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First Major Expansion to include....


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I don't think droid will ever (or lore-wise should) be a playable race. They're considered property in both the Republic and the Empire. They are, for the most part, regularly memory-wiped to prevent them from developing a personality or any kind of free will. Those droids that haven't had their memories wiped have either had the luck to have an owner who prefers them to keep their personality, or go rogue and turn violent. Even if one was to, with their free will, decide to try and serve the Empire or the Republic, they'd be most likely treated as found property, and either returned to their owner or memory wiped so that they could be useful again. They wouldn't be able to play any class with a government affiliation, because property can't hold rank, nor would they be able to be force users since they're not alive. I just can't imagine them being able to interact with person after person the way the other players can, and be given tasks and assignments, because they're looked at as tools. Edited by ElhonnaDS
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I would think the first expansion will include....


Bugs, bugs, bugs, a bit of extended story, bugs, a new operation, bugs, bugs, bugs, a new planet, bugs, bugs, bugs, huge amount of downtime when EU are playing, bugs, bugs, another collectors edition with missing items, bugs, bugs, extremely poor testing schedule, bugs, bugs and they might add some bugs too.

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For dialog reasons I doubt we will ever get non-human looking species to play as. The eyes and mouth would need to be in about the same place for cut-scenes and dialog. However, I would love to play as a Bothan.


This game specializes in their fantastic dialog and who better to use it to it's fullest than Bothans?

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They already have the wookie voice in game.


I love the wookie voice! So much content delivered with such brevity...




Subtitles: "Greetings and salutations, honourable Jedi Master. I see you managed to defeat the great beast that had been plaguing my clan for countless generations, which is rather unfortunate, since we used said beast to test the mettle of our newest warriors, thereby ensuring our bloodline remains the strongest. I'm afraid you've left us no choice but to set our fighters upon you now. Please be advised that we are currently developing a new technique called the "arm rip", so if you would be so kind as to come at us relatively slowly, telemarking your moves as much as possible while locking your elbows, that would be great. Thanks."

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