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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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I can't understand how people who are comfortable in populated servers complain about us, complainers of empty worlds, is just funny. Is like a healthy guy telling cancer is not that bad.


It's simple. The mayority of players are stranded in severs who have around 200 lvl 50 players in peak times, which is TO LOW, no matter if standard, low or heavy... people available to do things is to low, for a mmo which has no cross server, and this aplyes to PvE and PvP.


In Ilum should be mandatory to have at least two groups of 20 people fighting for objetives (aiming low!), instead i spend the day picking boxes in a deserted ice mountain with 4 more imps, whith casual skirmishes of 2-3-4 vs 2-3-4. The largest "battle" i saw was a 10 vs 10 for 15 minutes.


Narak, Bounty Hunter of the single player MMO.

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I can't understand how people who are comfortable in populated servers complain about us, complainers of empty worlds, is just funny. Is like a healthy guy telling cancer is not that bad.


It's simple. The mayority of players are stranded in severs who have around 200 lvl 50 players in peak times, which is TO LOW, no matter if standard, low or heavy... people available to do things is to low, for a mmo which has no cross server, and this aplyes to PvE and PvP.


In Ilum should be mandatory to have at least two groups of 20 people fighting for objetives (aiming low!), instead i spend the day picking boxes in a deserted ice mountain with 4 more imps, whith casual skirmishes of 2-3-4 vs 2-3-4. The largest "battle" i saw was a 10 vs 10 for 15 minutes.


Narak, Bounty Hunter of the single player MMO.


It's just the sad state of the gaming community in general. Many gamers spend their lives shacked up in their rooms, with little, if no day light at all. They become introverted, in their own selfish epocs... i find it funny, when you spend ages grouping for an instance, for someone to say 'Am only here for xxxx, so lets make this quick!'.. or they simply get their Item and then AFK/Log off!!! I seem to forget I pay to play a game for other peoples pleasure and not my own...


Don't worry due to costs of maintaining Servers, BW will merge realms soon enough. They are just waiting for the fallout to settle before doing so. I think they also need to get rid of the instanced zones, they are so EQ2!! This will also make zones look a lot fuller....

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What they need to do is take servers that are heavier with one faction, and merge them with servers that are heavier with another faction. Try to balance it out so it's 1:1 not 1:2-5 like a lot of the servers are.


You mean merge servrs that aren't as badly overpopulated with Empire with ones that are, right?


Although apparently a good number of PVP guilds re-rolled from empire to republican because they were tired of Huttball...

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Kellian Jarro peaktime Republic fleet population is now down to around 30-35 most nights I log in. (still flagged as 'standard' populaion though)


I've rolled an alt BH on Tomb of Freedon Nadd and the difference is like night and day.


300+ on the fleet during peak, 100+ on Drommund Kaas and 70+ on Balmorra/Nar Shadda, hell even at 1:30 in the morning there was still 160 people on the fleet on a Thursday night.


But all that means is one less 50 on a dying server, so I continue to implore Bioware to merge some damn servers so people can play the game the way it was meant to be played (ie with other people)

Edited by jedip_enguin
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Kellian Jarro peaktime Republic fleet population is now down to around 30-35 most nights I log in. (still flagged as 'standard' populaion though)


I've rolled an alt BH on Tomb of Freedon Nadd and the difference is like night and day.


300+ on the fleet during peak, 100+ on Drommund Kaas and 70+ on Balmorra/Nar Shadda, hell even at 1:30 in the morning there was still 160 people on the fleet on a Thursday night.


But all that means is one less 50 on a dying server, so I continue to implore Bioware to merge some damn servers so people can play the game the way it was meant to be played (ie with other people)


You mean..play the game the way "you think" it should be played. I for one..donot want to be on a heavy populated server. If they do anything at all about this issue, they should allow free transfers for those who wish to get on a server loaded with a bunch of players. Some players donot like the "zoning and sharding " which is evident in the game. I do.

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Kellian Jarro peaktime Republic fleet population is now down to around 30-35 most nights I log in. (still flagged as 'standard' populaion though))


Perhaps people are just doing more questing on planets. Fleet isn't always a good show of a server's or faction's situation.

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I'm sure all those crying about empty servers and server merges are those that cried about 30min - 2 hours ques during launch.

You got what you wanted back then, now re-roll if it doesn't suit you.




Remeber you guys very well, calling everyone a mindless fanboy, who said that queues were a problem, we simply had to deal with until the big wave of the first 2 weeks would end.

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You mean..play the game the way "you think" it should be played. I for one..donot want to be on a heavy populated server. If they do anything at all about this issue, they should allow free transfers for those who wish to get on a server loaded with a bunch of players. Some players donot like the "zoning and sharding " which is evident in the game. I do.


Raiding/PvP/Flashpoints are the core of the game once you;re at max level. All these things require a healthy population to be sustainable.


And the only place with high enough population for sharding to really affect you would be the fleet, so it just feels like you;re reaching to me.

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Perhaps people are just doing more questing on planets. Fleet isn't always a good show of a server's or faction's situation.


It's by far the busiest area on any server with a mature population, so you're grasping at straws here. But needless to say all the other zones are sub 20 at the very best (most are much lower), and most of those are alts.


