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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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I foresee Server Merging.


Yes, I am an Australian, Getting our servers at 1st march (about god damn time BW, but too bad I may quit since I am geting bored).


Swiftsure is the nominated US Australian chosen server, It moslty stands on medium to high. But the rest of the servers I see is low to medium. I see mostly green on server list.


There MAY be server merging in this year, it certainly looks like it.


Last time I read about subscibers, it was about 1.7 million. It feels like its 100k subs instead.


I don't know, But I do know that I loved this game, but now I can't stand to play it, exactly same thing with WoW. Maybe I am more like a Single player, I did enjoyed playing MMOs, but it was WoW, and other titles.

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The MMO Herd prefers to wait months or years for a new game than to return to play an improved game that they abandoned en masse early in it's existence.
Herds today are different than the herds of yesterday. The old herds moved about in communities who were fairly patient with developers and each other. A game's growing pains were tolerated because the genre was young and people were still learning how it worked. So building communities was fairly easy unless the game was pure fertilizer.


Today, herding communities has given way to herding cats where mobile everything has created huge clouds that feed instant gratification junkies with unheardof levels of information and annonymity. These cats still don't know how it works, though access to their clouds is reason enough to annoint themselves as instant experts. If improvements to whatever they deem fit for themselves aren't made faster than they can text about it, then they'll go back to surfing the clouds.


That is until their clouds tell them that a herd of other cats somehow formed a pride, kicked themselves for their ignorance (from the root word to 'ignore') and are going back to the future. At which time the stray will follow them ... using their handheld's built-in GPS. :D

Edited by GalacticKegger
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OP, in about 12 years after the subs for this game go below 10 million, and yes, this game will have 10 million subs within 2 years. I guarantee it.


10 million, they didn't even break 2 million at launch, and right around this time (90 days or so) a lot of players unsub, so the population is going down, not up.


you think 10 million people play this game? hehehe.

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This is the situation in Uthar Wynn (EU-Eng-PvP)


- Ilum PvP: the moment the daily is available and only for 1 hour; if you can't be there in that moment, you won't be able to complete the daily rather than gathering "bombs" or small group fights in the middle (usually never over 8 people)

- HM/Operations: almost impossible to make a pug group. If you don't have enough members in your guild is just "merge into another or do nothing"

- Warzones: in the past few days it's mostly Hutball between Republicans. But the thing that worries me is that 70% are new lev 50 characters from other players who got their full BM set and now they just don't have anything else to do. Still, when it comes to play against the Empire, it's just pointless even trying.

- Republic Fleet population: in the evening it NEVER goes over 50 players (1/3 are under-50)


For me is now just playing by myself and with my guildmates/friends.


MOST of European PvP servers are "Medium" in the evening, but WAY MORE empty than they should be.

Server cap is not the problem: you just need to log in to see how the situation is IMPOSSIBLE.


I hope they will merge servers before 1.2 patch, otherwise I think I'm just gonna go play another MMO. If I have to solo a game, I wouldn't have bought an MMO.


Bioware/EA were late when there was need of other servers/cap increase, and now are late with merging extremely low populated servers (if you sum all the Republic players that were online this evening/night, there weren't more then 200 counting every planet). And more and more guilds are merging together to keep the game alive, but still the situation is really worrisome.

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Just wait until 1.2 when there will be a wealth of great changes added to the game and people come back. There is absolutely no need for server merges right now.


that's doubtful. If you play a game for years, you might come back for an expansion or a patch.


But if people leave a game they know is a work-in-progress within the first 2 months.... yeah those guys are gone for good.

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Given the choice between heavily overpopulated, queued servers and too many medium pop servers, i'll take queued servers anyday. Getting online and being part of a flourishing playerbase the first week was amazing.


Queues are never acceptable.


As a temporary stop-gap due to circumstances, they're barely tollerable.


as a "you have to wait in line every time you log in" factor, they will KILL a game.


I do not, and will not, pay to wait in line.


I'm far from alone in this.

Edited by VorpalK
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Queues are never acceptable.


As a temporary stop-gap due to circumstances, they're barely tollerable.


as a "you have to wait in line every time you log in" factor, they will KILL a game.


I do not, and will not, pay to wait in line.


I'm far from alone in this.


To each his own.


I would rather wait 20-30 min to get on a server bustling with people than to log on with no wait on a dead server.

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To each his own.


I would rather wait 20-30 min to get on a server bustling with people than to log on with no wait on a dead server.


I don't have gaming time to waste waiting 20-30 minutes.


If I get disconnected in the middle of a night of gaming, I DEFINITELY don't have time to wait 20-30 minutes to get back in.


No successful MMO has queues under other than emergency circumstances.


Any that introduce them can kiss subscriptions goodbye forever, because most players don't like being abused.


My server is far from dead. I don't want it merged so that you can get a group at will.


You're free to re-roll on a high pop server.

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As someone who playes on a Heavy- Very Heavy US Server (Space Slug) it is still populated during peak times you can see 100-200 on both fleets and 20-100 on each world (varies on world) so why ask for a server merge BEFORE they even have Server Transfers so you can choose to transfer.
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Never happened. There is no such thing as kill stealing in this game. You tag it, you own it.




Well, today I was about to engage 2 mobs. A strong and a standard. I stunned the strong and engaged the standard. As I was about to finish with the first mob, some tool came running up and jumped on my stunned strong mob. When I proceeded to tell him what a jerk he was, his response was 'should've tagged him'.


