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What are 3 things that iritate you the most ?


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So lets hear it gamer, trolls, people of SWTOR.

What are 3 ( three ) things that iritate you the most in SWTOR ?

What do you think should change in order to make this game better?


Try not to flame too much. Although I know most people must run "Holy Crusade against pagans that have diferent views then me ".


For me:

1. No LFD server wide tool. - Just searching for people on specific planet or fleet is iritating at best and, for me, useless. Simple tool would help find PUGs so much easier.

2. No dual spec - As much as there are people that belive dual spec is root of all evil and you should endure your choice, I like to have fun. Im sorry 1337 kids, I just want to find a group and according to their needs be tank or DPS or why not healer or DPS.

3. End game content. - Even though Im not there yet, many of my guildies are. And most of them report lack of endgame. But I suppose this will be fixed as time goes by.


This post is simply for all of us to see what bothers most players. From casuals to hard cores that want to be first and best.


TL;DR: Go back to school and learn to read if this is too much text for you. Otherwise apply for job at McDonalds and bring me a BigMac menu, hold the spit.

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Haha, great idea for a thread, anyway, here's my three:


1. Let me zoom out a bit more, it annoys me that I can't play from a sort of birds eye perspective


2. Give Conealment Operatives a gap closer, and remove the gap closer from Sorcs, they don't need it


3. Allow us to view weapons in the ctrl-click screen, and not just armor

Edited by Antilogical
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Moderation too heavy handed to the point of being downright stupid and self-defeating.


The character creation in this game is extremely uninspired.


What weren't they smoking when they made the UI? They needed some artistic help. If you wanna straight edge it, give us some meaningful customization options.

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1. World design. Everything's on rails, instanced areas everywhere, no exploration/sandbox element.


2. Combat is broken. From ability delay to animation sync, to the archaic talent trees.


3. Unmodifiable UI.


The list is a lot longer but these would be the top 3. #1 gets that place just because I don't think it can ever be fixed; making it a dealbreaker for me.

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1) Daily mods being better than the barrels / armouring etc i can craft


2) the damage players do in pvp . it needs rescaled and pvp slowed down


3) no crafting schematics dropping of raid bosses that are equal to the raid boss loot drops , huge fail on biowares part not thinking about craftable armours etc , droping from bosses (1 use) .

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It's quite simple:

1. Ilium is dead. There is not enough Republic there and you can spend hours to find some lone goat to kill.

2. Warzones are no fun since all we can do is to play booring and full of problems hutball. Because there is almost no republic on server.

3. PVP is dead. Crafting is useless in this game. There is just 3 armor sets at lvl 50 (1 you collect in game, second and third from PVP)

4. Only thing you can find on Ilium are exploiters. People that kill itself in turn to get valor and "lvl 14 treasure finders"

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#1. Heavier GPU load after each patch. Started with pre access, everything was fine.

#2. Ship droid yapping. I wish I could dump that useless piece of scrap metal out of airlock.

#3. Heavy grind. Artificial down time via grind is absolutely ridiculous in this game.


I could live with bugs and ignore many of them but what I have listed started causing me serious stress. Full stop after 1.1 and haven't logged on since.

Edited by Artthen
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1) The resolve bar not working. I hate when their bar is not full and yet they ignore my CC or when my bar is full and I get CC'd. I'm not much of a fan of the entire concept at all. But if they tweaked it, the resolve bar MAY BE bearable.


2) Ilum is capped at 100 people, not 50 per side but 100 people. If Imps get 70 and we have 30, we cannot get reinforcements. Our choice is to hope they push into our base and let our guys with pull pull them in for free kills... or fly back to the PvE area and zone into another instance.


3) RNG loot on PvP gear. Thank you for the 8 relics, Bioware. But could I have stopped at 2 relics? I'd rather have the extra 12 cent badges so I can give my companions a nice present. Or at least give me repeats on items that my companions can equip. Not that it matters since they (companions) are useless at 50.


And I am going to cheat and add a 4th.


