums that would "build community"? Seems counter intuitive but those have a a common tread, the word "not". Not doing something frees up money, time, and other resources to do other things.


I think BW knows this tool is needed, they just wanted to push it off for a year or so and the anti-LFD mantra of "it builds community" provided the smoke screen.

Edited by Racheakt
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Trying to do PvE content in this game is way more complicated than what it is on PvP. I mean, anti-LFD people have some problem with the very same autoamted grouping mechanics that is used on PvP.


1. Right now, we can join a PvP warzone everywhere in the game, one loading screen per match. Farm Warzone commendations, trade some for Mercenary ones then get PvP boxes with medals and random Champion gear... All of this while being offworld questing.


2. PvE is way different... We have to get to the Fleet (1-2 loading screens depending on the Fleet Pass cooldown), spam General like crazy, flag ourselves in a tool nobody uses because... well spamming LFG in General is easier. If lucky, have another loading screen this time for the Flashpoint. Ahh... do not die inside because you'll be ported outside the Flashpoint (1 Fleet loading screen) then reenter the instance again (another loading screen).


That, just to play a Flashpoint compared to a Warzone.


This is the issue right here. Anti-LFD people can make all the arguments they want about a tool making people lazy or rude but their arguments don't hold water becasue we already do have a LFWZ tool and it has yet to reallly destroy the community of the game. Including one for flashpionts is a must.


I know BW said one is in the works but I'm sort of just afraid its going to be an upgraded version of the joke of a system they have now. If they don't include a tool like the PvP que, I don't know how much longer I'll stick around.

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This is the issue right here. Anti-LFD people can make all the arguments they want about a tool making people lazy or rude but their arguments don't hold water becasue we already do have a LFWZ tool and it has yet to reallly destroy the community of the game. Including one for flashpionts is a must.


I know BW said one is in the works but I'm sort of just afraid its going to be an upgraded version of the joke of a system they have now. If they don't include a tool like the PvP que, I don't know how much longer I'll stick around.


So if you compare it to the LFWZ tool - you agree that it has to be server only?

Because I am only against a cross server lfd.

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So if you compare it to the LFWZ tool - you agree that it has to be server only?


Absolutely not. Both should be cross-server by default, with the matching and queuing algorithms giving some preference to same server characters, and the option to restrict the tool single-server for those that want it.

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I completely agree that there should be a LFD tool. Server only though. Granted, it would take more time to form a group, but community and grouping within server should be encouraged.


But the way it is now, on my server aleast it's hard enough as it is to find 4 player groups for heroics within the planet. Let alone for flashpoints where half of the potential interested are leveling in some planet and the other half is in the fleet.


I missed several FP's i was interested on, because i couldn't find a group and i outleveled them.


What i've been doing right now, is assembling what i can in whatever level range planet I am, and then one of us goes to the fleet advertise lfg. It's time consuming, game breaking, and extremely dissapointing when you can't do the things you like, not necessarily because there aren't people up for it but because we lack the tools to find them.


In-server or cross server is the only debatable aspect. Pros and Cons to both. I'm personally for in-server only. I can't add anything else to the discussion that hasn't already been said.

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I'm completely fine with a server only tool.


I am not fine wit ha server only tool!

I think every pro cross server player would have zero issue with there being a server only toggle for those that want single server. But allow the cross server people to also have the option to go cross server.


If you can keep your groups to single server me going cross server would have zero effect on you.

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Absolutely not. Both should be cross-server by default, with the matching and queuing algorithms giving some preference to same server characters, and the option to restrict the tool single-server for those that want it.


LFWZ should have been Xserver since day one. I grew tired of playing Huttball against the Empire just because there aren't enough Republic players in my server.

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I am not fine wit ha server only tool!

I think every pro cross server player would have zero issue with there being a server only toggle for those that want single server. But allow the cross server people to also have the option to go cross server.


If you can keep your groups to single server me going cross server would have zero effect on you.


I agree there should be a simple toggle between In Server and Cross Server in the Random Flash Point Finder.

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Absolutely not. Both should be cross-server by default, with the matching and queuing algorithms giving some preference to same server characters, and the option to restrict the tool single-server for those that want it.
Totally agree.

What's the point of having a LFD tool limited to your server only? That will not magically increase the number of available players.

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Absolutely not. Both should be cross-server by default, with the matching and queuing algorithms giving some preference to same server characters, and the option to restrict the tool single-server for those that want it.




Purely optionally on many levels as a matter of fact. Just using the tool would be optional for grouping and within that, server restriction would also be optional.


If you are worried that so many people will use it that current methods would be nearly unusable, you are demanding the majority be held back because of your personal preference for an outdated system. Quite selfish, especially if the outcome could likely be it's success.


And no, wanting this isn't me being selfish as well. If I wanted to be a selfish power hungry player I would demand that my way be the only way with no optional alternatives exactly like the anti-LFD and anti-xserver are doing.


If you think you could still group the way you want but just don't other people grouping with DF tools, you have much bigger personal problems than a video game.

Edited by Neiloch
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Purely optionally on many levels as a matter of fact. Just using the tool would be optional for grouping and within that, server restriction would also be optional.


If you are worried that so many people will use it that current methods would be nearly unusable, you are demanding the majority be held back because of your personal preference for an outdated system. Quite selfish, especially if the outcome could likely be it's success.


And no, wanting this isn't me being selfish as well. If I wanted to be a selfish power hungry player I would demand that my way be the only way with no optional alternatives exactly like the anti-LFD and anti-xserver are doing.


If you think you could still group the way you want but just don't other people grouping with DF tools, you have much bigger personal problems than a video game.