A quick /who 50 will suffice though, and every time i've done one this week its been less that 50


I rolled on KJ during early access, as Bioware requested we use the less populated servers, in hingsight that was a huge mistake and now I'm being punished for doing as Bioware asked.

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I am on TTarentarek which is a US East PVP server and I have no issues with population. So I wouldn't say that 'Every" server has low pops.


And for those of you claiming that this will be free to play in 6 months and callign this game a train wreck are either trolling or have not been part of an MMO launch before.


If you wanted to see a 'train wreck' MMO launch then you should have been there for the AOC launch. Unbalanced classes, bugs galore, not enough content past level 45 (80 was max level at launch)


And to top it off the dev team was resorting to knee-jerk reactions when nerfing classes. It was so bad that when anyone called out a class for being OP the devs would nerf without even doing their own evaluations. They were patching every 2 days and each patch made the game even worse.


TOR had a reasonably smooth launch. Was the game perfect? No, but the devs have been steadily fixing bugs and making tiny class balance changes and the game has steadily improved since its launch.


It may lack in some basic features but those features have been promised and are on their way.

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I'm sure all those crying about empty servers and server merges are those that cried about 30min - 2 hours ques during launch.

You got what you wanted back then, now re-roll if it doesn't suit you.


and I'm sure all those crying about people who cry about empty servers all basement dwellers who probably yell at their mommies for serving them the wrong chip dip. see what i did there?

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I agree the servers are dead, alot of them, I know my server its tough to get anything done and less and less people are logging in, as it stands there are less people who like raiding in this game, and its hard to even get people to raid..


They need to merge servers and now, or soon as TSW comes out, i'm gone..

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They need to merge servers and now, or soon as TSW comes out, i'm gone..


I start by quoting you, because it is my exact feeling atm.


I have chars spread in some servers and I can only consider Legions of Lettow (EU) an "healthy" server Imp side and somewhere near "healthy" Rep side.


Kai-kan Imp side, Niman Rep side, Uthar Wynn Imp side, Rogue Moon Rep side (all EU) have low-population numbers (judging both by fleet and planet numbers in prime time). All of them are usually stated as having moderate population.


Even re-rolling in a more populated server is a real shot in the dark, because moderate means near empty and previously to your arrival at the fleet you can't judge how the population of the chosen faction will be.


I really can't understand what's the matter with Bioware in this issue... pride? I saw this in WoW, Blizz just refusing to merge servers, probably because they earned money with transfers and probably because it could "look bad" assuming that population decreased...


At this point I am only playing my chars on one server (Legions of Lettow); there in Imp side is not easy to group for under 50 flashpoints (Bioware fault for giving us a pre-historical LFG tool that only works for a restrict area); in Rep it gets almost impossible... As for my chars in other servers I only log in now and then to check population numbers; after getting the reallity picture I log out...

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They really do need to do some merges. There are 125 servers for the US alone, and only 5 of them ever reach standard. The community is spread out much too thin.


The server I play on rarely, if ever, reaches 100 users.


...what time are you playing on the servers..I play during Prime time and almost all of them are standard with a decent scatterings of Heavy.

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I'm in 100% agreement with the OP and others of like-mind. Anyone stating that server population is NOT an issue is more than likely on a server with decent population size, which obviously makes that statement useless.


I picked Saber of Exar Kun during early access, and it was a really crowded server. It's been decent, but has gradually become a low pop server. I'm logged on right now, and I'm on Taris. There are 6 people on Taris. 6!!! I don't care if this is 2PM EST during non-peak hours. How can you can do any heroics or group play on a planet with only 6 people? When I'm on at night from 10PM - 2AM EST, the pop is roughly in the 10s-30s. I'm sorry but that's just absurd. I LOVE THIS GAME, but the population issues are killing me.


For what it's worth, BW has essentially created a MMOSRPG (Massively multiplayer single player RPG). I wish I was trying to make a stupid joke here, but this has been my experience when not logged on at the highest peak hours of the day or when all of my friends happen to be on to group up. This is a legit issue, and people need to stop claiming that it's not.

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If they dont merge or at least allow free transfers by 1.2 patch i will quit and i am sure many others will too. TERA is around the corner same with GW2 so no biggy for me.


The people that complain about the people that complain about empty server have no idea whats its like on a low pop server.


My server used to be high pop, now low and its hell to find a party, hell to get in a pvp warzone, hell to do ilum. Avg fleet pop is 30-50 people by 6pm est, then at peak times it can reach 60-80 but it lasts for only 2-3 hours.


People also say if they merge servers it seems like SWTOR is dieing, well what about when you look at server list and see a bunch of low pop servers?

Edited by evildestroyer
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Just un-subbed, have 2 days left on my play time. I like this game, I really do. I'm starving for an mmo, and I do not want to go back to Wow. But they need to do server transfers/consolidations. It's like pulling teeth to get groups together. Where's the mmo in this mmorpg? 8 pm last night, 10 on Ilum. Really bad, especially Republic side.


I don't give a crap about stuff like custom UI, target of target, or even LFG tool, etc. Well, I do, but I'm not ************ about that. Having people to play with is the most critical issue right now.


smh :(:(:(

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