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If We Aren't *Allowed* To Use The High Res Textures...


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Where are you seeing all of these "high-res" textures? My game looks the same as anything I have seen advertised.


The high resolution textures were in beta, they took them out when release approached. The high resolution textures you are seeing aren't really high resolution at all, low-medium at best.

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Do you sue filmmakers for movie trailers that have scenes that aren't even in the movie?


You know I was actually thinking about that. Many times the preview has some catchline or scene or something and when I go to see the movie it's not entirely in, I'm like "this sucks" because it's usually a good scene or phrase with a lot of potential and then I think the movie is just 'meh' same with this game, if it doesnt improve SOON it's just 'meh' and by the time they come out with the 20 second extended uncut directors cut edition which probably has that scene I have already forgotten about the movie.

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The high resolution textures were in beta, they took them out when release approached. The high resolution textures you are seeing aren't really high resolution at all, low-medium at best.


Well what the hell! I want these high-res textures now.

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Why can Bioware still use them for advertising purposes in screen shots?


Have we heard any update on this one? Quite a few of us have very decent PCs and would love to be able to use the better graphics already built into the game.


A game company making screen shots look better, My God call the Police no other game company has done this before ROFL.


Next you will be telling me McDonald burgers don't look like they do in the adverts

Edited by Kanharn
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A game company making screen shots look better, My God call the Police no other game copy has done this before ROFL.


Next you will be telling me McDonald burgers don't look like they do in the adverts


I heard they air brush the models in the magazines, for shame!

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You know the only reason they were able to pull this off is because nowadays such gameplay graphics are not unheard of.


10 years ago everyone knew it was just cinematics and it was ok.


Eat that all you mcdonalds-burger-pictures and everyone-is-doing-it advocates.

Edited by daMarek
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Why can Bioware still use them for advertising purposes in screen shots?


Have we heard any update on this one? Quite a few of us have very decent PCs and would love to be able to use the better graphics already built into the game.


Because there aren't alot of lawyers who play MMOs and there aren't a whole lot of precedents for finding false advertising in video games..

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I would rather them test high res texs runing on different hardware then have them release them and my hardware burning up.


This actually happen in Star Trek online people GPU's where burning out. I don't think they are with holding them to be mean guys they are probably working different GPU's and drivers stress testing.


For some strange reason this game runs my rig hotter then other higher graphic intense games.

Edited by Holocroncrystal
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Personally, I’m of the opinion that their actions should (note: in the sense of ‘murder should be illegal’ rather than an expression of probability) constitute a misrepresentation for those that are disgruntled and were induced to purchase the game by the higher resolution textures included in promotion material. I fail to see how it could be reasonably claimed that nobody would rely on such representations or that such representations weren’t meant to be ‘factual’ in nature. It isn’t the ethical equivalent of distinguishing a McDonald’s burger from its idealised ‘mere puff’ image since there are issues in reality with varied outcome, material substance, and reasonable expectations.


Conversely, there is no problem with variability here and the ‘substance’ of the textures has been omitted from normal gameplay entirely. If the promotional material showed cinematic sequences and character conversations alone rather than trying to imply ‘normal play’ then I wouldn’t find it objectionable at all since that would be representative of what exists.


In my view, they have been horrific little weasels over this matter by hiding behind the defence of ‘oh, they were cinematics akin to your character’s conversations rather than representations of gameplay!’ In which case, why were there no caveats stating that it wasn’t gameplay despite it being engineered in a manner that directly emulated gameplay? For me, they were either negligent in their assessment of how people would interpret their promotional material or were outright fraudulent. It’s pathetic.


Having said that, I don’t particularly care about this since I still enjoy the game and have never been too obsessed with aesthetics. I simply think they relied on inexcusable half-truths and intangible implications. It is the lack of remorse over the matter that is inexcusable and riles me as there will be consumers affected by this in some way.


Regrettably, whether remedies exist or ever will exist for those that relied greatly on the representation of textures is another matter entirely. Fortunately, I live in the UK and consumers aren't treated as horribly by classical liberal caveat emptor nonsense. I'm very glad that gaming promotions have to state that they aren't representative of in-game footage or cosmetic advertisements have to state that they included hair and lash inserts.

Edited by Sufran
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There is this thing called a EULA that you Accepted. It's well written out and wordy but pretty much states in the end they can do what they want and anytime you have logged in you accept these terms. Good luck finding a lawyer that will go up against that.


Certain legal rights you cannot waive via a contract, no matter how air-tight it is.

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If the scenes Bioware are showing aren't actual game footage then they need to say this or they could be fined.


If you think they're misrepresenting the game for advertising purposes then I suggest you contact your advertising regulator.


Personally I can't be bothered :p

Edited by Terans
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Where'd you get your law degree from, again?


Law degree or not, I do know where he's coming from. Let me put it this way, there is a reason companies have to write "serving suggestion" on the box of several types of foods when the picture contains items that don't coincide with it.

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Why do people assume that you have to be a lawyer to know if something is illegal? Often seems like, on the internet, when a person says "That's illegal", everyone else jumps on with "Unless you're a lawyer you can't possibly say that!".


Anyway, at worst, here in the UK you could call it "misleading advertising", which usually takes a few complaints, a short investigation, and results in an advert being banned and the equivalent of a slap-on-the-wrist-fine from the ASA advertising standards agency - the ASA do this routinely year on year, often from large companies that you would think should "Know better" the advertising rules.


But then that's at worst - and would only be if they hadn't clearly stated that something was not ingame footage and the media itself was being used in a clear manner to misrepresent and mislead consumers. I don't think this is the case here at all.


I understand that it's disappointing that the game ended up being launched with such mediocre textures for a 2011/2012 game, particularly given the scale of budget and development time and that other MMO's in the past 4-5 years have managed much, much better graphics (even if the games themselves were nowhere near as successful or even completely flopped), but about the only "crime" being committed here is "disappointment".

Edited by UKAzzer
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Can someone link me a video of this "false advertising?"


my game looks like this while i'm playing




And I haven't seen a video that shows better


I'm not sure if your saying that looks good.


And here from the Rise of the Rakghouls trailer.



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Game is built of the Hero Engine


Its a terrible engine made by a company that makes MUDS(text games). Its never been used in any successful game, infact almost every game that was attempted with it was never even released. The one that did was an MMO that lasted less than 6 months on the market.



Why do you think there are so many bugs? They probably would like to release the high res textures but cant cause of the engine.

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I'm not sure if your saying that looks good.


And here from the Rise of the Rakghouls trailer.




You do realize at that distance I can make the textures for the robes for those jedi 65536x65536 and you would not be able to tell the difference? The only thing that higher resolution textures will do is reduce the amount of blur on textured objects as you get closer.

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go sue McDonalds because that nice juicy burger in the picture on the menu isn't the stepped on cardboard tasting one they serve when you order it




I've seen many people eat 1/2 of one, go back to the counter complain and get another free one.




Either way using textures in advertising that you cannot use in game IS blatantly misleading, whether or not it's misleading advertising.

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