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Damage meters / gear checks (no thx)


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I hope not to see meters, mods, macros or addons.


I hope to save this game from the downward spiral other games have suffered in attempts to please a self titled hardcore player - which will never be satisfied unless they are the lead designer (visions of "Tigole").

Edited by NuanceNW
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So what if player b doesnt have the gear but still ran the instance and didnt get a drop? Gona base it on the achievement then? So we move from gearscore to achievement score is that what i'm hearing?


There could be many reasons why people dont complete H rag or any high end instance and to list them all really whats the point? Too many factors.


Again, you are being intentionally misleading. If you have the achievement and didn't receive a drop from any bosses, then yes you'd have the achievement, and you'd also probably have good enough gear to begin with.


In most situations, people were denied entry to runs because either -


1, they were woefully undergeared, or

2, they had decent gear/experience but someone else or the rest of the raid who they were competing with had better.


I'm not saying gearscore is a good addon, I'm trying to explain to you that people wanted a quick, easy and not entirely inaccurate way to determine if a random stranger was good enough to join without having to armory them.

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I'm against damage meters. This game was always meant for fun, not numbers.


If damage meters are put in then you'll most definitely see people getting kicked from groups left and right for not doing 100k DPS, and next thing you know they'll be kicking healers for not doing their share of damage when they're not healing or tanks for holding aggro but just not killing things fast enough. Things like this breed morons. Bioware knows this, which is why they left them out in the first place.


You get upset because someone kicked you from a raid for low dps after he read a meter, then all you have to do is find a group of like-minded people to raid with so you don't have to worry about it.


Problem solved...


Judging from some of these threads, there are an awful lot of people who don't want to play opimally. You shouldn't have any problem getting some of them together.

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If no one posts here, it will fade away into nothingness where it belongs. It offers nothing different from the ten thousand other threads on this exact topic.


... so you post in a thread that you hope to see fade away. Good plan.

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gear score in wow made me laugh.... couldnt do heroics in wrath that still hadno upgrades because i was in full t6 heck some of the last dungeons nonheroic had gear score i didnt meet >_> on side note i did quit pretty much as soon as wrath raiding came out and i was told im gona be doing welfare friendly versions of naxx. Edited by Paralassa
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Let's hear your definition of a "good" player then. I'm genuinely curious.


I dont have a definition of a "good" player because no aspect of a video game takes actual skill. You think someone hits buttons on a keyboard better than someone else, that's the most ridiculous notion i can fathom.

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There is an intermediate position too...


NO Meters on Normal Difficulty

ADD Meters on Hardmode Difficulty

NO Meters on Nightmare (if you really are Elite, perfect your Strats in Hard and beat the content on Nightmare without them :jawa_cool:)


I like this very much.

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Gearscore? no .. Damage meters YES. i used to spend hours at the target dummy in wow perfecting my rotation. no point in doing that with no damage meter.


My thoughts exactly. That said, if a RDF tool is created, I'd be in favor of having Damage meters disabled in them. In that environment, they turn into e-peen measuring tapes rather than useful tools.

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The developers have these tools. They use these tools to create encounters. With you not wanting tools is fine until you get stumped on content and then it's like flying in the dark.


It's almost like saying I'd rather drive my car with no gas gauge and speedometer cause you like to figure things out.


Whether you like it or not, the mmo genre is all about numbers. And on anything other than face roll content dmg meters is a big help.



Sure ilvl on wow. Turned into a big fiasco at the endish of wrath. But before that people just

Inspected you. The only difference was immediate rejection or having to meet up then gt rejected.

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I dont have a definition of a "good" player because no aspect of a video game takes actual skill. You think someone hits buttons on a keyboard better than someone else, that's the most ridiculous notion i can fathom.


Are you really going to try and dismiss the idea that there is a difference between pressing one button over and over again, and using a character's abilities in a way that makes the most of their output?


Or that there's a distinct difference between standing in a puddle of acid and, you know...not standing in a puddle of acid?

Edited by Ronamo
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There is an intermediate position too...


