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10 Good
  1. Yeah ofc people flock to the biggest servers, (Nadd and Fatty), and the vets that grinded out full WH just doesn't log in to play mind numbingly boring 4 wz's. Small wonder then you get PUGS with undergeared fresh pvpers, oh and pveers that are tired of grinding ops/hm's are dipping their toes into pew pew, before unsubing and ragequtting or going back to pve full stop. don't forget the constant influx of "fotm rerolllers" that both have sucky gear and no clue how to play their fotm-class.
  2. WPVP is what you make of it. Sure you can gank pvers (with pve gear) but eventually it brings out good fun vs people that are like minded (or just vengeful), or god forbid just out for a challenge instead of scripted encounters and instanced WZ's. It's can also be a side activity that you do when you yourself are pveing/leveling, to spice up the humdrum of grinding. Problem with SWTOR is that the "world" itself is shattered with LOADING SCREENs and instances. And the planets are not exactly populated... And last, why the frigging purist approach? Why not level, and at the same time you queue for WZ and gank/get ganked while pveing? This is how a pvp server should work. Endgame they removed the only incentive for PVP and the fail that was Ilum. But yeah EVEN FATMAN seems to lack populated planets, cept for some random ganking on Hoth, Tat. etc. Well BW is to blame since they made a real effort of DIVIDING the playerbase and shelter PVE questing, with faction areas etc... And even if they didn't there bad excuse for massive multiplayer game engine would make larger battles (than cramped WZoning) a real slideshow. Try guild vs guild planet side and see for yourselves...
  3. I got a foot pedal for targeting. Just some random crap that I ordered online from a company that sells gear for voice transcription. First pedal Focus target, Middle target Next friendly 3rd Get target from target. All you need to do is zoom out 100% and bind one button to "target next friendly" and you can have perfect overview of the battlefield.w
  4. SO op cries about randoms in a pug? First just focus on your own playing. If you think you have the answer for how a random should play,,**** noone cares. Smacking in local doesn't get you anywhere.. The random will mute you and you will frustrate yourself. See it as a challenge to get some kills in if your team sucks, and spends most of their time doing **** dps and zero teamplay. SWTor is infested with the n00b generation, often stuck in default zoomed in camera mode with non pvp awareness. Solo Q is random, but smart players knows where the pvp is good (and reroll there), or feel out the community on the zerver and adapt. I can almost picture OP as the angry German Kid screaming at is monitor .""Neeeeinnn don't go grass!"" It's much more boring being part of premade that just roflstomps pugs.I rather fight overwhelming odds than taking easy candy from a baby..
  5. At point blank range a knife is as deadly as a gun, not 2xguns.
  6. Well what people doesn't seem to get is that the STORY is fluffy RP (that's fine and all) but the CORE of the game is managing healthbars, pve and pvp and to get other health bars down while yours is up. That's it. The story is just makeup. THIS is the focus, look at your UI ffs, Do you want this to be SOMEWHAT of a challenge? Play against other players.
  7. Don't forget Darkfail, Surely SWTOR can cherrypick something from that pvp centered game. It had (has) the Best game world and world pvp combat scenarios, the environment you fight in is so diverse and as far from crappy instance WZ that you can come. Hybrid play and builds. Both mmo type combat and fps aiming to actually land combat spells, arrows and heals! What I have seen of SWTOR engine and its inabilites to handle " raid on raid" pvp is a laggy slideshow ilum fail and the abysmal experience when a world boss guild raid gets jumped by another guild.. In Darkfall you had those problems when 100+vs100+. :D
  8. Yeah Freedon Nadd (euro reroll cluster****) has much higher quality in the 10-49 bracket at least...
  9. Druru

    Tested and it works.

    Yeah Tankassins melt just as fast (well maybe a tad slower) anyone under focus. Even with all your cd an crap up.
  10. Druru

    Tested and it works.

    So op you are playing with a shield in OH?
  11. Well your small population of hardcores pvpvers turned into a predmade without ts or vent? GG
  12. You can duel in the lobby of some FP's if they didn't patch that...
  13. It takes a week (lol 3 days if you are nolifing it on a weekend)...To get FULL BM SO play the teamgame until then. You will be surprised aboutt the amount of WZ sheenanigans you can do that doesn't involve BEASTING other with big damage numbers/kills. Picka a utility spec for your class and go to town..
  14. Just do this: Type : you guys are iditots, welcome to my ignore list. /ignore playername. And if you can't see "intel" from these jerks in future WZ's who cares?
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