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No one was ever 4 shot by tracer missle....ever.


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the troopers/mercs saying they can't burst down light armor users in 4 tracer/gravs are lying out of their trooperholes/mercholes.


No.. they arent..

If you get 4 shotted as a Assassin you suck.


Actually if you get killed by a Merc or Commando as an Assassin you may as well call yourself jediduckling.



they can dish out 4 before my 12s cooldown interrupt is back and if my stun is down and i can't line of sight i'm dead. it happens. just be honest with yourselves lol you guys can burst better and faster than a lot of classes.


O noes


If your CD's are down you cant beat them..




What class can you beat without any CD's?

O right..their isnt one

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Im in Champ/Battlemaster gear with Battlemaster cannon


With rakata potions, relic, and wz buff, i hit a sniper, without shields and almost no pvp gear for 3,2k, sorcs absorb 2 of the hits, then its around 3k


If those actually have some champ parts, it hits for 2k-2,5k


After the potions are gone, and i fight champ geared players, those hits go down to 1,8k-2k, on any tankspecced classes, those hits are even lower, around 1,5k


Tracer/Grav spamming commandos/BH wont kill anything that are centurion geared and above.


Its when you learn to utilize full auto, grav, high impact bolt, and demolition round right after eachother you start getting some kills, ofcoures this dont happen to often, becouse of cooldowns on those skills and that you have to build grav/hib/demolition buff/debuff for 6 seconds+


In 1v1 Tracer/Grav users suck so bad, gunnery spec is probably the worst spec of them all 1v1

Edited by SeloDaoC
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two guys i pvp with tracer missle hits for around 3.5k


3.5k+3.5K+3.5k+3.5k=14k without red buff or adrenals goin thats pretty close unless your all cham gear plus so i call ******** on you


Agreed, a fresh 50 which are on average barely over 12k hp will get completely wrecked. Gear gaps as wide as they are, do not promote good PvP.

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Just saying.......I call BULL@#$@ to anyone saying they were 4 shot by tracer missle, or a BH in general.....


Show me pics.


No one was ever killed within the 3 second stun on Op/Scoundrel backstab but that didn't stop people from ************ and lying constantly on the forums until BW capitulated and nerf the class.


Now you know how it feels, next will be Sage/Sorc

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Anyone remember that video awhile back a Frost mage made once and his entire hotkeys were just Frost Nova and Icelance? And he purposely clicked? And dominated over and over again with 6-9k Crits over and over?


Tracer spam reminds me of that.


That being said I interrupt the **** out of it and grav round, but I mean really I'm not killing them in my 4 second window on my Jugg...


Yes, funny thing is even with that video no real nerfs ever came down for frost mages.


Ever wonder why? Nobody decent ever wondered why.


Hint: Because there are tons of bads in Warzones. I saw a video of a nearly naked Vanguard in Warzones dominating too. I guess that means they are clearly ridonkulous too? lolz.

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Yes, funny thing is even with that video no real nerfs ever came down for frost mages.


Ever wonder why? Nobody decent ever wondered why.


Hint: Because there are tons of bads in Warzones. I saw a video of a nearly naked Vanguard in Warzones dominating too. I guess that means they are clearly ridonkulous too? lolz.


actually vanguard assault spec is probably the most op spec right now, but that guy in the video just sucked :p

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No one was ever killed within the 3 second stun on Op/Scoundrel backstab but that didn't stop people from ************ and lying constantly on the forums until BW capitulated and nerf the class.


Now you know how it feels, next will be Sage/Sorc


Yes, because Bioware didn't just walk over to their testing area, load up a premade 50 ops/scoundrel, apply all the buffs you might expect to have in a warzone, then hit some consumables that they would readily have with Biochecm/PVPing and then test the damage on the 3 different armor types with/without bubbles. Which all of would have taken 1 hour from 1 person to test.


I swear you scoundrel/ops need to get over yourselves. It wasn't the forum crying that got you nerfed. Have yourselves a poor pity parade if you want if that makes you feel better, no developer ever balances around forum cries alone. They certainly draw attention to an issue(if there even is one), but that's it.


Sorc/sages would be nerfed to oblivion, guardians would be uber buffed, bubbles would be nerfed, sentinels/marauders would be nerfed for 1v1's, Tracer spam would have a 4 week cooldown, and everybody would still complain.

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tracer just needs to have a deadzone and it would be fine.


If it had a deadzone, it'd need to be castable while moving because it might as well have one now if any decent melee gets on them, they won't cast more than maybe 1 tracer before they die.


