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Hutball is awful. Fire whomever designed it.


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If not for things like fire vents and knock backs, defense would be out the window. It would be nothing but DPS spam.


I don't personally enjoy it as much as the other two, but the only real problem I have with huttball is that some classes are much better designed for it than others. I also don't like the whole "sports" aspect of it, since we'e suppsed to be at war.


But that doesn't make it bad. Some people like it. All they need is a way to que for only the ones you like.


I do wonder though, if they let you que up for only certain WZ's, how often would huttball pop?

Edited by Spymaster
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its designed well but pvp is so ****ed right now its a joke


with the abilitiy delay and all that cc breaks dont work and resolve doesnt work either


the people that designed this game did not have enough time to finish what they started


this game needs to be unreleased and returned to beta for a year or 2

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Now that people are learning how to play Huttball, it is loads better IMO. I usually PvP only in PUGs right now, and Huttball by far seems to give the best level playing field for people that know what they are doing.


For the other two zones, organization is key which favors pre-made groups/guildies. However, in Huttball if you know the rules, you are doing what you should without chat/vent. If the other team has the ball, kill the ball carrier. If your team has the ball, defend your ball carrier or get open for a pass. If you are the ball carrier, look to pass while heading towards the goal.




Also, there is great joy in slapping on a stun on a ball carrier about to score and watch them get waxed near the goal line as is using a pull ability to drag a ball carrier that thinks he is home free into a fire or a group of your teammates.

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My only problem with Huttball is that certain classes have a distinct advantage and if you go up against a team with a lot of Force Leaping/Pulling abilities you're in trouble even if they aren't necessarily good at PvP.
If you could leap/charge to anywhere within range, I'd probably agree with you. As it is though, you need someone to charge to, hence it means that if your team are playing properly, they are deliberately avoiding standing in places they can be charged to.


The ONLY thing I could possibly think of that I would tweak is the damage from the enviromental hazards. Fresh 50s getting caught in the acid or fire are instant death. Geared players (most especially geared tanks) can take a few ticks of it no problem and there's more margin of error for Resolve/Trinket CD management. I'd prefer if it was an enviromental hazard equally dangerous for all.
Actually, the firepit does the same damage to everyone, it's only the tanks HP and CD's that let them better survive it.
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Hutball is awesome!


Every class can bring very strong aspects to a match. There are several strong strategies that work so it is not always the same. You can try to rapidly move the ball forward on both levels of platforms, or control the middle so they can't form a good offence, or try and make their team separate to chase people leaving openings in. I have literally seen a tank guild mate of mine taunt the other team in chat, and get them to focus fire him and let the ball carrier simply walk past and score.


Alderan to me simply feels like one side or the other is just turtleing for over half the fight. And voidstar just feels like an extended cage match with little to no strategy involved. Huttball is by far the most fun IMO.

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Hutball is the worst designed instanced pvp map in history. There has never been a map that caters to one skill set so clearly in mmogaming history. Its basicly be jedi or leave. Everyone knows its true and its a terrible map.


The biggest problem with hutball is the fact that there is NO Q SYSTEM and we are all being forced to either play a map we dont like or sit through a map that results in massive amounts of people leaving because it sucks that bad.


Keep hutball and let us have a Q system that doesnt suck.

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Hutball is the worst designed instanced pvp map in history. There has never been a map that caters to one skill set so clearly in mmogaming history. Its basicly be jedi or leave. Everyone knows its true and its a terrible map.


The biggest problem with hutball is the fact that there is NO Q SYSTEM and we are all being forced to either play a map we dont like or sit through a map that results in massive amounts of people leaving because it sucks that bad.


Keep hutball and let us have a Q system that doesnt suck.


LOL keep talking i love it. Jedi skill set?

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Yes, it's one of "those" threads. Hutball has to be the single most terrible design for a PVP map I have ever had the displeasure of playing. RNG air vents? Really? What is the purpose of even having them, since if you want to reliably get to the upper levels, you have to run around and go up the ramp anyways? Flame vents? Yeah, those would be great if they weren't instant death, which is pretty much anytime you're near one, since you'll get KB'd into it or stunned while running over one. If resolve worked, and players had CC break that actually mattered, I suppose the obstacles could be called clever design, but since one doesn't work, and the other is pretty much irrelevant, it's not. I hope whomever designed this has since been fired, and blackballed from designing so much as an iphone app. Oh, and I'd pass the ball, but I can't do that while stunned.

