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Planet you hated and loved to play on?


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Currently on Alderaan. Can't say I've found a planet I really loved so far... Maybe Hutta, I realy like it's diseased feel. Tatooine was pretty cool as well. But I absolutely hate Korriban. With a passion. And that's sad as it was my favorite planet after Manaan in KOTOR. Edited by archifikoss
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I really liked Balmorra, Tatooine and Corellia.


Hated Voss and Nar Shadaa. Voss is so incredibly dull. Ok, there is a funky quest where you, the environment and all the mobs turn yellow to simulate being in some kind of trance-dream thing, but that's about the only thing of note on a planet where everyone talks like a High-Elf from a fantasy game.

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Loved Taris. Seeing the Endar Spire again was a great little moment. If I had one complaint it was just too dark and the zone was essentially the same throughout. Would have loved a little golden glint with the suggestion of a sunrise, or weather in some areas (ash clouds and acid rain?). Just something to make the dead world feel a little more dynamic.


Love Hoth. So bleak. The ship graveyard is brilliant, and everywhere you look there are ships and debris frozen in the ice.


Didn't enjoy Voss overly, just felt like a fairly typical fantasy MMO zone.


Hated Nar Shaddaa. It was essentially an endless rat run of corridors.

Edited by Parthis
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Taris was cool for the first level or so, then I was looking forward to getting off. I still like the overall story arch but hated the map itself. Way too many mobs to burn through to get to various locations, and just overall a punishment for not having a speeder, yet designed for people without one. The map was misleading (dead ends not marked well by the map), the paths winding, and overall frustrating.


However, I loved Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa. I think the game's environment art really shines in the manmade settings. I think Nar Shaddaa wins as my favorite so far, with Coruscant as a close second. Maybe it helps that I could stealth through all those winding halls.


I was expecting to not like Tatooine but I was pleasantly surprised, given what they had to work with. Great shadow colors, which gave it that slight "alien" look.


Wasn't a fan of Alderaan. It just felt "unfinished" for some reason, to many fields, and way too big in parts. It's also one of my complaints of planets not looking alien enough. I mean, it could pass for Earth in most places. bleh.


I haven't done much of Balmorra yet, but it seems like a cool place to me. Not sure why it's getting hate from so many people.


I've liked both the planets, Hutta and Dromund Kaas on my Imp character.

Edited by Stenrik
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I'm not a fan of Balmorra. It feels like I'm there forever when I'm leveling a character and its part of the story comes up.


On the other hand, I love Nar'shadaa. I enjoyed the story for my Agent there and I love city planets; they are super easy for me to follow the maps on, which is always nice.


I'm sure I'll have more opinions later, but that's as far as I've gotten. Started Tattooine but my bf and I decided to reroll on another server due to population issues and we are just about back to where I was.

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