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Sink or Swim time...Who's staying past your free 30?


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Here we are a full month past the launch and the important question people are pondering in their heads is this..."Is it worth paying for?"


As for me...good or bad I have 6 months worth of time pre paid so I'm here until spring at least. I'm hoping that the games many issues are resolved, more engaging content is added and that they finally make this feel less like a chore at lvl 50.


So, what are your plans/opinion concerning SWTOR, does it have staying power or is it another "flash in the pan".



Edited by BEVINCE
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The game is well worth paying to see the class storylines of the classes you enjoy, after that I don't know, the endgame content doesn't really feel fun to me. I look at it more like a pay to play single player rpg and I'm fine with that, I've already started leveling a second sith warrior just because I love the storyline so much and want to play it again.
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All three accounts I'm paying for are staying active for at least the next six months.


After my 6 is up I'm going to make my final decision on staying here or moving on to something else. As much fun as I have in game, I have equal amounts of being just plain bored. This past week I logged in, set crafting on comps, logged out. Repeated this twice a day. That's all I did, post 50 content right now just isn't really there. I'm hoping that in 1.2 we get some solid content for the endgame crowd or at least some nice time killer mini games like speeder racing or pazzak.

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The game is well worth paying to see the class storylines of the classes you enjoy, after that I don't know, the endgame content doesn't really feel fun to me. I look at it more like a pay to play single player rpg and I'm fine with that, I've already started leveling a second sith warrior just because I love the storyline so much and want to play it again.

I've yet to start the treadmill to 50 on one my alts, so far all I have is a 50 sniper who spends his days crafting and a 25 powertech who does the same. I don't know if it's post holiday burnout from overdosing on the game, or if it's me losing interest.

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Im still in it to win it.


I doubt im endgaming it right now or doing much more than questing and trying out the factions... but im already eyeing my next alt. Not sure if i go IA medic or just pick up a dps character and start trying to world pvp now that i feel a little happier with the underlying mechanics (thanks aldaraan for that by continually wiping me at 28 until i learned how to use my cooldowns and interrupts properly).

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Yeah, I'm done with the game until quite a few features are added into the game. I'm not going to pay to beta test another game especially a glorified single player one at that. I suppose I should have just expected the low quality from EA ... I just figured Bioware had their game plan up to par ... boy was I wrong.
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Not me. Sub ends on the 1st. I'm gone. I haven't even logged in for 2 weeks. Game is not appealing at all.


Sorry to see you go. This game isn't to everyone's taste. Myself, even with the bugs, and mistakes and other issues the game has, I'm still having a fair amount of fun.


Hope you find a game more suited to your tastes.



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