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1 031 445 total healing in a BG.


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Acid and fire doesnt redirect dmg btw. Guard only affect dmg deal by OTHER PLAYERS.


Nice troll baby.



Activation: Instant

Range: 30 m

Guards the target while it remains within 15 meters. While active, the target takes 5% less damage and generates 25% less threat. In addition, 50% of all incoming damage from enemy players is transferred back to you. Requires Dark Charge.




Not trying to troll. I have literally seen them not fighting swapping who stands in acid pit and watching medal icon pop on their heads. Guard may not have given him medals, but they sure were getting a lot.

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As people become full battlemasters, and if you release rated battlegrounds, you will get the hour long unkillable fights that WoW had.


Expertise does nothing except make healers harder to kill in the long run (and kills any entry for people to PvP)


This is why in the end, I think Expertise will be removed from the game and PvP and PvE gear will be normalized in stats and effort required to gain them.

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After your first point,I just had to stop.. I think most people in the lvl 40 range know how to play and use an interupt. I guess you play a healer?? So all the Op's/Scoundrels getting the big nerf bat should have just told all the people crying "We aren't OP.. you just suck"?? please try again. When a BH,Assasin, and a Jugg get a healer allmost dead just to see his health go POP... and he's all alone.. no tank near bye.. there is a problem. Infact I had something like that happen just today.. my self (lvl 43 PT) and an Assasin had this issue with a sage and he wasn't even 20th level..and yes I used my interupt. Did he?? I don't know... But its was a little over the top tbh.



If you as a 43 PT + some random assassin guy couldn't kill a level 20 sage then you are in fact just plain bad.

I've never had trouble killing sage healers on my vanguard(49) and shield speced. Sure some might take a while but that is how it should be, especially as a tank spec.

Though the very offensive healers can be quite a pain in the *** but you just have to force them to go defensive so they don't have time to kill you.

Try reading up on their abilities and don't just spam your interupt on the first best thing you see, also don't waste your CCs unless you know you can pressure him hard enough to kill him or put him in such a bad state that he can't recover from it.


I know it's hard to accept you are maybe not as good as you are but sometimes you have to.


edit: this could ofc change quite alot at 50.. I still think it's not impossible to 1v1 a healer if you are equally geared+skilled, it will just take quite some time :p

Edited by riedeas
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Not trying to troll. I have literally seen them not fighting swapping who stands in acid pit and watching medal icon pop on their heads. Guard may not have given him medals, but they sure were getting a lot.


I can tell you that without a doubt guard+acid gives defender medals

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This is why in the end, I think Expertise will be removed from the game and PvP and PvE gear will be normalized in stats and effort required to gain them.


Not possible.


PvP gear will always be easier to grind. Raid gear requires your entire raid to be online simultaneously and working together, which inevitably happens far less often than a person can PvP. The only way you could even consider equalizing them is by making the PvP gear progression require winning 8+ team weekly (or monthly) tournaments between equal-ranked 16-man premade teams (where the winning team in a given week gets 1 piece of gear per player).

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enemy team did approximately 1.5 million total damage. meaning you negated 67% of their damage


1mil+ healing and all you got was 4 medals? ouch, bioware needs to reexamine the medals, and soon


I concur with this 100%. Being a healer myself, you are not nearly rewarded as much as DPS are. DPS'ing yields more medals period.


DPS Medals/Valor:



Solo kill

2.5K hit

75K dmg

300K dmg

(and I think I'm even forgetting some)...


Heals Medals/Valor:


2.5K heal

75K heals

300K heals



From strictly a pure healing perspective vs. a pure dps perspective, dps have far more opportunities to accrue more medals/valor. You do not have nearly as many opportunities in a WZ to get medals/valor from a pure healer perspective. bleh.




There are ZERO incentives to heal in open world pvp (ie: Ilum) because you have tag the target yourself or you don't get credit. So essentially if you were to just heal, in an effort to keep up your group/operation, you will get nothing! How lame is that!

