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NPR Gives Favorable Review of SWTOR


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Well this is an AP story to be fair. But interesting to see NPR carry a video game story.


NPR never stops surprising me with the breadth of their coverage. A great example was a few years ago when there was a segment about the direction the pr0n industry is going, and how the market has shifted away from the "high" production values of past years.


Good stuff.

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The people who are not going to like tihs game are power players, they play 10-15 hrs a day and fly through the content and then complain there bored... They do the same thing with all their games.... I bet when they buy a console game they finished the game in one night playing it non stop...


Your never going to please this type of gamer...

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The fact one is a joke and one is an opinion?


Go look up the definition of opinion for me, then go away




The CDC page was created as a joke. The review was not.


Opinion: A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.


The CDC was not offering their take on zombie attacks. They were posting a humorous "what to do if one occurred" page.


You're obviously trolling hard. You're lucky I'm at work and have some time to kill on the forums.

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If reality actually operated this way then newspapers would feature reviews of animated movies written by 8-year-olds.


(Hint: it doesn't, and they don't).


Only because 8 year olds don't write very well. A better analogy is a Race car driver reviewing a Commuter car. I don't really care that the car is slow getting from 0-60 MPH or doesn't corner well. How much does it cost and how many MPG does it get?



Same thing here. Having 100s of hours of end game content, population imbalances and "normal" MMO features (e.g. LFG tool) not being in the game don't matter if you play 10 hours a week, are mostly going to level up different classes, and never played an MMO before. What does matter is the game is easy to learn, has a cool storyline and is fun to play. Which SWTOR has done amazingly well.


Since the primary market for this game is casual players, learning how they feel about the game is actually more critical that your learned opinion based on other MMO games that you have been playing for years on end. You are looking for different things. I read some reviews here that are like "I played 250 hours of this game and I'm going back to Rift..." Casual players just laugh out loud at that, since any game they have played 250 hours of is a huge success to them and they would consider 250 hours using way too much of their RL.

Edited by Drallbait
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The thing is (and this just kills some of the resident haters) that despite all the crying hair pulling and attempted social engineering; TOR is a huge success...if it keeps growing at the rate it is, it may even challenge WoW's western market. I'm really looking forward to see where this game is in six months and what excuses the haters will use when the game is still getting favorable reviews and still has a large subscriber base. Edited by Jett-Rinn
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SWTOR gets good reviews because it is a good game. Period. Sure it gets some negative feedback, so do MOST games.


Stop all this nonsense, "oh reviewers were paid off!" "oh its not an NPR review they just reprinted" its still a good review. And its from a much more credible source than a QQing forum troll.


Your options in this thread are to read the review and agree, or disagree with the review.

In either case, you should explain why, citing information from the review itself.

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The people who are not going to like tihs game are power players, they play 10-15 hrs a day and fly through the content and then complain there bored... They do the same thing with all their games.... I bet when they buy a console game they finished the game in one night playing it non stop...


Your never going to please this type of gamer...


That is exactly right and they are also the loudest most obnoxious type of gamer.



I once heard Mile O'Brian from Arenanet talk about that type of gamer and why Arenanet refuses to have official forums...he basically said this type of gamer will spend hundreds of dollars in alt accounts just to try and convince as many people as possible that they game they hate sucks. He said they made the decision at the start that Arenanet would not provide the stage from which other people could insult their hard work just for the lulz.


I would say I agree with that sentiment.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Not knocking a positive review, but NPR? Honestly? They're notorious for having horrible taste in anything entertainment related (SOME is good). For instance, most of the music they review is some nobody, who usually sucks, that some college intern found and thinks they're cool because no one has ever heard of them before. I love NPR, but when they're reviewing a book, music, movie or anything else related to entertainment, I instantly change the station.



lol, so true.


I also love NPR but their music reviews are so funny. it's like they are trying way too hard to be 'PC'. It's always some tribal thing from Africa or some blood curdling screeching vocals from the middle east.

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The fact that NPR did this tells me that the cultural impact of video games is starting to be recognized.


That and SWTOR has done the exact same thing WoW did and jumped from just the gamer genre and into the mainstream you now have the soccer moms and folks who usually don't play games playing TOR.....heck my sixty year old aunt is playing TOR; she is addicted to the story line and I keep hearing about more and more people who aren't really gamers playing..this is why TOR is the fastest growing MMO "ever"

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That and SWTOR has done the exact same thing WoW did and jumped from just the gamer genre and into the mainstream you now have the soccer moms and folks who usually don't play games playing TOR.....heck my sixty year old aunt is playing TOR; she is addicted to the story line and I keep hearing about more and more people who aren't really gamers playing..this is why TOR is the fastest growing MMO "ever"


It's also the fastest sub dropping MMO.



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I work in PR / journalism it doesn't work the way you can say one "bought" another.


It just works that way game publishers and reviewers float the same boat. Neither of them wants it to sink. Reviewer gets a first class flight to company HQ, "chills with cool dudes" and then writes what's expected of him.


It's not a bribe like let's say relations between restaraunts and critics. Everyone's just playing their roles. For example game publishers are interested in game magazines promoting an image of "cool and social gamer with spiky hair" etc etc


P.S. There are many examples of 10/10 reviews and then private blog posts of same reviewer along the lines of "I can't believe I played this ****"

Edited by Oneiros_IV
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It's also the fastest sub dropping MMO.




Yeah...that is really relevant :rolleyes: I mean with all of their empirical evidence and all.


I can't quite figure folks who hate the game yet are still here supporting it financially just so they can hang out on the forums and spew negativity until they are banned..and when they get banned they run right out and buy another box...because people must know how fail the game is....


wouldn't you agree that is pretty pathetic?

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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That and SWTOR has done the exact same thing WoW did and jumped from just the gamer genre and into the mainstream you now have the soccer moms and folks who usually don't play games playing TOR.....heck my sixty year old aunt is playing TOR; she is addicted to the story line and I keep hearing about more and more people who aren't really gamers playing..this is why TOR is the fastest growing MMO "ever"


Exactly what I was going to post about. This is the real market SWTOR is going after - the one that makes you a mainstream MMO, and not just another niche MMO for the hardcore whiners on this forum.


What this AP review, reprinted by NPR, really means is that SWTOR has smartly weathered the initial rush of more intense gamers that were going to try SWTOR but may be disappointed in its differences from WoW/EVE/SWG/Rift/EQ2/etc. and now is marketing to their primary audience - casual gamers/people that want to try something new. I expect commercials on TV soon, and that will cause a smooth influx of these types of players.


Meanwhile, they will fix their missing MMO pieces and also try to provide a great place for the more experience MMO gamer going forward, if they are patient.

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