What you fail to understand is simple,


you demand a LFG tool. By saying so you also demand that it has support in the game. This means people that use it will benefit by xtra rewards, no lockouts etc. Just look at wow and how it works there.


While you pretty much get your way through, you also demand that everyone follows you - if they dont they have major disadvantages, yes sir this is selfish behaivour.


Optional would mean that you get specific servers for your tool, but for instance RP servers dont have it. Then people could go to RP servers, but this you dont want - I wonder why.

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This is the issue right here. Anti-LFD people can make all the arguments they want about a tool making people lazy or rude but their arguments don't hold water becasue we already do have a LFWZ tool and it has yet to reallly destroy the community of the game. Including one for flashpionts is a must.


I know BW said one is in the works but I'm sort of just afraid its going to be an upgraded version of the joke of a system they have now. If they don't include a tool like the PvP que, I don't know how much longer I'll stick around.


Those against the tool dont want an automation tool, nobody has a problem with a tool where people can choose their group by their own will.


You guys are so hard to be taken serious, as you seem to troll all the time. You never read the arguments of the anti LFD crew, you never think about the valid points people make - you just rage since weeks.


The community at wow or lets call it the game quality, has not been ruined by grouping with people, it has been ruined by having no influence on those groups.

Edited by RachelAnne
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What you fail to understand is simple,


you demand a LFG tool. By saying so you also demand that it has support in the game. This means people that use it will benefit by xtra rewards, no lockouts etc. Just look at wow and how it works there.


How is asking for it demand support for it? It certainly doesn't demand support from players nor has anyone here demanded it come with 'xtra rewards' or no lockouts. Asking for LFD isn't inherently asking for extra rewards and immunity from lockouts. You are just attaching things you precieve as drawbacks that no one specifically asked for so you can shoot LFD down.

While you pretty much get your way through, you also demand that everyone follows you - if they dont they have major disadvantages, yes sir this is selfish behaivour.


again I've demanded no one follow. If the MAJORITY do not follow they get no disadvantage. where ever the majority goes, the advantage follows because this is concerning a mechanic that is dependent on the majority being compliant.


Optional would mean that you get specific servers for your tool, but for instance RP servers dont have it. Then people could go to RP servers, but this you dont want - I wonder why.


So now optional is only if NO ONE on your server is able to use it? Should I just skip this because you'll increase the requirements for 'optional' later on or is this it? If people want servers that don't allow it at all fine, do it. I have no opposition to that, not sure why you ASSUMED I would other than artificially strengthening your own argument.


Nice try but no good. Limiting the majorities playstyle in favor of your own prefrence = selfish. My stance might be selfish, but no where near the magnitude of anti-LFD since my requests would favor the majority no matter how they decide to play.

Edited by Neiloch
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Optional would mean that you get specific servers for your tool, but for instance RP servers dont have it. Then people could go to RP servers, but this you dont want - I wonder why.


Ummm, I play on RP servers, so please don't make choices for me.


I would think RP people would want cross-server LFD because it would give them more time to go out in the world and RP, rather than being forced to only RP in the fleet while they also have to spam the chat for groups. Or run a QUICK Flashpoint while they wait for their friends to RP with. Or hell, they can make a quick Flashpoint run WITH their RP friends and then get back to their RP-ing from the exact place where they left off (if the tool has full automation like WoW).

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Ummm, I play on RP servers, so please don't make choices for me.


I would think RP people would want cross-server LFD because it would give them more time to go out in the world and RP, rather than being forced to only RP in the fleet while they also have to spam the chat for groups. Or run a QUICK Flashpoint while they wait for their friends to RP with. Or hell, they can make a quick Flashpoint run WITH their RP friends and then get back to their RP-ing from the exact place where they left off (if the tool has full automation like WoW).


You can just join a pve or pvp server then? Why force all players to use the LFD just because you want to use it?


I do play at an RP server too, we have a good community there and believe it or not - nobody has ever cried for a LFG tool there.

Thats why I think RP servers should be exluded from such tools, as there people actually want to talk to each other, those that want to use it, dont want to RP anyways - or do you really think you can roleplay in these LFD groups?


Also I am not sure why you sit at the fleet, this is your lack of knowledge about the LFG tool that is in the game right now.

Just /join 4 and you are in the global LFG channel. There is no need to stay at the fleet to talk.

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Nice try but no good. Limiting the majorities playstyle in favor of your own prefrence = selfish. My stance might be selfish, but no where near the magnitude of anti-LFD since my requests would favor the majority no matter how they decide to play.


You need to think a step further, thats what game designers always do, well except those at Blizz sometimes...


Anways, if you add such a tool then you will have many groups that wont work well - many groups where people ninja gear, many groups that disband etc.


If you now would be locked to the dungeon after every attempt, then many people will end up crying at the forums and the lockout will be gone, if its not allready gone at at the introduction of the tool.


If you keep the lockout, many people will not get loot, will not even finish the runs because they cant do the dungeon again / cant find people for their allready progressed run.


There are reasons why these things were adjusted by Blizz at their tool, they didnt make it for fun.


Somehow I wish BW would actually give you your tool, you would end up crying after 2 days because its not working, some people can only learn it the hard way.

Edited by RachelAnne
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Ummm, I play on RP servers, so please don't make choices for me.


Dont make choices for us. We do not want a cross server LFD tool like WoW has. We came here because we dont want one. If you want one Go back to WoW and live your life in the WoW X Server LFD tool which many people are saying you either use it or dont bother running instances. You are forced to use it. So Go Play WoW. Leave people who do not want that alone and dont tell us that we have to play your way.

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