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Graphics Comparison: SWTOR vs LOTRO


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LotRo, when playing on ultra graphics and with the texture pack, looks very, very good. I remember having at least 50 graphics switches and toggles in lotro shortly after the release, why SWtoR barely has 7. I love swtor's voice acting, which is sad when considering the decade-old quality of the graphics. I will never get to love low-res textures and lack of a fully customization engine. I can't believe they put so much work into one area and left out sop much from another.






Well, I'm not going to include a pic because you all know what it looks like.




What textures should look like: http://cdn-www.swtor.com/sites/all/files/en/classes/trooper/62img/ss03_800x450.jpg

What textures currently look like: http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/1466/screenshot2012011115012.jpg

Edited by LeadCommando
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Both of these images were taken with the game on maximum settings and my GFX card set to highest quality.



I don't have a GFX card...but SWTOR looks like this on my computer.

I just took these shots right now.






How can my graphics look so much better than what you put up when I just have a standard card?


I mean...I'm not saying SWTOR has the bestest graphics of any game evar!!!...there is better out there, but these LOTR shots being put up just aren't that impressive at all. :confused:


That Wizard or whatever you posted or the giants/dwarfs in the others seem too "blocky", and inorganic. The beard? It looks like a polygon hard edged shape with a detailed picture of a beard pasted onto it. It' doesn't fit.


I'm not that impressed with the LOTR's images, but they certainly aren't terrible.

They just don't seem as smooth.


Maybe it's my computer...I don't know.


- DH

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The SWTOR environment looks nice, character models could be better and more detailed. In everything shown here some games have the edge over others in different areas. So it really isn't too fair to compare them directly with one another.


I'm not seeing bad character models though.




So again, I have great environments and excellent character models where I am sitting.




What the OP put up looks terrible, I agree, but it's not what I am usually seeing unless something isn't loading on an object.


It's got bugs, it's got an engine that can give crap FPS no matter the hardware, and it's got a lot of ironing out to do...but the graphics impress me more than anything.


Graphics are just at the bottom of my list of complaints.


- DH

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I don't have a GFX card...but SWTOR looks like this on my computer.

I just took these shots right now.






How can my graphics look so much better than what you put up when I just have a standard card?


i said swtor looks best. i posted swtor toon beside lotro toon, and swtor looks better. what is your argument? you seem to agree, so i dont get it.


my screenshot of my jedi looks great, and it looks as good as what you posted, i think are a little confused. perhaps you are responding to the wrong person?


and your graphics don't look better then what i put up. take another look at my jedi. it looks fine.


My jedi on the left


and my screenshot is taken at 1920/1200 resolution. yours is like 600/400

it's almost like you are mistakenly in the wrong the thread, that's how bizarre your post seems.

Edited by Gilbara
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and your graphics don't look better then what i put up.




I personally think mine is a little sharper and better shaded.


That's saying a lot for the graphics card I have that came with this computer, and the one you have which I am assuming is better. Then again, I am no expert on graphics cards. I just thought it looked clearer and more defined.




Either way, SWTOR looks great. :D


- DH

Edited by Diet-Hutt
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800/400 is too small for these types of comparisons.


it's easier if the screenshots are larger. not blown up and zoomed, but larger when taken.


when i hit printscreen the image size is 1920/1200


this gives a large image with high detail. better for discussions of gfx


but yes, they both look great.

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So much bias going on here. If I were to compare anything, then I would compare SWTOR to WAR. They have about the same level of detail in textures. But WAR was released like three or more years ago and did not have anything more than acceptable graphics.


SWTOR is a long way behind the technological progress in most areas; engine optimization, texture level, polygon count, world design, game design, overall character customization and diversity in both textures and models (in architecture and characters).


SWTOR has a good story and some designs with potential for great fun-factor, such as PvP-sports and somewhat more exciting combat moves (leaps, pulls, KBs and other mobility abilities - I'm personally fed up with boring 2D movement and predictable scenarios) as well as good combat animations which may become great with some polishing (better sync with controls).


Let's not praise SWTOR for things it doesn't do great, much less for things it does worse than its competitors. There's no logic in being a fanboy, it's only making things worse in a free market.


I see great potential in SWTOR - I would personally stay with the game without a doubt if they updated the textures, increased animation fluidity, added more interesting combat mechanics, implemented world PvP (and more warzones) and added character post-creation customization such as gear diversity (actual choice in appearance, including dyes), hairstyle change, tattoos and plastic surgery.


It sounds like a lot to ask, and it is.. but they should have thought of that before entering the MMO market.


It's great that this company excels in their special area (story-telling, voice-acting and creating cool cutscenes), but they can't just do 'ok' in all the other areas and think they'll do good in the long term. To get many customers, you need to do many great things.


Google wouldn't be where they are today if they only kept doing their original thing (providing search results). They are doing cutting edge research, tech development, forward-thinking investments and creative innovation. There's no point in denying their feats.


Apple produces great hardware tech, but that's basically it. That's why they can't compete with the other giants on a larger scale (in workplaces and with software products, except for iTunes).


What would become of Apple if they stopped trying to compete with software products and workplace gadgets? And that is why Bioware should aim to be like Google and settle with being like Apple.

Edited by Athrins
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Here is a few Screenies that I've got while playing SWTOR. Some of the SS's might have shadows and/or quality disabled or on low, as my PC use to be on the slow side until of overclocked my i5 CPU.


http://imageshack.us/g/571/screenshot2012012100124.jpg/ <--- Album with 11 pictures





Decide for yourself...

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/facepalm I guess u missed the part where the character select screen is in HIGH RESOLUTION, while in actual in game we look like a dog barf...


Ive just made my german Shepherd sick, and after she stopped biting me I analyzed her sick, and sure enough it is the spitting image of my Trooper. I am trying to find the cat, but I reckon she can spew up a Smuggler

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You should of picked 2 pics in similar backgrounds... etc..

and its hard to compare graphics with pics like this.


Also.. the character selection screen doesn't really show off either games graphics.


and to be honest.. it's kinda sad that the lotro gear has more detail than the swtor gear lol!


Level of detail in the Character clothing was an art decision by SWTOR and not related to the actual game graphics. That was the look they were going for.

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So if Sci-Fi then graphics engine must be piece of trash? I have been playing both games on same laptop.

Lotro I could run on medium settings with DX10 shader and TOR I could run only with lowest settings. But Lotro environmental graphics is far more realistic than TOR.


That's artistry. BW decided to give SWTOR a more artistic even a bit comic book feel to the game so it's not suppose to look realistic.

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