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Everything posted by Gravestrike

  1. If you ever get the time, writing a guide on setting this up in detail with strings for procs for Marauders and Sentinels would probably get a lot of appreciation.
  2. I agree... It blows my mind how many millions of dollars when into this video game and the end result had races that were all very basic and similar, except for the Twi'lek...and then it blows my mind that the first additional race is a cat-human.
  3. Actually he points out some design approaches (such as feeder quests) and I'd like to add some more: like lack of a mentoring system and the fact that two characters of the same classes have to basically double the amount of time it takes to complete story arcs if they choose to help each other in quests because they won't count for the assisting player. The truth is, there are a lot of elements in this game that discourage grouping, especially between unequal levels and same class.
  4. I know.. I just watched the Guild Wars 2 beta footage of the character creator with preset armors... and I was like why am I putting up with the lack of dev competency to create the high-res textures game that a game launched in 2012 should offer...
  5. wait... so it will just be the same races in existence expanded to different classes? i was hoping we would be getting some of the companion races, like togruta or sarkhai ;/
  6. Stealth is a utility tool that replaces the other utility tools other classes get that stealth classes don't get. Sure, I find it frustrating when someone stealths away. I'm sure plenty of people find it frustrating when they blow up my sorc bubble just to have me recast it just in time to absorb another couple of thousand damage. Diversification of utility is good.
  7. You should doubt the numbers (if the true probability is 25%): Use binomial probability distribution (success when opening bag=item, failure when opening bag=no item), true probability is 25%, and the number of trials is 62. You can calculate the probability of getting 9 successes given a 25% true probability. It turns out to be 0.69%. As in, very unlikely. Basically, someone is lying here. Either it's not 25% or the OP's numbers are very unlikely.
  8. I really hope so... I took a bunch of pictures of my character using the holo-trick and pasted them in paint side by side with pictures of my character in the regular world and it's such a dramatic improvement. I'd like to make use of my high-performance processor and graphics card.
  9. I dunno.. I think good players with good gear can rock any AC. I've seen some pretty awesome operatives and marauders that wreck face.
  10. lol I was in a warzone earlier today I saw a sniper setting up shot and I was like "ehhh I'll get her in a minute" because I was preoccupied with another target. I should have gone for the sniper. It was like pew pew dead you guys are pretty hardcore when you set up shop.
  11. The system is better than RNG. No other arguments are necessary. It's a superior alternative to a broken system that allowed players advantages due to random luck while creating a more serious duplicate-drop problem.
  12. I wish it was win 1 out of 3. So you have to play 3 but only need to win 1. Sometimes the daily isn't really a daily if it takes 3+ hours to win 3 warzones. :<
  13. What are your short term plans for adding more character customization and updating the graphic resolution to high/ultra? Thanks!
  14. I love the female smuggler voice and acting! Actually if it wasn't for it, I would probably have unsubbed by now. I did a Xabrak sith sorcerer to 50 and found the second half of the story to be reeeeally boring and all of his lines got more and more generic. As I'm getting higher with my Smuggler (level 22) I find her lines are still super funny and compelling.
  15. hahahahaha thanks for starting my morning off with a laugh!
  16. You're not even reading his complaint. It's with getting duplicate pieces from champion bags over and over. That's a legitimate criticism of the RNG bag design. For example, I'm rank 40 now and I have 3 lightsabers. Having the opportunity to exchange them for tokens would be nice, but you can't.
  17. For fun, I counted. Average was ~2.5k. Also remember, this was just sort of spamming. BHs/Troopers being more coordinated, using stims/world buffs frequently, and focusing light armor and medium armor classes will be doing more, on average.
  18. I do my daily every since lvl 50 weeks ago, not much I can do about RNG bags but I have 310 expertise and my gear is all purples except two 49 oranges and 1 green implant. Try exaggerating more. You can try talking down to someone saying it's their gear but it's not a gear problem, it's a damage per cast time problem. Try to defend it all you want but everyone knows it will get adjusted eventually. I'm just telling it like it is - you saying you can't kill a light armor user in 4 tracers is bull because it does happen.
  19. I stopped crafting and RE completely. I find focusing time on pvp and end game is a much more efficient way to progress with gear. RNG is a horrible design for crafting.
  20. the troopers/mercs saying they can't burst down light armor users in 4 tracer/gravs are lying out of their trooperholes/mercholes. they can dish out 4 before my 12s cooldown interrupt is back and if my stun is down and i can't line of sight i'm dead. it happens. just be honest with yourselves lol you guys can burst better and faster than a lot of classes.
  21. i top damage charts by mass dotting... the only people who can burst are the one's who have stims, pvp adrenals, zone buff consumables, and relics popped. and the truth is... all classes can do that, and not frequently. just keeping it real. i can throw affliction on a merc and force lightning spam while hes tracer missiling me. guess who will do more burst? it isn't the sorc. people need to stop spreading this burst myth.
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