Agree, it sucks. More suited to skate boards and bmx bikes. Also reminds me of a counterstrike map.


Let's us choose wz's

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Really one of the greatest battlezones I've played in among various MMOs. It has everything and a bit for everyone. It's fast paced and it is possible to make spectacular comes back, unlike most WZs.


If you think this is a "Jedi" only WZ, you're just thinking that you need to be the one scoring, which is a grave mistake in my book. Everyone has roles to play and this makes for very various and hectic plays.


Only sad part is that most people don't really understand it and spend way, way too much time just DPSing randomly or putting ball carriers into full resolve for no reason whatsoever :)

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I want more huttball maps. If we can't cherry pick which WZ to play at least throw some more random elements in this neutral WZ.


I saw a thread the other day suggesting cross faction teams?? I'm actually for it. Although I typically despise Imps and find that rather "shallow and pedantic", the idea of crossfaction teams and more huttball maps tickles my pickle.

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Huttball requires the most skill and strategy out of any of the warzones... It's designed very well for the classes. Yes, grapple, leap, push, etc. are all frustrating, but if you use them right you can get the advantage. No other warzone provides as much benefit from using your skills more than Huttball. Oh ya, and on top of that YOU CAN PASS THE BALL... WWHHHAAATTT?!?!?!! That's awesome in itself! It is my favorite as well. Well done!


That being said... wow, I've played a ton of it and I would really like to see more of an even variety in the mix of zones.

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Yes, it's one of "those" threads. Hutball has to be the single most terrible design for a PVP map I have ever had the displeasure of playing. RNG air vents? Really? What is the purpose of even having them, since if you want to reliably get to the upper levels, you have to run around and go up the ramp anyways? Flame vents? Yeah, those would be great if they weren't instant death, which is pretty much anytime you're near one, since you'll get KB'd into it or stunned while running over one. If resolve worked, and players had CC break that actually mattered, I suppose the obstacles could be called clever design, but since one doesn't work, and the other is pretty much irrelevant, it's not. I hope whomever designed this has since been fired, and blackballed from designing so much as an iphone app. Oh, and I'd pass the ball, but I can't do that while stunned.


Saying to fire someone is pathetic, weak and cowardly.


You don't see them coming to where you work and putting sugar in your lawn mowers gas tank.

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Yes, it's one of "those" threads. Hutball has to be the single most terrible design for a PVP map I have ever had the displeasure of playing. RNG air vents? Really? What is the purpose of even having them, since if you want to reliably get to the upper levels, you have to run around and go up the ramp anyways? Flame vents? Yeah, those would be great if they weren't instant death, which is pretty much anytime you're near one, since you'll get KB'd into it or stunned while running over one. If resolve worked, and players had CC break that actually mattered, I suppose the obstacles could be called clever design, but since one doesn't work, and the other is pretty much irrelevant, it's not. I hope whomever designed this has since been fired, and blackballed from designing so much as an iphone app. Oh, and I'd pass the ball, but I can't do that while stunned.



The concept and theme of huttball is amazing. I think only certain features of the map need some tweaking, or maybe adding a 2nd course, but I don't see much problem with the other things.


The randomness of the vents add imbalance to the map. And slight imbalances in the map are a good thing because they force a player to play outside their comfort zone. If the map was 100% balanced, then all that would lead to is stale gameplay that is repeated over and over.


The death hazards are really more of a skill check than anything. Don't run over fire as a ball carrier if you are being attacked, simple as that. Throw or travel past it without actually running over it.

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I've got to say I used to hate it... don't mind it now. Voidstar is my personal favorite, it promotes close quarter combat and Huttball is my second.


The problem i have is that the imps out number us reps so they play Huttball all the time vs other imps so they are experts at it lol.


However, when I play other reps in huttball I always win! :)

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Probably one of the best designed WarZones of all time actually.


Definitely. My favorite pvp game.


Though, granted, it's also the ONLY game where guardian/jugg tanks can actually impact the pvp in a positive way, so that's a good part of why I like it so much.

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