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People don't really like playing with other people


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In GW they blame hench and heroes for people not grouping.That wasn't it.It is other people that ruined pugs.Afkers and rage quitters.It is not the games fault no matter which game.It is about people.To many control freaks and and me myself and I people.You can find good groups out there.Just takes time and nothing stops anyone from talking to others first and inviting those folks into a group.I solo mostly..well about 99% of the time.My choice.I pay the sub so it is my option.
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I'll buff ppl (hoping to get buff back, doesnt happen often)

say a brief hello in flashpoints and WZ's

and talk (vent frustrations) in flashes and WZ's if needed.


Maybe i'm gettin old but i just can't be bothered with socializing all that much anymore.


or its WoW's fault lol.

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This is correct. In the oldschool MMOs (UO, Everquest, AC, DAoC, etc) player interaction was necessary for either survival and/or advancement in nearly every facet of the game. Now-a-days it is optional at best.


My first mmo was FFXI - if you didn't group then you didn't lvl up after.. maybe 20 period. Man, after a while you would recognize sooo many names and seemed like everyone knew each other or saw each other around. With the companions in this game it seems there is not much reason to group. Still i put up LFGs even for heroic 2's that i know i'll have no problem with, just to be social and such. You really just haveta put forth the effort to make friends and get ppl talking more these days.

Edited by Jybwee
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I imagine it is because most of us are playing this as Kotor 3. I could care less about grouping or pvping. I even avoid heroic quests like the plague, why? Because this is the closest I will ever get to Kotor 3, my sweet sweet Kotor why did "knights of" leave your name?


It is sad that I have to pay $15 a month to play but whatever I am enjoying the story and I realize that is the only selling point of this game. I imagine that once I finish all 8 stories I will unsub, unless new content is quick enough.


Already finished my inquisitor, am half way through my consular and I am half way through act 1 with my Bounty Hunter. I sort of went off on a rant, but I believe that a major reason why community is lacking is the fact that some of us KOTOR players were forced into this whatever it is (lie?) Instead of having a Kotor 3.


Damn man... It's like you got inside my head and posted this...


I feel the same except I probably will stay subbed for years since it'll take me that long to get through all the stories.


I also wouldn't call it a lie... I for one knew exactly what was coming with SWTOR. Kotor 3 co-op. When I heard they were making an MMO I was happy yet sad... Now that it's here I am more happy than regretful and see that I'll play SWTOR just as long as KOTOR if not longer.

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I'll try and keep this short.


I play an imp as of right now on a"standard" server.


-Chat is dead.

-People join pugs without saying a single word for the entire mission and then just leave.

-I finally run into another player somewhere in the world and they don't even acknowledge my existence.

-I throw buffs on players as I see them. I rarely receive buffs from other players.

-The only time someone takes interest in me is when they are snagging my mission objectives out from under me.


What happened to "community" in an MMO?



I feel your pain in this. Part of me thinks people just get tunnel vision while questing and just don't pay any attention to chat. I know that I become absorbed in what I'm doing and much of the time I just don't feel social.


As for remaining silent during groups, the only reason I keep quiet aside from the initial hello is because I want to stay with the group and if I stop to type I get left xD.

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I'll try and keep this short.


I play an imp as of right now on a"standard" server.


-Chat is dead.

-People join pugs without saying a single word for the entire mission and then just leave.

-I finally run into another player somewhere in the world and they don't even acknowledge my existence.

-I throw buffs on players as I see them. I rarely receive buffs from other players.

-The only time someone takes interest in me is when they are snagging my mission objectives out from under me.


What happened to "community" in an MMO?


We must be playing a different game. My experience is much different than yours. Although, I would suspect the least "friendly" players you come across are the power-levelers who are trying to race through levels.

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This isn't yet much of an MMO with the sterile closed world and the low population. More of an Action RPG with some coop thrown in.

Funny, you must be playing a different game than I am. I see players all the time, with every patch, they are adding more animations to npc toons and mobs, I group for heroics all the time.


Heck, I just finished helping kill the World boss on Tatoinne in a PUG OP team.


Maybe if you weren't quite so surly, folks might be willing to play with you.

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Same stuff happens in WoW.


I've noticed on Shaltin Tunnels, a EU RP server, that the community is a lot more vocal and friendly. Either because of it being an RP server or Americans aren't as kind as Europeans. Whatever.


