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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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What worries is that Mythic was apart of the teams responsible for this game.


They are EA's main devolopment studio for MMORPGS.


They bought them, and shoved them under the Bioware Banner. They used to be Bioware Mythic, but I think it's just Bioware now.


As far as I know all the main coder back from Mythic (DAoC+WAR+Mythos) left when EA bought the label. So there is nothing left but the name.

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After leveling 2 republic characters to near 50, toying around with a lvl 25, playing since late beta, and starting the top Imbalance thread in the Suggestion Box for weeks with my brother and seeing no changes, im finally being forced to cancel my sub until the grass gets a little greener. Rakata Mind Prison Republic Fleet population is nearly ALWAYS under 70 ppl, and thats at peak times. Want to group during the day, or do any sort of heroics at a non peak time? Good luck, chances are that the 20 other ppl online dont feel like doing them.


Bioware, love you guys to death, love this game to death, and I hope someone takes the time to read this thread and take some initiative before this game goes down the toilet. Fix this issue, and all the rest of the little "bugs" become ignorable.


Looking forward to a better experience in the future, hope to come back.

Edited by Imminentend
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I hope soon, because the server i am on has at peak times only 170 people online at rep side. Bioware this is a disgrace. The server is Tasaa Bareesh. I am in the only guild that can do hardmode and nightmare ops and is the only guild that means something on pvp. Everyone else is just walking after us . We need more people!


I want a server merge now!

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I'm on my 2nd character (republic sage), I thought I was on a low-pop server with my main so I rerolled onto another server (3rd most populated server).


I play after work and on weekends sometimes. I'm almost level 45, and the past 2-3 weeks I've seen maybe a total of 10 other live players across the 4 planets I've been on. The only time I ever see more than one live person in the same area is at the Fleet, and even then it takes forever constantly spamming LFG to form a group.


As chatty as my companions are, they just don't fufill the MMO experience I was expecting. I'm not sure if its intentional for PVE servers, but I've also yet to even see an imperial player too. This is becoming more like a single player game, and I'm starting to wonder if its worth paying a monthly fee to just to play with myself (especially when I can be doing that in more satisfying ways).

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I am playing on Axial Park and wow...I am hoping and praying for maybe 10 people at a time on my server. This is an MMO!!!! I started on Fa'athra and because of a friend I joined Axial Park. Well I NEVER hear anyone talking and can NEVER find any groups. This is not an MMO, this is a single player game with a subscription charge. If I didn't care for the game and enjoy it I would have quit. I will give it another month, but comeon!! Thousands playing the game and I have SIX PEOPLE ON MY WORLD???!!!!


MERGE THE SERVERS NOW! (and of course I would pay for a transfer...if that were available).

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Definitely needs to merge servers more than transfer. These are worlds we are playing on not even cities. I would much rather wait for a WZ on a busy server trying to get the right group than wait because no one is there.


I love Star Wars. I think this game is a lot of fun but if I can' do group quests because there are 4 people on a world (not even a city) then I can't continue to pay.


And I want to pay and I want to play.

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13 Months, if they don't fix the HUGE performance issues in large Scale PvP, the game will be F2P.

Or they will just unplug it, honestly though the way BW is dropping the ball on CS and other aspects. I hope the game fails. My guild has already left, my husband left, my brother too! I'm the only one left, because I waited SOOO LONG! just for this game to run like it was designed by a bunch of kids fresh out of college.


Bingo I don't know what more needs to be said...


Games like The Secret World are coming out where 100-100+ battles are designed to be the norm.

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Been browsing ppls posts and the numbers they are giving on their server populations. These numbers just dont add up. If Bioware really did sell 1.7 million subscriptions by the end of December then over 1.5 million must have canceled by now. I have just switched servers from "Kellian Jarro" to "The Red Eclipse". The former is a "normal" populated server and the latterthe highest populated E.U. pve server. The reason I moved is because like most of you all, my server at best times has less than 140 people on it in total (both sides) max.

I've been playing on the "Red Eclipse" for three days now and it maxes just over 1500 people at its best (22:00), that is counting both imps & reps.

If the highest populated EU server has a max population of 1500 people on weekends and most other EU servers average 150-200, given that there are a total of 45 E.U. servers, it would seem that at peak time no more than 15000 people are playing in the whole of Europe. Even if we multiply that number by 10 so to include people who havent played for weeks (or even months ;) ), the numbers still dont add up. Someone is trying to fool us all here and that someone is bioware.