NO Meters on Normal Difficulty

ADD Meters on Hardmode Difficulty

NO Meters on Nightmare (if you really are Elite, perfect your Strats in Hard and beat the content on Nightmare without them :jawa_cool:)


If the elitist get any type of bone thrown to them....it will probably be something like this.

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My point is you choose a player with a 400 GS but bad players can be carried and geared up as well. Grats on denial.


So do you have to try to be this illiterate, or does it come naturally?


Go back and re-read my original post with the example, realize how dumb your last post was, and then go away.

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Are you really going to try and dismiss the idea that there is a difference between pressing one button over and over again, and using a character's abilities in a way that makes the most of their output?


Or that there's a distinct difference between standing in a puddle of acid and, you know...not standing in a puddle of acid?


He's either trolling, or handicapped. I wouldn't expect a logical response.

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My arguement is when my mage dinged 85 I was doing 14k with a pretty well mastered rotation.

Thanks to gear, I do less work, and rock 28k dps.

Yes it doesn't help one dodge the fire, but if the person did twice as much dmg before dying in the fire im sure it evens out at some point.

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Good thing that devs arent as delusional as some ppl in this thread and dmg meters are already on their way. All arguments of anti-meters crowd are complete trash, the most serious is "they can hurt someones feelings" (LOL) and that says a lot.


Im all in on dmg meters. No, I dont spam them on general, I use them to improve my game. If youre happy with being medicore - good for you, play the game how you like and have fun. But dont try to destroy the geme for ppl who have different definition of fun.


Also the negative effects of using dmg meters are blown way, way out of proportion. Makes me wonder, did those ppl even play WoW? Or are they just blinded by WoW hate? No1 is harrasing others for being 5%-15% or even 30% below top dmg dealer. But if youre doing 30% of usual dps, half of it on a wrong mob and breaking cc's all the time, dmg meters are not the problem, its YOU.

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Okay for all you anti-damage meter people. This is simple: if I'm running a group and I'm wanting to power through an instance, I don't want to carry people that don't have the gear and can't contribute in a meaningful way. So until I get a damage meter, I have to waste time to inspect your gear to deem that you're up to snuff for what we're trying to do in a particular instance. This takes time. Furthermore, if you have the gear, I want a way to determine whether you're contributing or just putzing around and collect loot. (You know it's really easy to use your default attack and make it look to everyone else like you're doing something.)


If you want to play in a casual way, then group with casuals, nobody is stopping you. But don't expect to run with the big dogs when you can't get off the porch, WE DON'T WANT YOU....


With or without damage meters, if you can't hack it, you're going to get kicked. Damage and gear meters just make it easier for us to tell you no...you're still going to get told no if you have crap gear or can't play your class.


End of thread.

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So do you have to try to be this illiterate, or does it come naturally?


Go back and re-read my original post with the example, realize how dumb your last post was, and then go away.


Looks who is resorting to ad hominem now. Tsk tsk. Hypocrisy is a funny thing. Id rather not continue to argue with you because you're too arrogant to examine the possibility that you could ever be wrong. Another wow elitist that needs to go play pokemon panda battles, this game isnt for you kid.

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Good thing that devs arent as delusional as some ppl in this thread and dmg meters are already on their way. All arguments of anti-meters crowd are complete trash, the most serious is "they can hurt someones feelings" (LOL) and that says a lot.


Im all in on dmg meters. No, I dont spam them on general, I use them to improve my game. If youre happy with being medicore - good for you, play the game how you like and have fun. But dont try to destroy the geme for ppl who have different definition of fun.


Also the negative effects of using dmg meters are blown way, way out of proportion. Makes me wonder, did those ppl even play WoW? Or are they just blinded by WoW hate? No1 is harrasing others for being 5%-15% or even 30% below top dmg dealer. But if youre doing 30% of usual dps, half of it on a wrong mob and breaking cc's all the time, dmg meters are not the problem, its YOU.


Exactly, I'm not here to worry about someone getting their feelings hurt. I'm here to play my $15 a month worth. It's rational self-interest. If I don't have the gear, I don't expect to raid, unless they just need a spot to fill. Casuals need to learn that just because you're 50, doesn't mean you get to run with whatever group you want.

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