It's the person, not the game, though. WoW and Rift were very much the same, so TOR isn't the bastard-child of socializing. Hell, TOR actually gives incentives to group that Rift and WoW didn't in the form of nearly constant Heroics and Social Points.


I noticed this on French servers here as well. I played on Kessel Run for a week or two and the people were, in my opinion, much nicer than your average English realm. On many English RP realms I notice you have to find RP, whereas on French realms the RP tends to find you.


Same with forums - go look at the French forums, then look at these. Sure there's your trolls, people getting rude, and mindless complaining (or b----ing), but it's not as off the wall as it is on Eg boards. The English gaming world is so high strung.


Still, you can find very good English realms, but it's much harder... in my experience, at least. I love my US server, The Ebon Hawk.

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I'll try and keep this short.


I play an imp as of right now on a"standard" server.


-Chat is dead.

-People join pugs without saying a single word for the entire mission and then just leave.

-I finally run into another player somewhere in the world and they don't even acknowledge my existence.

-I throw buffs on players as I see them. I rarely receive buffs from other players.

-The only time someone takes interest in me is when they are snagging my mission objectives out from under me.


What happened to "community" in an MMO?


Three letters: W. O. W.

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I'll buff ppl (hoping to get buff back, doesnt happen often)

say a brief hello in flashpoints and WZ's

and talk (vent frustrations) in flashes and WZ's if needed.


Maybe i'm gettin old but i just can't be bothered with socializing all that much anymore.


or its WoW's fault lol.


I know I do the same thing.It is kinda a weird isn't it.

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Dunno I haven't had many problems with chatting and grouping....personally I really don't want to hear about some guys Facebook drama over on GC so I minimize that until I need a group.... when I'm grouped I'm polite and friendly and so is most everyone else I meet.


Chat is a impersonal means of communication anyway I don't know these people and probably never will...I have online friends; I talk with them all the time...but I'm not going to chat up some dude I don't know...

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I like to group whatever I do while leveling up. My experience is that if there are 2-3 people doing the same quests around the quest area, someone sends a partyinvite and everyone joins and continues with the quest objectives/kills.


Sometimes its just one of those groups where no one talks, and it disbands before turning in quests - no new friends there and no exp boost either - terrible.


Other times its a little awkward but polite chit chat and we'll do the holo-thing and turn the quests in as a group for the exp boost. people will thank for a good group etc.


Rarely, but sometimes its spot on and you get in a solid sociable group and have a good time together.


I think maybe people dont know about the benefits that come with grouping in general and not just in flashpoints. Can be much more enjoyable and faster. win-win tbh.




LFG- ToFN <------ send PM if interested Ill be playing tomorrow

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Meet the new breed, and thank WoW for them.
Pretty sure the "new breed" are all older gamers, and it's the industry's fault for assuming these fail-features create Blizzard's success; even Blizzard is losing subscribers by offering this junk.


You really just haveta put forth the effort to make friends and get ppl talking more these days.
Partly zeitgeist, but mostly it's the design of the game.


For example, I main a tank; I'll get a group for a heroic4 together, we'll run it flawlessly because I stay on top of marking for CC and generally keeping the group running effectively; I'll even get remarks about how well that went, how smooth, how well I tanked, etc.


But the content is so damn easy that it's all wasted; even a bad tank could have sufficed.

Edited by Ansultares
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Damn man... It's like you got inside my head and posted this...


I feel the same except I probably will stay subbed for years since it'll take me that long to get through all the stories.


I also wouldn't call it a lie... I for one knew exactly what was coming with SWTOR. Kotor 3 co-op. When I heard they were making an MMO I was happy yet sad... Now that it's here I am more happy than regretful and see that I'll play SWTOR just as long as KOTOR if not longer.


A lie was a little harsh, I dunno what to call it exactly, I guess TOR :p. I expected more from TOR, I mean the story is amazing and I want Bioware to succeed, I even bought the Collector's Edition to support them, but the game seems to have taken some steps backwards from what made Kotor, (I.E. Being able to skip side quests and do just the story, swoop racing and pazaak, being able to visit 4 different planets at the same time and be able to do the quests).


