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Everything posted by RayBanJockey

  1. Diablo III is the biggest vapourware scam in history. I won't believe it until I see it, and it's been so long now it'll feel old from day one - IF they ever release it.
  2. Well I'm de-subbed as of the 19:th, but the second they add a proper LFD tool I'm back in. For me, personally, not being able to do a lot of dungeons/flashpoints is game breaking as I'm not the quest grinding type (weird in an MMO I know )
  3. It's more expensive because in switzerland EVERYTHING is more expensive. It's SICK.
  4. See this right here is where your whole argument falls down hard on its face. You're all like, "oh but anyone who doesn't notice it isn't playing the margins enough for it to be an issue, yadayadayada". Well balls to you, sirs. I can not (sadly) be called an inexperienced or casual MMO player by any stretch of the imagination - and I have no "ability delay", zero, none at all. I press an instant and bam it goes off, start channeling or casting something and bam it starts, when I press the button and not shortly afterwards. If you can't aknowledge the fact that it might be something only some of you are experiencing, due to oh I don't kow, server lag maybe, then it's sort of easy to dismiss the whole thing as "things don't feel exactly like they do in wow, ergo its broken".
  5. I don't have ability delay, and neither do you probably. I don't care how veteran/1337/experienced you are, I have been raiding and pvping WAY too long in my life for it to be healthy for me and I seriously doubt that all of these thousands and thousands of people complaining of the magical "ability delay" know better. It's just not there. It's the snowball effect, one guy started complaining and people just followed on, being the miserable malcontents that they are. Ability Delay is, either 1) In your head, or 2) your own personal NETWORK LAG Other than that the game has some bugs yes
  6. I don't think the problem is that people aren't using the LFG thing in /who - I think the problem is there are too few people on each server, so it looks like pople aren't using it, when in actual fact there are just aren't any people looking for groups. The only solution to this is a cross-server system. Or pack in ten times more people on each server.
  7. Pro tip regarding dust; don't have your computer directly on the floor!
  8. Well thing is, while people are quick to point out that wow in particular came along just fine for years and years without an LFD tool they're forgetting there where literally thousands of players online on every server, around the clock. It was only when the player base started dwindling that they added the LFD thing so as to maintain the illusion of there still being millions of players. SWTOR is not WOW, but all I know is there aren't enough players for group building to be as smooth as we'd like - so yes, we need an LFD tool imo.
  9. If there were a LFD tool I'd probably hang around in SWTOR a lot longer than I currently plan to. Because I'd rather hang around in dirty space stations healing pugs in LFD than running around doing all the terribad quests. I did it in wow and if Rift had put in a LFD tool sooner I'd probably have stayed on there longer too.
  10. I am 35 years old. At this massive age I have learned this: don't waste your time doing stuff you don't really want to do. Giving a half-assed mmo a month extra time from now just to see if it gets better constitutes a waste of time in my book. So logic says I should stay away if I'm so unhappy with it - yet I'm still drawn towards this game in some strange way.
  11. Wow, so very little text in the original post and you still couldn't read it? I might mostly just be looking for attention with this but I also suspect the following; All the negative talk on these forums have gotten to me and week-minded as I am that was enough to push me over the edge. But in reality, as I obviously want to keep playing, I might actually LIKE the game? I think it might be the same for many others who have quit up to now.
  12. ... why then am I sitting at work wanting to go home to play swtor? Damn you Bio, what have you done to me Anyone else cancelled in disgust, but still find yourself playing?
  13. Wherever I go - same groups of 3 or 4 mobs just standing around, frozen like statues, waiting to be attacked. Every single planet, every single quest. I mean what the hell. For the first three chars I just dealt with it, but now I finally snapped - this is below my dignity and I shall have none more of it, tyvm. CYA, don't wanna BE ya! PS. You are not a Jedi yet, Bioware
  14. Boy am I glad I never used any fancy mods at all for healing in wow, result is healing in swtor works exactly like I'm used to, mechanically speaking. Except it all feels a bit... off? Like the strange input lag, and how you have to stand still for a bit too long before you can start casting a heal, and some very strange LOS issues, and also sometimes a lack of sound/visual ques that your heal actually went off other than your target's HP going up a bit. Still very much doable though, and it'll only get better (it can't get worse can it).
  15. Information is king; I'd like to see this implemented. However, people assume wrongly about two aspects of recount; It'll help you improve your dps This is wrong and not really a valid argument for having dps meters. Unless you have dummies or very controlled test environments you can't use the dps meters for anything other than comparing your dps with others' dps. To improve your dps you mainly need to learn your class and rotations. 1337 wow kiddies will kick me when they see my dps This is also wrong and not a valid argument for not having dps meters. Back in wow, I have never had anyone complain about my ****** dps, not even in heroics. And I've had some insanely bad dps, let me tell you - it has stunk big time. You see, someone has to be at the bottom of the list, and there's nothing people LOVE more than leading the DPS list. They love it. They may lol at you but as long as they feel superior they won't try and get rid of you. In fact you have a higher chance of staying in group with low dps than high because otherwise people tend to get jealous and start finding other reasons to hate you, like accusing you of breaking CC or drawing agro from the tank too often etc etc. No but honestly in the end I find some kind of dps meters to be just an interesting addition to game info and nothing sinister at all. Signed.
  16. That would be perfect, consolidate the player base a bit. I'd get groups faster.
  17. The cross-server functionality works both ways in that you get groups much faster - it gives the inpression that there's LOADS of people still playing the game (this is what saved wow back in WOTLK I'm sure of it). But you also introduce near total anonymity, which is when this "community" starts to deteriorate. I want a LFD tool that is identical to WOW's except in two regards: it's shouldn't be cross-server, and it shouldn't teleport you anywhere. It will then be just an aid to keep tabs on who wants to go where so it's easier to assemble a group.
  18. Comparing TOR with WOW is like comparing apples and oranges. They are both fruit, but that's about where the similarities stop. If you haven't noticed it yet, TOR isn't an MMO no matter how much you'd like it to be. It's a single player game with multiplayer strapped on, sort of like they did with GTA 3 ages ago. The only reason people seem to be missing this fact is I guess because you (and me tbh) Star Wars fans SO BADLY want this game to be more than it is, to be something you wanted it to be, because you live Star Wars and you love MMO's. We also (SO BADLY) wanted something to replace WOW. But sadly, it'll never be all that. It's like buying a red car and then complaining that it's not blue, TOR is just not an MMO in the sense you'd like it to be.
  19. Not quite unplayable no - as while it was the first thing I noticed, I still found I got used to it rather quickly for general questing. But it certainly muffles the pvp experience a lot. TAB is not a substitue in any way.
  20. Like has already been mentioned, you probably have to do some raiding to get armor bits that set you apart. Before you reach lvl 50 you don't really have any other means of getting cool sets other than from vendors, but at endgame you set yourself apart by having operation-specific gear. So looking like a clone at lvl 50 hangs you out as being a slacker, as it should, because even though "casual" is fine and all, in the end this is an MMO and you have to reward the hardcore bunch.
  21. LOL. I remember that, it was a tiny little button, you press it and it went DOINNGGGG with no apparent effect what so ever ^^
  22. What's the point in answering your question if you won't be able to find this thread again to read it?
  23. Well I'm only a lvl 10 Jedi Warrior who just got my light saber but I'm loving it - and I haven't even seen my ship, crew, space combat, crafting, flashpoints or pvp yet. Oh and did I mention... I'M A FREAKING JEDI WARRIOR Fun times people, fun times indeed!
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