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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hutball is awful. Fire whomever designed it.


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That has to be the dumbest analogy I've read in a while, well played sir.


Wasn't really an analogy. I think he was calling you a landscaper or someone who mows grass. *shrug*


Anywho, you really just came to vent that you don't enjoy huttball. Really has nothing to do with bad design (as evidence of all the people who do enjoy it) or firing someone.

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I feel grappling needs to go on its own. It ruined WoW for me, and it sucks in this as well.


When a player moves HIS character to you quickly, it is one thing. Same effect in many ways, but he is moving HIS character. When you are stunned or force lifted, you are just incapacitated. When you can be pulled physically TO a player, and especially amidst a number of enemy players - that is way OP and just generally annoying - way too much loss of character control. I don't like mind control in WoW either. They need to draw the line on character control, and unless MC was a 31 point talent on a cooldown - regardless of net efficacy (which is far superior in the case of grappling. Its instadeath essentially if theres a group with the person doing the grappling), it is too much and needs to go. Not right for pvp gameplay.

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Only thing I really hate about it is those stupid random blowers. especially when you get unlucky enough to get tossed over by a bridge, it looks like for a second you're up, but nope. Acid pool for you. Had that happen a few times. Either that or pushed back into mid into the melee cluster... Yeah.
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I am sorry but its one of the best designed obstacle course pvp maps I have ever been on.


As a matter of fact all the current pvp Instances are some of the best designed I have seen.


I think the OP needs to just look at his preferences and start adjusting them to his fighting style.

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If nothing else, Huttball is fairly unique to SWTOR. More things like Huttball would be A+ imo for that reason alone.



A little hyperbole goes a long way. I don't like it either, but I don't want to get rid of it, because a lot of other people do enjoy it. I just want the option to queue for the warzone I want.

I do agree that one should be able to chose the Warzone they want to play.

Edited by SWImara
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Yes, it's one of "those" threads. Hutball has to be the single most terrible design for a PVP map I have ever had the displeasure of playing. RNG air vents? Really? What is the purpose of even having them, since if you want to reliably get to the upper levels, you have to run around and go up the ramp anyways? Flame vents? Yeah, those would be great if they weren't instant death, which is pretty much anytime you're near one, since you'll get KB'd into it or stunned while running over one. If resolve worked, and players had CC break that actually mattered, I suppose the obstacles could be called clever design, but since one doesn't work, and the other is pretty much irrelevant, it's not. I hope whomever designed this has since been fired, and blackballed from designing so much as an iphone app. Oh, and I'd pass the ball, but I can't do that while stunned.


This post is an awful wall of text that hurt my eyes.


Ban whomever typed it.

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I'm not going to say you're alone on this because I know plenty of people who hate huttball. Personally I think it's refreshing to finally see a new type of PVP out there.


I think people would hate huttball a lot less if they didn't get boned by pre-mades, and had the option to que for other WZs when they were sick of huttball.

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I am sorry but its one of the best designed obstacle course pvp maps I have ever been on.


As a matter of fact all the current pvp Instances are some of the best designed I have seen.


I think the OP needs to just look at his preferences and start adjusting them to his fighting style.


Oooo, hold the phone. Alderaan and voidstar are pretty poorly designed imo. Voidstar is in need of some heavy door bug fixes. As for Alderaan, a node control map with no respawn timer? OK if you say so :rolleyes:


Huttball is really good though I think.

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Oooo, hold the phone. Alderaan and voidstar are pretty poorly designed imo. Voidstar is in need of some heavy door bug fixes. As for Alderaan, a node control map with no respawn timer? OK if you say so :rolleyes:


Huttball is really good though I think.


Door bugs? I haven't experienced that myself. Alderaan has a buggy turret or had one, but as far as Voidstar goes I haven't had any issues.


From a balance perspective for both sides, all three of the WZs are VERY well designed. No crying about rezzing closer to objectives, etc. I personally don't see much of problem with hutt ball other than the randomness of the jump booster.

Edited by Celebrus
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There's really no argument against the fact that huttball is well-designed and promoted team play more than any other matchtype in a pvp MMO. You could say that you don't like it, though. I'm not surprised at how many people don't like it. It's not really a good warzone for running around alone and farming kills and going for big crits. You should try call of duty.
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This is the point, the proper way to do it is to either pass or go around. The air vents are designed for 'hail mary' moments.

Again, this is intentional. It forces you to work as a team to either pass the ball over them or use pull etc. to avoid them.

It works perfectly.

It does, you just have to actually think before using it.

So pass it before you are stunned or burn a CD and sit through the stun.


Eh, I agree with 90% of your post, except resolve.


There's a known bug that at full resolve, you can still be CC'd by a handful of abilities that are supposed to respect the rules of resolve.

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Huttball is a Concelament Operatives dream


Sit on my side overlooking the middle. We get it, drop down, jump anyone that chases our guy. They get it, wait for the carrier to reach the flame spouts, stun him, stab him, watch him burn


May not win a game, but a draw at 0-0 is easily possible

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Huttball is a Concelament Operatives dream


Sit on my side overlooking the middle. We get it, drop down, jump anyone that chases our guy. They get it, wait for the carrier to reach the flame spouts, stun him, stab him, watch him burn


May not win a game, but a draw at 0-0 is easily possible


...I fail to see how doing everything that, quite literally, EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD BE DOING ANYHOW, only from stealth, makes this an operatives dream.


It's a dream for anyone with decent awareness and a basic grasp on how to use their snares and stuns would be more accurate I guess.

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little comment on resolve: It works, perfectly, there's just one issue with it. The instant it goes down you can be CCed again, so it may appear that you were stunned with resolve full, but it was just someone timing their stun well. It also doesn't affect and was never intended to affect snares.
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Posting to say that HuttBall is pretty awesome and the only real problem with it is that its the only map you can face your faction on. So if you're in an overpopulated faction you're probably sick of playing it.


I think a few tweaks might be handy (those air vents can be a little annoying at times) but otherwise the premise is very sound.

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