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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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I hope the merges are announced soon, our server is dying.


Bioware needs to react and closing this thread is not the right reaction :-)


Server Name & pics with number of people/hour of the day ... or it didn't happen


Same for everyone else QQing about server merging . Pics or it didn't happen.

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Population is so small on most servers I forget I'm playing an MMO, feels more like a single player game.


Would love a server merge. The cross server pvp is a bit more touchy. I like the fact that I know various people on a server and that your actions follow you. When you open it up to other servers you loose that.

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Case in point I spent 3 hours this morning on Quesh and was the only one there


K so now rather than a fanboy come back with, but everyones at school or work have a look at other MMOs at the same time period and the servers have plenty of pop on them,and yes I still sub to WOW and RIFT so I do know this to be fact.


Oh wait maybe it is true they're all at school And work cus SWTOR has the Intellectual crowd,LMAO

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13 Months, if they don't fix the HUGE performance issues in large Scale PvP, the game will be F2P.


Or they will just unplug it, honestly though the way BW is dropping the ball on CS and other aspects. I hope the game fails. My guild has already left, my husband left, my brother too! I'm the only one left, because I waited SOOO LONG! just for this game to run like it was designed by a bunch of kids fresh out of college.

Edited by Kerrieoki
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Pathectic how some folks are so clueless,have alook around


Take a look where? The amount of bile, disinformation, hysteria, obscure motivations, ignorance and general immaturity in these forums is, well, is just sad. Pretty difficult for the devs to improve or fix anything given the cesspool nature of these forums. How are they gonna separate the sheep from the goats?



I'm playing Dxun Battle Circle, almost always standard. No problems so far finding groups or socializing. I've even had my moments of world PvP (funny enough, my server is PVE).


Listen, this game is just not designed to have tons of players per instance because questing would be a nightmare then. World PvP is designed to confront small group of heroes in close and intimate fashion. Ilum should be the exception to this and I recognize they have to optimize it ASAP. And yes, they have to take the steps in the right direction to make to worlds more dynamic. And yes, they have to introduce more RPG and social elements.


I'm talking about specific, puntual improvements based on specific, puntual and legit issues. The rest is speculation, venting, hating and baby's poo motivated as i say by ignorance and not solved sexual and personal problems.

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Case in point I spent 3 hours this morning on Quesh and was the only one there


K so now rather than a fanboy come back with, but everyones at school or work have a look at other MMOs at the same time period and the servers have plenty of pop on them,and yes I still sub to WOW and RIFT so I do know this to be fact.


Oh wait maybe it is true they're all at school And work cus SWTOR has the Intellectual crowd,LMAO


I thought you left yesterday for GW2? You started a thread about it.

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Incorrect. Even on a weeknight 30 heavy servers. 5 light servers. and the rest are standard in the US. You must be from troll land.


That doesn't help if "heavy" is just a euphemism for "not completely deserted".

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Merge the servers already. My 'light' population Vulkar Highway PvP server is a bit of a joke with less than 10 republic on ilum, impossible to do dailies, LONG WZ QUEUES.


I'm not paying 15 a month to admire the high quality details of this flawless running Hero engine.

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Merge or cross server pvp seriously there is hardly enough Republics who are worth a #$%! to do a premade with on Vulkar Highway. The Fleet is floating around 25-45 during peak hours. Imperial is floating around 200+ I mean seriously *** are you thinking bioware. And allowing the lame exploits for that long the gear difference + population difference is to much for these scrubs to come back.
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Merge or cross server pvp seriously there is hardly enough Republics who are worth a #$%! to do a premade with on Vulkar Highway. The Fleet is floating around 25-45 during peak hours. Imperial is floating around 200+ I mean seriously *** are you thinking bioware. And allowing the lame exploits for that long the gear difference + population difference is to much for these scrubs to come back.
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Time for a reality check, chief. During prime time, over an hour for PVP to pop, going on planets and seeing 4, maybe 10 people on that planet? You don't think this is an issue? I'm paying for a MMO, where is the Mass Multiplayer? Move along, nothing for you to see in this topic obviously....


go to the fleet and spam looking for people to log in there empire side and pvp with us...


Same way PVE has to do , don´t worry there should be enough people willing to serve your wishes , but atleast you cannot say , you didn´t pay for multiplayer in the fleet.

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go to the fleet and spam looking for people to log in there empire side and pvp with us...


Same way PVE has to do , don´t worry there should be enough people willing to serve your wishes , but atleast you cannot say , you didn´t pay for multiplayer in the fleet.



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and I'm sure all those crying about people who cry about empty servers all basement dwellers who probably yell at their mommies for serving them the wrong chip dip. see what i did there?


What's wrong w/ being a basement dweller?


are you jealous that you cant be one?


have fun flipping burgers!

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All I can say is, there's never enough people on the server that I have 3 characters leveled on. It's killing my experience, and making me doubt (unfortunately) that I'll keep playing. If we're not going to get some merging going on, I'd really appreciate being able to migrate servers, even if it meant changing my name, and/or paying some credits, etc.
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I've been reading the posts and decided this would be my first post about this game. I am on a very low pop server. I am lvl 44 and I have only done maybe 2 flash points and 1 4+.heroic. Fortunately for me, I am in a big guild and not being 50 I still have stuff to do. I'm putting my faith in bioware to fix the problem. I plan on giving bioware some slack, but I do expect a fix eventually. If not, the lack of any social activity in this game will force me to go go back to my old game. I would say this is my biggest concern about this game.
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All I can say is, there's never enough people on the server that I have 3 characters leveled on. It's killing my experience, and making me doubt (unfortunately) that I'll keep playing. If we're not going to get some merging going on, I'd really appreciate being able to migrate servers, even if it meant changing my name, and/or paying some credits, etc.


Really sorry because you ended up on low pop server but have to tell you, if you decide for a server transfer(once they add it), odds are that you will have to pay real life money for it =/

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Paid character transfer is also needed.


My server (starstorm one) has a really good population (150+ on fleet all the time), BUT 80% of them are russian. There are 3 non-russian guilds on Empire, all of which are having enormous difficulties recruiting due to EVERYONE being russian and wanting to be in russian guilds.




So please don't forget about paid character transfer in all of this...

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I've been reading the posts and decided this would be my first post about this game. I am on a very low pop server. I am lvl 44 and I have only done maybe 2 flash points and 1 4+.heroic. Fortunately for me, I am in a big guild and not being 50 I still have stuff to do. I'm putting my faith in bioware to fix the problem. I plan on giving bioware some slack, but I do expect a fix eventually. If not, the lack of any social activity in this game will force me to go go back to my old game. I would say this is my biggest concern about this game.


Kinda my thoughts on the matter as well at this point. I do enjoy the game, I am in a decent sized guild ... however, in that guild, a lot of people simply stopped playing without warning (either the game or left the server) or many are openly leveling other chars on other more populated servers. In the very near future, we will have almost nobody online because of lack of players.


Funny fact: we had three 8-man OPS forming yesterday at 7 PM GMT and we were preparing to all go EV, so 24 people were in front of EV at the exact same time. Total fleet population was about 60 or so. We were ~one third of the entire server population in the fleet, at peak time. Not a good sign ...

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