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The 1 milion healed game are generally surprisingly easy victories since they'd almost certainly be on Voidstar, and the final score would be something like 2-0 (0 for the team with 1 million heals, because they never killed anyone). I don't think there's anything noteworthy to heal 1 million damage when you lose, because you still lost the game.
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The 1 milion healed game are generally surprisingly easy victories since they'd almost certainly be on Voidstar, and the final score would be something like 2-0 (0 for the team with 1 million heals, because they never killed anyone). I don't think there's anything noteworthy to heal 1 million damage when you lose, because you still lost the game.


You're talking about a team full of healers. This is a case where 1 person healed a million points while most of the rest of his team focused on DPS. His team also won 4-0.

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Proberly sat there damagaing then healing himself, but it is probalbly doable in the Voidstar depending on teh team makeup and opposition. I play a Combat Medic and am no way a great one but evn I have reached just over 500k in healing in one of those games, hardly any medals or kills later I have no votes go figure :)
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I concur with this 100%. Being a healer myself, you are not nearly rewarded as much as DPS are. DPS'ing yields more medals period.


DPS Medals/Valor:


Last hit on a target

10 Kills

25 kills

Solo kill

2.5K hit

5k hit

75K dmg

300K dmg

(and I think I'm even forgetting some)...


Heals Medals/Valor:


2.5K heal

5k heal

75K heals

300K heals



From strictly a pure healing perspective vs. a pure dps perspective, dps have far more opportunities to accrue more medals/valor. You do not have nearly as many opportunities in a WZ to get medals/valor from a pure healer perspective. bleh.




There are ZERO incentives to heal in open world pvp (ie: Ilum) because you have tag the target yourself or you don't get credit. So essentially if you were to just heal, in an effort to keep up your group/operation, you will get nothing! How lame is that!


I've added in red what you forgot.

So a pure healer gonna get 4 medals and a pure DPS gonna get 8 medals minimum per warzone. That's without objective medals and protect medals. :(


930k is pretty legit too. I did 1 time over 1milion and like 2-3 times in the 900k and over 10times in the 800k... He's gonna get 1 milion soon enough too ! ;-)

Edited by Lokturk
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Way to be a fool. He won. 4-0.



The 1 milion healed game are generally surprisingly easy victories since they'd almost certainly be on Voidstar, and the final score would be something like 2-0 (0 for the team with 1 million heals, because they never killed anyone). I don't think there's anything noteworthy to heal 1 million damage when you lose, because you still lost the game.
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Not sure if trolling or just stupid?


Do any of you actually play Sorcs/Sages? There's no way in hell he got 1 mill healing noble saccing himself and healing. You could spam it the entire 15 minute match in a corner somewhere and you'd be lucky to break 500k heals. It's not that good.


Doesn't matter how good the Sage is. If you're not a mouth breathing derp and actually use interrupts/stuns properly you can take them down.

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Not sure if trolling or just stupid?


Do any of you actually play Sorcs/Sages? There's no way in hell he got 1 mill healing noble saccing himself and healing. You could spam it the entire 15 minute match in a corner somewhere and you'd be lucky to break 500k heals. It's not that good.


Doesn't matter how good the Sage is. If you're not a mouth breathing derp and actually use interrupts/stuns properly you can take them down.


at least some ppl are inteligent in that post lol.

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Someone on these Forums does a good job on healing his Team and a little proud of himself posts this. The numbers clearly indicate this(enemy team 0 objective points, enemyteam dmg good, only real healer on his team, high hps,low deathcount on his team, etc...).


What the Community does:

* He cheated

* Healing is overpowered Nerf it

* laugh at him

* said he didn't participate in the fights and just tapped his own life

* generally blame Healer to be immortal(because of own incompetence)


really people i despise your attitude, you have no shame at all.


The only thing you can blame him for is, his enemys being idiots and not focusing him/not interrupting/stunning.. etc... it's so easy to kill a healer in this game it makes me lough everytime i do.


Healing is a tough job in ToR PvP, try it before talking BS.

Im a healer , its actually quite easily. Maybe im just skilled though

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