Edit: And I know neither of use want that, so a deadzone won't work.

Edited by Kortobowden
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No one was ever killed within the 3 second stun on Op/Scoundrel backstab but that didn't stop people from ************ and lying constantly on the forums until BW capitulated and nerf the class.


Now you know how it feels, next will be Sage/Sorc

Yes they did, stop lying.



Seriously, so many LIARS on this forum, and in this thread. You people think that just cause you say something, that makes it true? BW has the raw data. They know the truth.



There were OPs who could stun and kill me within moments from full health, and I had full decked purple lvl 22/23 mods in all armor slots at the time. (and somewhere close to 16-17K health)



Yes, it was pre-nerf. Hence, the nerf.




ps. anyone who dies to Tracer spam, both them, and the player spamming them, suck.




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Yeaaaah, sooo, tracer missles can be interrupted...right? I'm trying to understand what the issue is- they do way too much damage or they can't be stopped? I don't think doing a lot of damage is bad (frankly, things are never as unbalanced as people claim. At the worst, TM may need to be scaled back a little, but not enough to make a difference). I think doing a lot of damage with no counter is, though.
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actually vanguard assault spec is probably the most op spec right now, but that guy in the video just sucked :p

Perceptions of what is good/bad largely just revolves around what people see and how they get pwnt though. The thing that got Ops hit was (as in every game with a stealth class ever) people can't help but notice when they get stunned and die before they can react. Next on deck will be Sorcerors most likely since everyone notices the purple lightning and zomg it must be imbalanced since everyone plays Sorcerors. Next on deck will be Mercenaries due to "tracer spam". Ultimately folks will find new "uber builds" post them on the forums, all of the drones will copy said build and people will start forum-moaning about the new builds. Believe me, I definitely wish I went Vanguard for my Soldier rather than Commando.


Rinse, repeat, MMO boards 4tw.

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No you don't. DFA/Mortar has minimum range, you can't do it at your feet.




You act like people are dying in 5 seconds. It would take minimum 10 seconds of a BH wailing on you to die. LoS the BH to reduce his damage done by 100%, not hard. You don't have to be a "supercomputer" to hear the tracer distinctive sound/graphic and respond within ~2-3 seconds.




Stop wearing green questing gear vs full battlemaster then. A full battlemaster has what, 18k hp? So let's see, to be 4 shot each tracer would have to do 4.5k damage, more than 200% of it's base damage. In what dreamland does this occur?


Also LoS is literally everywhere in this game and interrupts even mid-cast.


I do my daily every since lvl 50 weeks ago, not much I can do about RNG bags but I have 310 expertise and my gear is all purples except two 49 oranges and 1 green implant. Try exaggerating more. You can try talking down to someone saying it's their gear but it's not a gear problem, it's a damage per cast time problem. Try to defend it all you want but everyone knows it will get adjusted eventually. :cool: I'm just telling it like it is - you saying you can't kill a light armor user in 4 tracers is bull because it does happen.

Edited by Gravestrike
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As with OPs though if anything a general hit to crit damage might be the thing for developers to look into. Whenever we see new moans on the PvP forums about X or Y class being OP its typically tied to screens of some crazy crit numbers assured through stims/adrenals/cooldowns. Spiking damage is SOP in MMOs for those chasing kills, crit builds are always king and the current state of increasing your damage through Surge just makes things worse. I can't really see people complaining about any class' normal hits (hyperbole aside) its critting for several grand that seems to upset people. Keep up the nerf cries for DPS though, healers will love it ;) Edited by SWImara
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Just saying.......I call BULL@#$@ to anyone saying they were 4 shot by tracer missle, or a BH in general.....


Show me pics.


as a merc, i have killed people in 4 attacks. tracer missile, unload, heatseeker and rail shot. even without stacking the tracer buff, you land a crit and youre going to hit really hard

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I actually have an alt bh where i spam tracer missile. Just doing that alone it is incapable of bringing down a sorc of equal or higher level. Of course in most warzones that is just the opening salvo, but all people see are the tracers.
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I actually have an alt bh where i spam tracer missile. Just doing that alone it is incapable of bringing down a sorc of equal or higher level. Of course in most warzones that is just the opening salvo, but all people see are the tracers.


That's such rubbish. Three tracer missiles take me down to ~half health with NO trouble at all. If I interrupt, most BHs just stand around looking clueless. Some don't. If I don't interrupt, it's constant Tracer Missile and maybe an unload if they're feeling adventurous.

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