I Dont think there will be server mergers because then bioware would have to merge ALL E.U. servers into 4 or 5 servers max. Imagine the negative publicity it would bring them.

They would rather pretend to have millions of players and keep up the charade for as long as possible.

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Been browsing ppls posts and the numbers they are giving on their server populations. These numbers just dont add up. If Bioware really did sell 1.7 million subscriptions by the end of December then over 1.5 million must have canceled by now. I have just switched servers from "Kellian Jarro" to "The Red Eclipse". The former is a "normal" populated server and the latterthe highest populated E.U. pve server. The reason I moved is because like most of you all, my server at best times has less than 140 people on it in total (both sides) max.

I've been playing on the "Red Eclipse" for three days now and it maxes just over 1500 people at its best (22:00), that is counting both imps & reps.

If the highest populated EU server has a max population of 1500 people on weekends and most other EU servers average 150-200, given that there are a total of 45 E.U. servers, it would seem that at peak time no more than 15000 people are playing in the whole of Europe. Even if we multiply that number by 10 so to include people who havent played for weeks (or even months ;) ), the numbers still dont add up. Someone is trying to fool us all here and that someone is bioware.

I Dont think there will be server mergers because then bioware would have to merge ALL E.U. servers into 4 or 5 servers max. Imagine the negative publicity it would bring them.

They would rather pretend to have millions of players and keep up the charade for as long as possible.


And yet there are still people clinging to the idea that nobody is leaving. It's crazy isn't it?


In the US they could maybe fill up 2 servers. It's bad.

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It's not quite that bad. I'd say they could fill probably 40 servers in the US. Best I can tell, peak play times in the US, still 75-100k players. I'd guess there's still 500k subscribers, US/EUR combined. At best. It'll taper off fast once the fence sitters cancel, and if the patch is a flop...
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I was almost unsubscribing to this game. My server is ultra low pop (one of the few to still show Light even in peak hours) and there is almost no point to logging on before raid times. Pvp queues take a very long time, and most of the time the matches end early for lack of people. It is impossible to get groups for hardmodes.


Things are to the point where most of the original imperial lvl 50s have left. So today, for example, the repubs made an 8 man premade (since there are so few lvl 50s on that side) and continuously destroyed the empire teams, since most of these were new 50s.


And then I created an alt at a high pop server. My god, what a difference. Instant queues, very easy to get groups not only for flashpoints, but for all heroics and stuff like that. This game is significantly more enjoyable in high pop servers, so please either allow transfers or merge us.

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Yeah but wait until there's only a handful of people playing those battles.


You know what's funny? WAR had large army combat design, people absolutely hated it, everywhere it was "omg low skill" "omg zurg they bad!" and now people are again praising future mmo endeavours with large scale combat in mind. World is ****ed up... Anyway, I'm all FOR mergers at this point they, like the WAR team, dropped the ball on creating many of them at release.

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Bingo I don't know what more needs to be said...


Games like The Secret World are coming out where 100-100+ battles are designed to be the norm.


The last time I saw battles that big in a game was in Planetside when it was about 500 people, it was laggy as hell. Technology still isn't quite there to handle it yet, unless your using low detail graphics on a high-end engine (which no MMO is).

Edited by NasherUK
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Bingo I don't know what more needs to be said...


Games like The Secret World are coming out where 100-100+ battles are designed to be the norm.


Hmm Funcom is very good in creating a hype. I will believe the 100-100+ battles when i see them run on my computer (or any computer other then Funcom stuff).

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Bugger reading through 50-odd pages of sheet.


Are you actually whinging about server mergers and requesting such when it is less than a "few months" from launch?


You are the same people who would whinge that there are not enough servers if they were to release with 10 servers....


Get a grip mate, let the game evolve as it should....


If your server is low pop, you ****ed up where to roll your toon, re-roll and enjoy.




Edited by KewarraSlayer
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Bugger reading through 50-odd pages of sheet.


Are you actually whinging about server mergers and requesting such when it is less than a "few months" from launch?


You are the same people who would whinge that there are not enough servers if they were to release with 10 servers....


Get a grip mate, let the game evolve as it should....


If your server is low pop, you ****ed up where to roll your toon, re-roll and enjoy.





O.k. we get that WoW is doing fine, but we are talking about The Old Republic in this thread.


No one to blame but the fanboys for this. They killed their own game.

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