4) I usually love crafting in games. At release I got to 400 synthweaving and learned a handful of purple level 49 recipes. Because anything that is not Biochem is worthless in PvP, I was forced to drop it. Not only does that make the craft (and the money put into it) worthless, but it is making the mats that I had stockpiled worthless. You have effectively made all but 1 or 2 crafts completely useless which means that only a few gathering crafts are worth the time and money. In addition to nerfing the crafts that are performing too well, why not work on improving the others to be at least SOMEWHAT viable at 50?

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1) Customization: UI, character, armor, ships, speeders. It's all around pretty lacking at the moment.


2) Warzone queue: No selection. Huttball can go to hell.


3) Crafting: Organization of the menus (a search for level range maybe?) would help. Endgame crafting is kind of a joke. All speeders BoP for Cybertechs... I'd rather sell them. Give me one epic BoP at lvl 400 and let me sell the others.

Edited by lucasomega
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1. Camera returning back to original position while running. I actually kinda already got used to it..but still it irritates me a lot.


2. Pressing ability 15 times without it firing off. Especially when I need to use interrupt on 1,5s cast ability and I JUST use some ability that triggers GCD. Means I am locked from using interrupt for the duration of the cast. And if by any chance GCD ends 0,2s before cast ends, I press interrupt 5 times without interrupt happening anyway.


3. Nerfing classes before even combat log is in place or some damage meters, when most of the classes cant even fluently play due to ability delay and abilities bugged so most classes cant even really play on full throttle anyway. Yes talking about operatives nerfed due to some videos showing 6k crits from battlemaster operative hitting on 15lvl sorc. Pathetic.

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I'll bite:


1. The UI, more specifically buff placement. Although the UI itself needs work, the fact I have to stare at buffs for when procs come up is rather annoying. If I could make them bigger, or in a different area it would be a lot better for me.


2. To many buttons. Not sure about other classes, but so far my Imperial Agent: Operative, and Sith Inquisitor: Sorc, both have far to many buttons. I've ended up hotkeying every single one of course, but it is rather tedious. Then again I might just be one of those people who tends to use every single button given the situation as well... maybe I need to work on that.


3. Lack of an LFG Tool. While I do use the LFG Comments, and put myself as LFG, even having a global channel would be a big upgrade. I can't be running around to every single planet I think there might be lvl 50's who could possibly be interested in a Flash Point or Operation.

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1. End level armor sets. The level 40 armor sets look really great for most classes, but at level 50.... the designs all look rushed, messy and very uninspiring.


2. Choices of hair styles, very few hair styles are any good, and as a result most people share the same style. No barber shop adds to the frustration.


3. Not being able to customise my UI. (Just bars that I can move and scale would do!)

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Only three? That's tough...


1. No LFG tool.

Well, finding a group is one thing. In-game logistics is another. Worst case scenario: get a group -- run to closest flight point -- git a ride to spaceport -- run (on foot, mind you!) to your hangar -- fly to the fleet -- swim through lags to FP entrance. Thankfully lags has been mopped out. Not completely but it's already better.


When you have 1-2 hours of spare time to play, quite likely you spend all this time looking for group and getting to FP.


Non-automated LFG is yesterday, but it's acceptable. Having no quick travel when the group is ready is just lame.


2. PvP system

I'm sick of Huttball. When level brackets been announced i laughed hard. Nice job doing [10-49] and [50] level brackets.


3. Space combat

It's lame and non-creative arcade. Got bored after third mission.


Sick of threads like these that are trying to slam and bash this game into the ground because somehow the people doing it are so unhappy in their lives they have nothing better to do.


It's a voice of disappointment. I never been anticipating any other game like this one. It has to be the best, not B-rated stuff with tons of voiceover.


My free month is over, I've subbed for one more month nevertheless, desperately trying to love this game. Once my toon hit 50, I'm gonna give up at least until they fix some things.

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Haha, great idea for a thread, anyway, here's my three:


1. Let me zoom out a bit more, it annoys me that I can't play from a sort of birds eye perspective


2. Give Conealment Operatives a gap closer, and remove the gap closer from Sorcs, they don't need it


3. Allow us to view weapons in the ctrl-click screen, and not just armor



there is an option to increase camera distance in preferences. under UI i think.

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