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How many planetary 4-mans do you wind up abandoning?


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Never abandoned a single group quest over 3 characters.


Groups are incredibly easy to find. I seriously don't understand how people are having problems. I'm guessing they're so used to auto-grouping that they lost the ability to communicate.


-Do group quests during Prime time. Best time to find people if your server pop is Standard or Light

-Make your own group. Don't wait until someone else says they're looking for more. Take initiative.

-If you're primarily soloing, save the Heroics until the end of the planet and then try to get a group to do all of them.

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On my Sorcerer I did all of them up until mid-Hoth. I skipped one or two on Hoth, then all of them on Voss, Belsavis, and Corellia - most of the population hadn't levelled up that far yet so it was hard to find or form groups, and it was becoming very clear I wasn't going to need the extra xp anyway. I admit I spent a bit too long trying to find groups for some of them, even broadcasting and keeping an eye out for LFM when doing regular quests.


Plus it had long since become apparent that all the Heroics were daily repeatables and weren't especially interesting either from a mechanics or story perspective, so it's not like you miss much by skipping them.



On my 2nd char, a Powertech, who was perma-duoed with a friend's Marauder, we've duoed nearly all of them. The only exception was Breakthrough on Belsavis, as it has a champion that appears to do about 5 times the damage of any other champion we've fought so far (pbaoe too, so fun for the marauder) and we couldn't be bothered faffing around with kiting etc, trying to get past that for some mediocre rewards and the storyline of pressing a button behind him.

Edited by Biowraith
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I do them when I feel like it.


Takes cca 3 mins to get a grp going. So its really not that hard. Its just that I need to AFK a lot cause of RL. So skip if Im not sure I will have 30+ mins of time.


But yeah, fun and easy quests so far with a few challenges if you cant find a healer :D

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They are waste of time for the effor they require. The effort being getting group together and then hoping you ain't grouped with bunch of idiots. I can even solo most heroic 2s (bh tank) but don't bother because of the time it takes to whittle down gold mobs. BioWare should just turn all the low level planet heroic quests in to regular quest in my opinion. Edited by Zilkin
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Did most of them on all planets.


No problems finding groups for heroics during the day or evenings.


They are fun. And as a healer its sometimes a chalenge keeping groups alive that dont pay attention and break cc, stand in aoe, dont look out for patrols or pull 2 groups, etc. That gives me practice how to keep cool if something (or everything) goes wrong. :)

Edited by Richelieux
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With my 50 sage I think I still got the very last 4 man in Belsavis, a few 2/4man on Voss, and I just arrived in Corellia. (I hit 50 in Voss) Am planning to go back and finish them off. There were simply too few people on each planet. This was in mid January. I am in guild, and not many were around my level eighther so I moved on. Will come back to complete it though, it usually gives good rewards. And only in one occasion I had teamed up with a guildy. The rest were done in PuG.


With my Bounty Hunter I managed to do every heroic quests up till Tatooine. This char is not in a guild, and did all in a PuG. Could be my selrver. It is harder to find groups on bonus heroic missions, specially had trouble with alderaan since you basically finish the planet around 34-36 (varies), and it doesn't start untill 38, and the last heroic 4 is level 41. There are people in there yes but not the right level.

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I skipped the vast majority after level 25. Heroic-2 or 4. It's a little sad to be honest. So much content lost because it is a pain to find a group. Given most heroics are inside instaciated areas (aka story areas) it would be awesome if a cross-server LFG could also be used to complete these.


Well, one can dream.

Same! Such a pain in the buttocks! I did the same with Flashpoints btw... The group content feels like I play EverQuest again.

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I usually abandon 90% of them. I did so with my scoundrel (now lvl50) and do it with my vanguard now as well. I would really welcome if we could know that the questgiver will give us a Heroics mission prior to spending time talking to him and them abandoning it. The last one H4 I have done was Proof of treason on Alderaan as it is close to the beginning and I found a group (or to say the group found me) quickly. Otherwise I only do H2 if I can solo them. I skip H4 as the reward is usually useless to me as I am 2-4 levels above the given planet (now lvl 37 on 32 - 36 Ballmora) and they are totaly uninteresting (kill this, press that). And I do not do flaspoints too. Rescuing the same Jedi again and again seems totaly stupid IMHO.
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Never done a 4 man heroic.


The time it takes to find a group I have finished the planet and on my way somewhere else.


They remind a lot of Warhammers Public Quests ..... they are great in the first couple of zones where the population is high but after that, not so much.

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I've done most of them.. simply cause alot of the times there is a nice orange reward and I tend to only use orange gear where it's possible :)

And it's really not that hard to find groups I find.

Edited by JenFX
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Generally the 4 mans aren't worth the effort of some how getting 4 people together to do them at a level appropritate time, they are either ignored complete or done later when people completely out level them.


Dunno why they didn't have WARs open group and open quest system.

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