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Romance Kaliyo or Temple?


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i thought to stick with Kaliyo all the way..

Now i'm 50 and she really pissed me off.

Now i regret i said Temple, when having talk, that "Kaliyo comes first" for me. Is there any way to repeat some romance talks? (or particularly generally speaking any way you can 'redo' some quest choice?).


I really would like to start romance Temple now, but flirt options are not present now when i talk to her, since i said, what i said. Any chance for 'replay'?


cheers :)

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Does letting watcher X go kill your romance storyline with Kaliyo?



Dont think so. I let him go and some point later in the game there was a convo option allowing me to break up with her, not that I agreed to go out with the baldy in the first place but there you go.

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I believe You can romance Kaliyo for a good while up to the marriage option..., you can then romance Temple up to the marriage option, but she'll make you choose. Someone here did mention that you might be able to get around that by keeping Kaliyo's conversation open before choosing temple...but I haven't tried it to confirm it's true and if it is an exploit....it could be fixed.


Personally...I kind of regret dumping Kaliyo for Temple...:o

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I married Kaliyo, then later got Temple's affection up and bedded her.


She just asked me to tell Kaliyo it was over first.


So..... spoilers:


I was married twice (Kaliyo and Voss girl (so sad I can't even remember her name) and fully plan to ask Temple when I get to that stage.


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  • 2 months later...

I thought I was going to romance Kaliyo all the way as well.

But, after having to travel the galaxy to kill off her lovers, I had no problems hitting the flirt option with Temple.


I just finished the f'd up part of the Kaliyo quest where I had to kick some shirtless dude off my ship.

I think we need an option to kill Kaliyo, or at least take her back to Nimro in a slave collar.

I don't want this biach on my ship!


Personally, I think this was real bad twist to add to the story.

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Personally, I think this was real bad twist to add to the story.


Come on now!! think about that.


The Kaliyo relationship is fun because of its unpredictability and realism. I also think that making us the jealous lover, rather than letting our characters 'love em and leave em' beginning to end, is one of the high points of our stories.


Of my 4 toons and 16 affectionable companions, she's the one I have the most fun comparing to some of the nut jobs I've dated in real life. :)

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I thought I was going to romance Kaliyo all the way as well.

But, after having to travel the galaxy to kill off her lovers, I had no problems hitting the flirt option with Temple.


I just finished the f'd up part of the Kaliyo quest where I had to kick some shirtless dude off my ship.

I think we need an option to kill Kaliyo, or at least take her back to Nimro in a slave collar.

I don't want this biach on my ship!


Personally, I think this was real bad twist to add to the story.


Yah, my thoughts exactly.

I dont mind my crew members ************, but ************ with some dirty dock labourer on my ship poses security risc. I wanted to shoot them both :D

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I must be in the minority here but I freaking LOVE kaliyo. Her constant sarcasm and seemingly casual attitute while saying some pretty shocking things are just awesome to me. True she's pissed me off a few times, that shirtless guy on the ship being one of them, but she somewhat starts to come around (in her own special way). Just figuring out what she'll like in conversations is a mini-game in of itself, since her mouth can say one thing but the +15 affection bar can say another. :D
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Honestly, I can't see the appeal of romancing any of our companions beyond the "one night stand" level.


Kaliyo is a cruel, narcisistic, user who only cares about herself, if that. She'll stick with you while you're fun but will literally sell you out if it benefits her.


Vector is sweet in a way, but the things he says make no sense and his joining makes him seem detached most of the time.


Lokin is the coolest, I think. He's smart, resourceful, experienced, and surprisingly well-built. He reminds me of the "Most Interesting Man in the World", actually. He does have an undercurrent of selfishness, though, that you can uncover based on his affection gains in surprising places. I get the feeling that he'd abandon me if things ever got too tense just out of a sense of self-preservation. And there's the whole Rakghoul thing...


Temple is hot, but freakin annoying. The constant pleas for attention and praise are grating. And her unquestioning devotion to the Empire is just stupid based on her past.



She *literally* kills her own loving father who basically gives up his whole life to protect her just because she's so brainlessly devoted to following Imperial rules to the letter!




Even if you could romance SCORPIO, whould you dare? Even at full affection, she barely moves off her "I'll kill you the first chance I get" stance.

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I thought I was going to romance Kaliyo all the way as well.

But, after having to travel the galaxy to kill off her lovers, I had no problems hitting the flirt option with Temple.


For one thing, they weren't all ex lovers....secondly, I talked her out of killing them. Unlike Temple, you can reason with Kaliyo when she wants to do stupid things :)

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There was a point where I gave Kaliyo a RING. After I reached 3K with Temple I was offered the option to make her 'mine'. I dumped Kaliyo and chose Temple, Oh man was the cat fight in my ship quarters worth the entire box price! Ill never regret dumping Kaliyo for Temple!
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Cat fight? I wish, they never even talked to each other :p I think you dreamed that.


The funny thing is, Kaliyo will give you positive affection for choosing Temple over her, as long as you don't choose the "she's crazy" option. And she'll give you negative affection for telling Temple that Kaliyo is more important. Quite clearly Kaliyo WANTS to get rid of you, lol.

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