My biggest complaint is how this game relies on the Star Wars movies for marketing, I mean the Republic is wearing clone armor and the Empire has the same insignia as the Galactic Empire, not to mention prototype like ships, unless the Sith Empire ultimately wins and turns into a Republic as part of a plot twist then this game is just a blatant attempt to make a big paycheck by making things outright similar with the movies. What happened to the armor that the Republic wore in the Kotor series?


You can't help but compare this game to the movies.

The Jedi Knight has his own little R2. The Smuggler has his own chewie (I wouldn't be suprised if a princess is also a companion). The Sith Warrior is merely the Emperor's executioner. The Bounty Hunter is almost forced to look like Durge, Dengar or Boba Fett with his armor choices.



In the Kotor series we could have our Jedi or Dark Jedi look however we wanted them to and our companions were original too, this was dumped for TOR so as to piggyback off of the films for marketing. A smuggler is nothing more than a Proto-Han, A Jedi Knight is nothing more than a Proto-Luke with that little R2 wannabe. You can't really call this our own saga when we end up mirroring the films.


I don't know exactly how but both Kotors were some how more than that. I mean yes, Darth Malak was a Proto-Vader in a couple of aspects, but at least they kept things fresh with instead of being your father he was your best friend.


I do enjoy the story but it does get predictable and again it is sadly the only selling point of this game. Lightsaber color crystals have stats and are too hard to come by, the you can only wear what Bioware wants you to, you have to do all the quests the side quests aren't optional at all if you want to level up in a reasonable timeframe, I do applaud the improvement of space combat from Kotor to TOR.


TL;DR: I feel that Kotor is superior to TOR and that TOR did away with certain things for marketing purposes.


P.S. I know my post is hard to understand, I am having difficulty figuring out a way to say what I want to say.

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A onus need to go on you as well man.


Whats the point of running up to someone in game and just staring at them. If I see people going for the same objectives I politely ask them to group up so we dont compete for objectives and spawns. 90% of the time they are happy to do so. More importantly we normally stick together until the whole objective and bonus missions are done.


When you log onto a server let people know that you are interested in doing X Heroics or something. Mostly every time I have done this, I have had players invite me.

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Three words...World of Warcraft. Those say Im lying, never played a MMO before WoW.



hell even vanilla WoW had a decent server community. even though you could solo a lot of stuff there was still tons of stuff that required grouping.but a dead community is the main reason i quit WoW and it will probably be the reason i quit this game after i see everything it has to offer. a strong community really helps the longevity of a game cause people aren't just loggin in to play a game they are also loggin in to hang out with their friends they have made. i guess i was hoping this game would be different but that was probably foolish. it seems game companies rush to make the MMOs more accessible is killing the best thing about playing an MMO, which is the community. force grouping is a good thing. i hate this idea that MMOs should cater to those that would just prefer to be playing a single player game. it completely misses the point of playing an online game to begin with. I know i am probably in the minority with that opinion though since WoW opened up MMOs to the casual market.

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Other MMOs before WoW had like 5% of the population WoW has now so no wonder people seemed more sociable.


The more people, the less sociable? Does not compute...


Actually, the main reason people were more sociable back in old-style EQ is: a) you needed a group to do anything, and b) there was a lot of downtime in the system, so you would sit around and chat and wait for regen.

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Gone are the days of old mmo playing.

Still have fond memories back in Everquest 1 where a group when found would last you hours and by that i mean at least 5-7. In wich you stick arround with these new made friends, dying togheter, farming togheter and having to rez lol.

Remember when we had to travel places so hard to travel because of possibilities of dying.

Miss those days when minimaps or even MAPS where not integrated in the games, you actualy had to print out maps from the web made by people or make your own.

Compass is all that you needed.


Back to the point. Yes the mmo is in this game but people have been changed so much with the recent batch of games, the easy way out as you may call.

Everything is simplified in order to make $$.

But still people are the ones that make it so and not the game.

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I'll try and keep this short.


I play an imp as of right now on a"standard" server.


-Chat is dead.

-People join pugs without saying a single word for the entire mission and then just leave.

-I finally run into another player somewhere in the world and they don't even acknowledge my existence.

-I throw buffs on players as I see them. I rarely receive buffs from other players.

-The only time someone takes interest in me is when they are snagging my mission objectives out from under me.


What happened to "community" in an MMO?


Blame that other mmo that came out 7 years ago for making things very impersonal.

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