So, there is no such thing as kill stealing? :confused:

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Well, today I was about to engage 2 mobs. A strong and a standard. I stunned the strong and engaged the standard. As I was about to finish with the first mob, some tool came running up and jumped on my stunned strong mob. When I proceeded to tell him what a jerk he was, his response was 'should've tagged him'.


So, there is no such thing as kill stealing? :confused:


of course the rules lawyer you're responding to will say that the dude didn't steal your kill because you didn't tag him.


Crap like that is exactly why we don't need to be over-crowding instances or servers. I know some people just love not being able to turn around without seeing people contesting spawns and generally not being able to finish quests. Somehow it warms the cockles of their hearts to know that no one will ever complete a solo quest without a lot of scrambling for limited spawns. All just so a few people that want to group up and join at the hip all night don't have to spend any time finding a group.


It's not really conducive to a fun time for most normal players.

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This is the situation in Uthar Wynn (EU-Eng-PvP)


- Ilum PvP: the moment the daily is available and only for 1 hour; if you can't be there in that moment, you won't be able to complete the daily rather than gathering "bombs" or small group fights in the middle (usually never over 8 people)

- HM/Operations: almost impossible to make a pug group. If you don't have enough members in your guild is just "merge into another or do nothing"

- Warzones: in the past few days it's mostly Hutball between Republicans. But the thing that worries me is that 70% are new lev 50 characters from other players who got their full BM set and now they just don't have anything else to do. Still, when it comes to play against the Empire, it's just pointless even trying.

- Republic Fleet population: in the evening it NEVER goes over 50 players (1/3 are under-50)


For me is now just playing by myself and with my guildmates/friends.


MOST of European PvP servers are "Medium" in the evening, but WAY MORE empty than they should be.

Server cap is not the problem: you just need to log in to see how the situation is IMPOSSIBLE.


I hope they will merge servers before 1.2 patch, otherwise I think I'm just gonna go play another MMO. If I have to solo a game, I wouldn't have bought an MMO.


I quote every single word! I'm on the same server and I hope Bioware will merge low population servers really soon. Otherwise I'll cancel my subscription.

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The server I am currently on is Dead.


90% of the 100 plus player guild I am in quit the game due to this and the Huge amount of bugs.

Now to be fair, some left to start over on other servers.


If I log in and see more then 20 people in fleet it's a miracle. (This includes peak hours)


I have to much time invested to start over somewhere else.


Common Bioware! I am paying for a MMO, Not a single player game.


Server merges need to happen now. If you think people are going to re sub to these servers because Legacy came out, your in for a shock.

I hope you guys do something about this, I really do.


If you don't your just going to lose more and more players due to this issue alone.


Merge the Damn Servers!

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We need to merge the servers because all the WoW people and people who were curious about the game have come and gone and now the people willing to pay to play are here to stay we've weeded out the curious. we either need a server merge or a Cross-server LFG tool for PvP and Pve or both! as I am on a "standard" pop server and cannot get any groups together for flashpoints, there is a whopping 25 people in fleet at peak hours and a huge 5 on illum. Cross-server LFG Tools and server mergers needed BIOWARE.
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I think server merges should be a last resort after offering free transfers. Do you really want BW automatically picking a merge and screwing with toon names? At least with transfers I have the option to pick where I want to go.


You naysayers about server pop are just plain dumb. Most of the people on this thread are saying how much we like the game, and yet that still means we are just complainers? Paying a subscription to not be able to enjoy the game properly is pointless. Rerolling is a ridiculous resolution. Sorry I don't have an extra month to waste doing the same crap over again to help BW with their lack of vision and planning. There are fan boys and then there are people who enjoy bending over way too much.

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My server is dead. 20 people tops on fleet during prime time evenings. Crevasse City. Really makes this game fun, let me tell ya.


If i cant transfer servers by the end of march I doubt i will resub.

Edited by Ushela
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My server is dead. 20 people tops on fleet during prime time evenings. Crevasse City. Really makes this game fun, let me tell ya.


If i cant transfer servers by the end of march I doubt i will resub.


Yup exactly, I have dead toons with time invested on a dead server, and rerolled on a new, busy one - which is now showing less population that even a week ago. If nothing happens soon will be cancelling. Not paying 10 pounds a month for a single player.

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I usually don't like to moan or anything, but they really need to merge some servers or offer server transfer.


Don't see the point of having 20 light pop servers, 5-6 standard and a few heavy. An answer from Bioware would be nice.

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I agree.. I had a blast with this game in Beta tons of people busy chats... this is almost boring.. I have my buddies from WOW in my guild but have met no one new in this game and that's what its about... I love the game but something has to be done... and if I'm forced to move my toon to another server fine. as long as my friends in my guild are moved together.
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I've said this before - the important investors would do their research and understand that this particular server merge isn't the sign of a dying game, just the circumstances of launch. Investors who aren't aware of this kind of stuff probably shouldn't be (and aren't) major players in financing the game.


I think BW is more concerned with how it would look to the general public. But really it's not the "general public"; it's to the community of former MMO players who follow gaming news. A brand new MMO player just signing up for the game probably wouldn't give a hoot about the fact that a server merge just happened.

Edited by Stenrik
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Just wanted to throw this out there. I'm too interested in server merging. I'm on Crevasse City. I don't mind the low population except that I'm missing out on content. Sometimes I can't get groups to do Flashpoints. It's really eerie to look at the number of people on the Fleet and see me and one other person, who also happens to be in my guild. Sometimes I wait hours to do one round of PvP.


I actually love questing on a low population server because I feel like it's all my story! But I'd love to enjoy the content that I can't play because I can't find a group.

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