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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Leave space combat alone!


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MMO space combat - as already said in this thread - it is not. If I want a solo retro space shooter on rails there is soo much better option than the current incubation of swtor space combat "place holder".


Why not look at EvE online's way of handling space combat. Or at least some of the flight pvp 3D oriented games.

Edited by Druru
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Before SWG got destroyed by NGE it was simply amazing player housing guild run towns and xwing vs tie fighter space combat. It was nothing short of amazing you could make a career just off of the space mission. Improve the missions and take it off the rails
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The funny thing is everyone complaining about CU and NGE, and how good SWG was before. Well, basically the game got WoWfied, and everyone was mad about it, see how the the final UI looked like:




So, what have we got now, looks pretty similiar, huh? Just except Housing, Spaceships and Open World Planets. :rolleyes:

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Did you ppl ever play Freelancer? i think thers shuld be simulation aspect of space flying(not just a space combat), with open space ,hyper jumps, trading, smugling and runaway from empire, that wuld be awsome to spend more time wondernig space not just fighting there....I hope they will do something like that in the furure
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I stated battle of yavin/endor, and your right CHASE scenes, being chased through space which...much like in this game seems to have looked like on a tunnels path. They didn't just veer off completely and say "hey lets go look at that moon over there!" and then start cruising in space. The space battle in EP 3 was rather short and liner too....much like this space combat. You see where this is going? In all the movies with space scenes, it looked to me like on a liner path and they were going somewhere the characters weren't just effing around in space.


Star Trek must not have anything to do with space either then. Everytime they show them flying around in space, they are moving in a linear path and were going somewhere. The characters weren't just "effing" around in space.


Do you see how idiotic that sounds? I sure hope so.

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Personally I would love to see a bigger space experience. I don't require anything like EVE for complexity or as engaging as Freespace but a full, multiplayer, 3D space experience with both PvE and PvP modes of play and allowing us to fly spacecraft other than just our own personal starships would be so much fun for me.
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I don’t get people’s desire for BW to bolt on a flight simulator to this MMO. Why create a complete stand alone game inside one of a different genre? If I want a flight sim i’ll go buy one.


Suggestions of free form flight and off rails would just increase the difficulty of play. Does anyone really want to use their whole keyboard or have to go buy a flight stick to play space combat? What makes it so great right now is the simplicity of its controls. Right now it’s easy to understand and get engaged in. I don’t want to have to memorize 10 – 15 different keys just to be able to play it.


I’m enjoying space combat as a way to gain exp between worlds. I like how it only takes 5 – 10 min of my time and the controls are not overly complicated. Imo the mini game already has enough depth with the ship being customizable and the missions being very challenging. Sure I’ll get bored of them sometime in the future but BW has already stated they’ll be adding more so I don’t see a problem with that.


And what if by BW revamping space combat increases lag or fps issues? There are none right now, space combat works seamlessly. For me, PVP at times is completely unplayable, I would hate to see space combat become that way.


So BW please do not make it more complicated or difficult to control space combat, I like it the way it is now


Why would you assume it would be either or? I say keep the current Space for folks like you but att a more advanced Space experiance for those of US who want it....

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1. You don't know that the majority of the people on the forum want a revamp. This is a naked-eye observation and an opinion. You don't really know this.


I wouldn't be surprised if we took a poll and majority of the community wanted something different. This game is as linear as a tunnel and most of us are getting sick of it.

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Suggestions of free form flight and off rails would just increase the difficulty of play. Does anyone really want to use their whole keyboard or have to go buy a flight stick to play space combat?


The current space combat is not difficult at all. Once you get all the upgrades, there is almost nothing challenging about it.

What is wrong for people to ask for a simple space pvp action? More keys to press? You will have WASD (like you already do with your normal character) and left/right click for shooting/aiming.

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I don’t get people’s desire for BW to bolt on a flight simulator to this MMO. Why create a complete stand alone game inside one of a different genre? If I want a flight sim i’ll go buy one.


I do, and there haven't been simulators out since X-wing alliance so something new in that regard would be great. Change space combat bioware that's what we want. kthxbai

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thats just it, i dont think its mediocre. I like it that way it is. It safisfies my need for a distraction and doesnt take a lot of time or unnecessary complexity. An MMO is about character progression, why are people failing to understand that?


An mmo is about diversity and playability. It is the only way that they will keep paying customers and they know it. Space combat as we see it here will go the way of the dodo. And that is a good thing.

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Once you get all the upgrades


key words. you guys must have friends in high places cuz i have NEVER owned the purple ship upgrades. ive gotten the blue grade 5 and some extra attachments.


I have never completely the final few space missions and its not because point and click is hard, its, i just dont live long enough.


idk guys, idk, ive been a gamer for a long time (like since the wolfenstein 3d/duke nukem 1/mech warrior 2, you name it, ive played it) days, i dont find any game to be particularly difficult, and maybe i just need to give those missions another go but i found them frankly impossible because i didnt have the purple ship upgrades. and my low pop server doesnt have them in the GTN. so yeah, these space missions can get pretty tough.

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key words. you guys must have friends in high places cuz i have NEVER owned the purple ship upgrades. ive gotten the blue grade 5 and some extra attachments.


I have never completely the final few space missions and its not because point and click is hard, its, i just dont live long enough.


On my alt I have 4 blue and 1 green ship parts.


You aren't using the power converter properly if you are dying.


In terms of cool downs use the EMP in the first batch of mines giving you 96/175.


The second time you use the EMP is at 1:20 seconds left, as in the batch right before the mine layer. This buys you free reign to unload on the layer and kill it in one fly by.


If you ever are in a tight spot use the cloak and defense converter. Dont shoot. 10 seconds is enough time to fill your shield again.


Its srsly not hard. You just have to do it right.

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key words. you guys must have friends in high places cuz i have NEVER owned the purple ship upgrades. ive gotten the blue grade 5 and some extra attachments.


I have never completely the final few space missions and its not because point and click is hard, its, i just dont live long enough.



It is relatively easy to complete them with level 5 upgrades. Do many barrel rolls, constantly move from left to right and try to focus more on the main mission objectives (fire less, let shields regenerate). Oh and whenever possible, attack from distance, don't wait until you're right next to your target.

A tricky mission is the minefield one, where you are in permanent crossfire. Try to attack the minefield from distance, because once you learn the pattern it gets a lot easier. Yes, maybe the final mission is the most difficult (rightfully so), but it is not impossible with a little training and memorizing the patterns.

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